vydavateľ neuvedený (399 kníh )
Pavol Dobšinský Prostonárodnie slovenské povesti 5 - 8
Elektronická kópia pôvodného vydania prekladu rozprávok P. Dobšinského, viazané v náhradnej väzbe. Tlač len na objednávku.
Władysław Matuszkiewicz Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski PL
Praktyczne narzędzie do identyfikacji zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski, a zarazem swoista monografia roślinności naszego kraju. Bardzo ważna publikacja oczekiwana przez studentów i pracowników różnych urzędów. Nowe, zmienione i uzupełnione wydanie tej pozycji zostało wyposażone w schematy obrazujące strukturę opisywanych zbiorowisk oraz niezbędne skorowidze i mapy rozmieszczenia zbiorowisk leśnych Polski. Uwzględniono…
Howard A. Smith Psychosemiotics EN
This book introduces psychosemiotics, the study of how we learn, understand, and use the signs of culture. In describing seven signways through which we come to know our worlds, Howard A. Smith applies insights from multiple intelligences theory, evolutionary psychology, and the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce. This book also provides implications for educational practice and suggestions for ongoing inquiry in…
Mary Quant Quant
The autobiography of Mary Quant—the inventor of the miniskirt—was originally published in 1966 at the height of Swinging London. After opening her groundbreaking boutique Bazaar on London’s King’s Road in 1955, ...
Mao Tse-Tung Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung EN
Comrade Mao Tse-tung is the greatest Marxist-Leninist of our era. He has inherited, defended and developed Marxism-Leninism with genius, creatively and comprehensively, and has brought it to a higher and completely new stage. Mao Tse-tung's thought is Marxism-Leninism of the era in which imperialism is heading for total collapse and socialism is advancing to world-wide victory. It is a powerful ideological weapon…
Rachel Allen Rachel's Favourite Food EN
What am I going to cook tonight? Anyone who cooks regularly for friends, family or just for themselves will be very familiar with that question. The difficult part is often not preparing the food - which can be enjoyable and simple - but coming up with ideas in the first place. Rachel's Favourite Food offers inspiring ideas for the different kinds of meals that make up each week, from Sunday brunch to simple comfort…
Ján Sucháň Radosť a bolesť
Výber z nedeľných stretnutí Jána Sucháňa s poslucháčmi v rádiu Viva, ktoré odzneli od decembra 2009 do októbra 2010.
Gendün Rinpočhe Rady ze srdce mistra mahámudry CZ
Život a učení jednoho z velkých mistrů tibetského buddhismu naší doby. Jeho rady od srdce týkající se základní aspektů duchovního vývoje a osvobození.
Andrew W. Ellis Reading, Writing and Dyslexia EN
Research in cognitive psychology has contributed much to our understanding of reading and spelling. Most of this work has concentrated on the processes used by literate adults to comprehend and produce written language, but there is a growing interest in applying cognitive theories to the development of literacy, and to the understanding of disorders of reading and writing. Such disorders may be acquired as a…
Sean B. Carroll Remarkable Creatures EN
In 1809, when Darwin was born, much of the world was an unexplored wilderness. Our knowledge of the past was nonexistent, and our picture of our species' history little more than a set of fantastic myths and fairytales. But a new era was dawning. Five decades later, On the Origin of the Species was able to draw on the pioneering work of explorers and naturalists to produce a theory that revolutionized our conception…
Jean-Claude Sabonnadière Renewable Energy Technologies EN
This book deals with the emerging generation of renewable energy technologies, covering solar energy (photovoltaic, thermal and thermodynamic energy conversion), wind energy, marine energy, small hydropower, geothermal energy, biofuels, biogas and the use of wood as a substitute for fossil fuels.
H. Russell Bernard Research Methods in Anthropology EN
Research Methods in Anthropology is the standard textbook for methods classes in anthropology.
Lénárt László, Martina Zeleňáková Riešenie aktuálnych otázok ochrany pred povodňami v Slovenskej a Maďarskej Republike / Segédlet a szlovák magyar árvízvédelem aktuális kérdéseihez
Dvojjazyčná slovensko-maďarská publikácia vznikla v rámci projektu s názvom Štúdia stavu pripravenosti samospráv a ďalších etník na riešenie protipovodňovej ochrany.
David Annandale Roboute Guilliman
Launch title in The Horus Heresy: Primarchs series, a brand new sequence of novels from Black Library. Long before the coming of the Imperium, the realm of Ultramar was ruled by Roboute Guilliman, the last Battle King of Macragge. Even after learning of his true heritage as a primarch son of the Emperor of Mankind, he strove to expand his domain as efficiently and benevolently as possible, with the XIII Legion…
Ben Law Roundwood Timber Framing EN
This definitive manual marks the birth of a new vernacular for the 21st century. Over 400 color photographs and step-by-step instructions guide you through the building of anything from a garden shed to your own woodland house. This practical how to book will unquestionably be a benchmark for sustainable building using renewable local resources and evolving traditional skills to create durable, ecological, and…
Pavel Horňák Rozprávkový Nezabudníček
Práve máš v rukách svoj prvý Nezábudníček. Je to tvoj nový kamarát, ktorý by ti mohol pomôcť, aby si na nič nezabudol. Na stretnutia s priateľmi, s tvojou prvou láskou, ale aj na úlohy či povinnosti, čo ti nakázala urobiť mama. Pomôže ti aj nezabudnúť na meniny či narodeniny svojich kamarátov. Stačí pozrieť do zoznamu mien a napísať si do diára....
Jaromír Šimonek Rozvoj výbušnej sily dolných končatín v športe
Kniha Rozvoj výbušnej sily dolných končatín v športe poskytuje trénerom zásobník tréningových prostriedkov orientovaných na rozvoj výbušnej sily dolných končatín ako aj základné poznatky o metodike ich rozvoja. Výbušná sila dolných končatín patrí medzi faktory štruktúry športového výkonu, ktoré vo väčšine športov priamo alebo nepriamo podmieňujú športový výkon. Pri výbere cvičení autori vychádzali z tréningovej…
Ajay Malik RTLS For Dummies EN
Select, invest in, and deploy a Real Time Location System Is your business ready for an RTLS? This friendly, hands-on guide shows you how to understand and implement this cutting-edge technology, explaining RTLS methodologies in plain English. From the initial deployment to monitoring to determining Return on Investment, you'll see how to successfully meet your needs, ensure data accuracy, and sustain your system. …