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Verso (33 kníh )

  • Jean-Paul Sartre The Freud Scenario EN

    In 1958, the US director John Huston asked Jean-Paul Sartre to write a scenario for a film about Sigmund Freud. Huston wanted Sartre to concentrate on the conflict-ridden period of Freud’s life when he abandoned hypnosis and invented psychoanalysis. The Freud Scenario, discovered in Sartre’s papers after his death, is the result - a deft portrait of a man engaged in a personal and intellectual struggle that would…

  • Seymour M. Hersh The Killing of Osama Bin Laden

    In 2011, an elite group of US Navy SEALS stormed an enclosure in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad and killed Osama bin Laden, the man the United States had begun chasing before the devastating attacks of 9/11...

  • Roberto Mangabeira Unger The Knowledge Economy

    Revolutionary account of the transformative potential of the knowledge economy A revolutionary practice of production—the knowledge economy—has emerged in our time. It appears in every sector, not just in high-tech industry, but so far only as...

  • Raphael Samuel The Lost World Of British Communism

    The Lost World of British Communism is a vivid account of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Raphael Samuel, one of post-war Britain's most notable historians, draws on novels of the period and childhood recollections of London's East End...

  • Vijay Prashad The Poorer Nations EN

    In The Darker Nations, Vijay Prashad provided an intellectual history of the Third World and traced the rise and fall of the Non-Aligned Movement. With The Poorer Nations, Prashad takes up the story where he left off. Since the ’70s, the countries of the Global South have struggled to build political movements. Prashad analyzes the failures of neoliberalism, as well as the rise of the BRICS countries, the World…

  • Nathan Jurgenson The Social Photo

    With the rise of the smart phone and social media, cameras have become ubiquitous, infiltrating nearly every aspect of social life. The glowing camera screen is the lens by which many of us apprehend and communicate our experience. But our thinking...

  • Reece Jones Violent Borders EN

    A major new exploration of the refugee crisis, focusing on how borders are formed and policed. Forty thousand people died trying to cross international borders in the past decade, with the high-profile deaths along the shores of Europe only accounting for half of the grisly total. Reece Jones argues that these deaths are not exceptional, but rather the result of state attempts to contain populations and control…

  • Jean-Paul Sartre What is Subjectivity? EN

    In 1961 the prolific French intellectual Jean-Paul Sartre was invited to give a talk at the Gramsci Institute in Rome. In attendance were some of Italy's leading Marxist thinkers such as Enzo Paci, Cesare Luporini, Galvano Della Volpe and Lucio Colletti, a discussion by whom is reproduced in this volume. Sartre poses the question what is subjectivity?, a question that is today of renewed importance to contemporary…

  • Laboria Cuboniks Xenofeminist Manifesto

    Xenofeminism is not a bid for revolution, but a wager on the long game of history, demanding imagination, dexterity and persistence. Xenofeminism seeks to construct a coalitional politics, a politics without the infection of purity. Is xenofeminism...