Tom Hutchinson (20 kníh)
Tom Hutchinson Project 2 - Workbook EN
A five-level course for 10 - 15 year olds, based on the highly popular and innovative Project English, incorporating a new structure and design, complete revision of the original material, plus substantial new material.
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Tom Hutchinson Project 2 - Workbook EN
A five-level course for 10 - 15 year olds, based on the highly popular and innovative Project English, incorporating a new structure and design, complete revision of the original material, plus substantial new material.
Kúpiť za 5 € -
Tom Hutchinson New Hotline - Elementary EN
This edition of Hotline contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model; and encouragement for students to take more control of their learning needs.
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Tom Hutchinson New Hotline - Elementary EN
This edition of Hotline contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model; and encouragement for students to take more control of their learning needs.
Kúpiť za 1,50 € -
Tom Hutchinson Project English 3 - Student's Book EN
Učebnica angličtiny, ktorá pokračuje v spôsobe prezentovaniagramatiky v predchadzajúcich stupňoch Project English 1 a Project English 2. Zvýrazňuje sa však viac funkčná stránka jazyka. Zábavná časť knihy nadväzuje na ídeu The Canterbury Tales.V nejskupina mladých ľudí tvorí kočovnú spoločnosť nazvanú Canterbury Holidays. Všetci spoločne sa túlajúpo krajine a sprevádzajú nás zážitkami a cestami, ktoré prešli. …
Kúpiť za 2 € -
Tom Hutchinson New Hotline - Intermediate EN
This edition of Hotline contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model; and encouragement for students to take more control of their learning needs.
Kúpiť za 3 € -
Tom Hutchinson Project English 2 - Student's Book EN
Učebnica pokračuje v spôsobe prezentovania gramatiky z Project English 1. Je tvorená formou 8 vydaní komixových príbehov podľa vlastného námetu. Hlavnými hrdinami príbehov sú hot Dog a Cool Cat, súkromní detektívi, ktorí prinášajú do učenia svoj humor, nové slovíčka a gramatické javy.
Kúpiť za 5 € -
Tom Hutchinson Project 2 - Workbook EN
A five-level course for 10 - 15 year olds, based on the highly popular and innovative Project English, incorporating a new structure and design, complete revision of the original material, plus substantial new material.
Kúpiť za 1 € -
Tom Hutchinson Project 3 - Student´s Book EN
Project Third edition is based on the best-selling Project course for students aged 10-15. The new edition has been revised and updated to meet the needs of today´s classrooms following extensive research among Project users. CEF: A2 - B1
Kúpiť za 8 € -
Tom Hutchinson Project 3 - Teacher's Book EN
Tried, tested, trusted ...and now even better!
Kúpiť za 10 € -
Tom Hutchinson Project 4 - Student's Book EN
Inovovaný 5-stupňový kurz angličtiny určený pre deti od 10 rokov. Project prináša vyučovanie angličtiny príjemným, motivujúcim spôsobom. Jednoduchá gramatická skladba, prezentovanie jazyka v realistickom kontexte pomôžu deťom pri prvých problémoch, ktoré angličtina pre nich prináša. Student's Book obsahuje materiál pre 90 vyučovacích hodín, časť je vyhradená pre cvičenia zamerané na výslovnosť, gramatiku a pod.…
Kúpiť za 6 € -
Tom Hutchinson New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate EN
This edition of Hotline contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model; and encouragement for students to take more control of their learning needs.
Kúpiť za 3 € -
Tom Hutchinson Project 3 - Pracovný zošit EN
Project fourth edition uses the proven Project methodology in a new engaging format. Your students will love the redesigned cartoons, new compelling exercises, and innovative digital package. We’ve listened to feedback from teachers around the world and kept all the things you’ve loved from previous editions while enhancing and updating the material to make it more engaging than ever before.
Kúpiť za 5 €