The MIT Press (23 kníh )
- Warwick Fox A Theory of General Ethics EN
- Francis Halle Atlas of Poetic Botany
- Emmanuelle Pouydebat, Julie Terrazzoni (ilustrácie) Atlas of Poetic Zoology
- Daren C. Brabham Crowdsourcing EN
- Alison Hope Alkon Cultivating Food Justice EN
- Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data EN
- George Bekefi Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves, and Radiation EN
- Václav Smil Growth
- Cass R. Sunstein How Change Happens
- Michael Buckland Information and Society
- Robert C. Stalnaker Inquiry EN
- Thomas H. Cormen Introduction to Algorithms EN
- W. Edwards Deming Out of the Crisis EN
- W. Edwards Deming Out of the Crisis
- Gina Nef, Dawn Nafus Self-Tracking
- Harold Abelson Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs EN
- Arnold Pacey Technology in World Civilization EN
- Cass R. Sunstein The Cost-Benefit Revolution
- Donald A. Norman The Design of Everyday Things, revised and ex...
- Lev Manovich The Language of New Media EN
- William Sims Bainbridge The Warcraft Civilization
- Moshe Zeidner, Gerald Matthews, Richard D. Roberts What We Know about Emotional Intelligence
- Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie Women in Science EN