Liz Soars (26 kníh)
Liz Soars, John Soars Slovník New Headway (Third Edition) EN
Slovník k učebniciam New Headway z vydavateľstva Oxford University Press. V slovníku je spracovaná slovná zásoba ku knihám úrovne Elementary,Pre-Intermediate a Intermediate. Slovník je zoradený podľa jednotlivých lekcií.
Kúpiť za 1 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Upper-Intermediate - Student´s Book EN
Whats different about the NEW edition of New Headway Upper-Intermediate? - New Up-to-date topics and texts with global appeal - New Listening passages with wide-ranging examples of authentic English - New Spoken English sections extend grammar presentations to cover informal phrases - New Music of English boxes highlight stress and intonation patterns in the Every English sections
Kúpiť za 1 € -
John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book EN
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An Authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks combine with a real understanding of what works in the clasroom. It all makes for effective teaching and e3ffective learning. Tried and tested all over the world, it's probablz the most popular course ever written!
Kúpiť za 1 € -
John Soars, Liz Soars New HeadwayPre-Intermediate - Student's Book EN
The first ever 4th edition from the world's most trusted course - New Headway Pre Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material.
Zadarmo -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student's Book EN
The first ever 4th edition from the world's most trusted course - New Headway Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material. Key features * 100% new grammar presentations. * 100% new listening material. * 100% new reading texts. * 'Spoken English' and 'Music of English' features - new to Intermediate. * More teacher support for mixed-ability classes.
Kúpiť za 2,50 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars Headway - Upper-Intermediate New -Student's Book EN
New Headway English Course je pokračovateťom veľmi úspešného súboru učebníc Headway, ktorý v novej podobe obsahuje 5 stupňov. Nový kurz je písaný na základe najnovších poznatkov zistených pri vyučovaní angličtiny s motivovaním pre dospelých žiakov, ale aj mladých študentov. Headway 4 Upper-Intermediate ponúka nový prístup v učení pre pokročilých. V gramatike sa ponára do väčšej hĺbky a učí študentov pochopiť…
Kúpiť za 4 € -
John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student's Book EN
The world’s best-selling adult English course – a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. - s anglicko-slovenským slovníkom - s prípravou na maturitnú skúšku
Kúpiť za 5 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Upper-Intermediate - Workbook without Key EN
New Headway Upper-Intermediate recognizes that learners at this level require a different approach to language learning. It moves away from examining language items in isolation, exploring grammatical areas in greater depth so that students begin to perceive the systems that underlie the language.
Kúpiť za 1 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Elementary - Student´s Book EN
This is the Elementary edition brought right up-to-date, with new topics and new features. The Workbook, Teacher's Book, Teacher's Resource Book, Audio CD, and CD-ROM have all been revised.
Kúpiť za 3 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Upper-Intermediate - Student´s Book EN
Whats different about the NEW edition of New Headway Upper-Intermediate? - New Up-to-date topics and texts with global appeal - New Listening passages with wide-ranging examples of authentic English - New Spoken English sections extend grammar presentations to cover informal phrases - New Music of English boxes highlight stress and intonation patterns in the Every English sections
Kúpiť za 10 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate – Workbook with key EN
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks, combine with a real understanding of wht works in the classrom. It all makes for effective teaching and effective learning. Tried and tested all over the world, it is probably the most popular course ever written!
Kúpiť za 3 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate – Workbook with key EN
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks, combine with a real understanding of wht works in the classrom. It all makes for effective teaching and effective learning. Tried and tested all over the world, it is probably the most popular course ever written!
Kúpiť za 3 € -
John Soars, Liz Soars Headway - Elementary - Student's Book
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Kúpiť za 11 € -
John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with key (Fourth edition) EN
The first ever fourth edition from the world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, completely rewritten and packed with new material.
Kúpiť za 3 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars Slovník New Headway (New Headway Intermediate, New Headway Intermediate New, New Headway Upper-Intermediate) EN
Dlho očakávaný praktický slovník pre všetkých študentov angličtiny. Ak navštevujete jazykovú školu a ste pokročilejším znalcom angličtiny určite siahnite po tomto slovníčku.
Kúpiť za 5 € -
John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book EN
New Headway English Course is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners.
Kúpiť za 3 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars Headway - Elementary - Student´s Book EN
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks combine with a real understanding of what works in the classroom.
Kúpiť za 2 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Upper-Intermediate - Student´s Book EN
Whats different about the NEW edition of New Headway Upper-Intermediate? - New Up-to-date topics and texts with global appeal - New Listening passages with wide-ranging examples of authentic English - New Spoken English sections extend grammar presentations to cover informal phrases - New Music of English boxes highlight stress and intonation patterns in the Every English sections
Kúpiť za 2 € -
John Soars, Liz Soars New HeadwayPre-Intermediate - Student's Book EN
The first ever 4th edition from the world's most trusted course - New Headway Pre Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material.
Kúpiť za 5 € -
Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student´s Book EN
This is a brand-new edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed.
Kúpiť za 5 €