Michael V. Pantalon (3 knihy)
Michael V. Pantalon Instant Influence EN
There are six simple steps in INSTANT INFLUENCE, as follows: 1. Why might you change? 2. How ready are you to change? (on a scale of 1 to 10) 3. Why didn't you pick a lower number? 4. Imagine you've changed - what are the positive outcomes? 5. Why are those outcomes important to you? 6. What's the next step? This scientifically tested method succeeds in every area of work and life by helping people tap…
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Michael V. Pantalon Instant Influence
This scientifically tested method succeeds in every area of work and life by helping people tap into their deeply personal reasons for wanting to change and finding a spark of a 'yes' within an initial 'no'...
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Michael V. Pantalon Okamžité ovplyvnenie
Povedzme, že vaši zamestnanci stále chodia do práce neskoro. Horí vám termín a váš tím nespolupracuje. Okamžité ovplyvnenie bude motivovať spolupracovníkov, cudzích ľudí a dokonca aj vás, aby ste sa zmenili. Využite ho u vás doma – bez hrozieb presvedčte deti, aby si upratovali izbu, alebo konečne začnite pravidelne cvičiť. Zvládnite techniku okamžitého ovplyvnenia za pol hodiny a sledujte, ako účinkuje už za sedem…