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Taschen (1164 kníh )

  • Luke Crampton Bob Marley EN

    Few artists can lay claim to representing an entire music genre: singer-songwriter, guitarist Bob Marley is one. His name is synonymous with the indigenous Jamaican off-beat music of reggae, a local genre he took from his beloved island homeland to the world. The first reggae superstar, the dreadlocked, ganja-smoking Marley became a musical ambassador not only for the rhythmic Caribbean music, but also for themes of…

  • Robert Henry Mizer, Dian Hanson Bob Mizer: Amg, 1000 Model Directory EN

    It s Raining Men: Two volumes and two decades of top physique modelsIn 1945 Bob Mizer began taking photographs of strapping young men on Muscle Beach in Venice, California. In December of that year he formed the Athletic Model Guild to market his photos, and physique photography was born. Before Mizer there were body builders and men who photographed them, but AMG photos, even those of the same men, were different,…

  • Bob's World EN

    Bob Mizer spent 48 years making photos and films for his Athletic Model Guild, and 41 years publishing Physique Pictorial, America's first, and most explicitly gay physique magazine. His diaries, kept from the age of eight, make it clear that he was openly homosexual from his late teens, but until the age of 42 he lived and worked in his mother's L.A. rooming house, where his strict ethical code prevented him from…

  • Book of Fruits EN

    Pomona Britannica, originally published in 1812, celebrated the richness of food variations cultivated in England, with superb illustrations by George Brockham of 256 species of fifteen kinds of fruit. For this compact, enhanced reprint, we have been fortunate enough to obtain the use of a very rare original copy: the exquisite, limited edition, hand-colored volume that was first owned by Princess Elizabeth,…

  • Book of Houses EN

    Family houses - a paradigm in the evolution of architecture. This book presents several examples of emerging residential architecture, linked by the manner in which they propose innovative and experimental solutions. Refinement in the finishing, restraint in the layout and painstaking integration of construction elements into the surroundings are just some of the criteria that have to be taken into account in their…

  • Book of Lofts EN

    This title features 55 outstanding lofts from all over the world. Lofts are apartments that are generally built into former industrial buildings. They have their origins in the New York of the 1950s. At that time, artists and bohemians in search of cheap places to live and work began to move into abandoned late-nineteenth-century industrial buildings that once had been sweatshops, furniture companies, printmaker…

  • Till-Holger Borchert, Joshua P Waterman Book of Miracles EN

    The Book of Miracles first surfaced only a few years ago and is one of the most spectacular discoveries in the field of Renaissance art. The near-complete illustrated manuscript, created in Augsburg around 1550, is composed of 169 pages of large-format illustrations in gouache and watercolor, depicting wondrous and often eerie phenomena. The mesmerizing images deal with both biblical and folkloric tales, depicting…

  • Book of Plants EN

    A magnificent pictorial document of the flowers grown in the greatest German garden of its time, the Book of Plants is in a class of its own when it comes to the variety and range of flowers engraved. Working under Basilius Besler, a team of at least ten engravers worked on this massive project, translating in situ and specimen drawings faithfully to copper plates. Nearly four hundred years old, the book has…

  • Walter Bosing Bosch CZ

         Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) umelec, ktorého diela sa dajú veľmi ťažko interpretovať a aj dnes nám ponúkajú množstvo nevyriešených hádaniek. Vychádzajú zo starých holandských tradícií a myšlienok s prepojením Boschovho vnútra, čím sa vytvára nový, osobitný a sugestívny výtvarný jazyk tohto umelca. Miešaním náboženskej pokory, diabolského vtipu ilustruje oba póly posmrtného života v diele Nebo a Peklo. V jeho…

  • Walter Bosing Bosch EN

       Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) umelec, ktorého diela sa dajú veľmi ťažko interpretovať a aj dnes nám ponúkajú množstvo nevyriešených hádaniek. Vychádzajú zo starých holandských tradícií a myšlienok s prepojením Boschovho vnútra, čím sa vytvára nový, osobitný a sugestívny výtvarný jazyk tohoto umelca. Miešaním náboženskej pokory, diabolského vtipu ilustruje oba póly posmrtného života Nebo a Peklo.  V jeho…

  • Walter Bosing Bosch - Malířské dílo CZ

    Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) zůstává dosud záhadou a není divu. Už jeho současníci měli potíže s rozluštěním díla, které dodnes představuje hádanku pro historiky umění. Potíž s porozuměním jeho šokujících a vysoce alegorických obrazů spočívá i v tom, že se neví téměř nic o samotném autorovi. Bosch zůstává stejnou záhadou jako svět, který maloval.

  • Walter Bosing Bosch - The Complete Paintings EN

    The pictorial world of Hieronymus Bosch If Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) remains an enigma today, it is little wonder. Even his contemporaries found the Dutch painter's work difficult to decipher—and it still presents riddles to contemporary art historians. Part of the problem in decoding his shocking and richly allegorical paintings is that virtually nothing is known of the artist himself, apart from his…

  • Mariana Hansteinová Botero CZ

    S výstřední ironií a stylem připomínajícím staré mistry začal Fernando Botero (* 1932) malovat karikatury zvířat a korpulentních lidí s nepoměrně velikými hlavami, a to v době, kdy jeho současníci nadšeně odvrhovali figurativní zobrazení ve prospěch abstrakce. V poslední době rozšířil svůj zájem do oblasti sochařství, kde vytváří velkoformátová bronzová díla zpodobňující stejné postavy, jaké s takovou oblibou…

  • Mariana Hanstein Botero

    Fernando Botero is an artist with his own style. For more than six decades, the Colombian’s “Boterismo” technique has captured collectors, institutions, and public spaces worldwide with a unique, fleshy, overblown approach to the human body. Through these corpulent creations, Botero has become one of the most recognized artists from Latin America, his artworks displayed in prominent places around the globe,…

  • Barbara Deimlingová Botticelli CZ

    Sandro Botticelli, vlastným menom Alessandro Filipepi, bol zjednotiteľom maliarskych snáh a ideí rannej florentskej renesancie. Opustil mytologické a alegorické námety a maloval náboženské obrazy. K jeho najznámejším dielam patrí Zrodenie Venuše a Jar. Známe sú aj jeho kresby k Danteho Božskej komédii.

  • Barbara Deimling Botticelli EN

    During Sandro Botticelli’s lifetime (1444/45-1510), the influence of his art scarcely reached beyond his native Florence, and following his death he was soon forgotten, to be rediscovered only in the 19th century by the Pre-Raphaelites. Since then, Botticelli has ranked among the greatest of the Renaissance artists. In the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, paintings such as Primavera and The Birth of Venus are among the…

  • Julius Wiedemann Brand Identity Now! EN

    An essential reference work for brand builders With in-depth case studies of leading projects from around the world, Brand Identity Now! is destined to be a major work of reference for designers, marketing professionals and anyone working in communications. The book examines logos, imagery, and strategic applications involved in each branded project. Featuring over 150 outstanding brand identities from more than 20…

  • Brassai, Paris EN

    Brassaï is a living eye, wrote Henry Miller of the Hungarian–born artist who adopted Paris after World War I and became one of its most celebrated photographers. Originally a painter before he moved on to writing, sculpture, cinema and, most famously, photography, Brassaï (1899-1984) was a member of Paris`s cultural elite, counting Miller, Picasso, Sartre, Camus, and Cocteau, among his friends. Camera in hand, he…

  • Pearl Cleage Bruce W. Talamon: Soul. R&B. Funk.

    Bruce Talamon saw it all during the golden age of soul, R&B, and funk. Throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, this young African-American photographer from Los Angeles found himself backstage with an all-access pass to the heart of the music scene...

  • Rose-Marie, Rainer Hagen Bruegel EN

       Pieter Bruegel (1525-1569) reaguje vo svojej tvorbe na súčastnú dobovú atmosféru života v meste aj na vidieku obdobia 16. storočia. Ironizuje spoločnosť, vzťahy v nej, pričom využíva prvky alegórie, náboženskú symboliku a vytvára zvláštny druh vlastnej mytológie.   Svojimi dielami sa približuje k ďalšiemu významnému maliarovi H. Boschovi. Ich spoločný odkaz nachádza odozvu a záujem aj v dnešnej dobe.

  • Rainer & Rose-Marie Hagen Bruegel

    The great Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/31–1569)was an astoundingly inventive painter and draftsman, who made his art historical mark withbeautiful, evocative landscapes as well as religious subjects, both notable for theirvernacular

  • Brussels Style EN

    One cannot visit Brussels without being struck by its impressive architecture, from the ornate traditional buildings on the Grand Place to the plethora of Art Nouveau townhouses scattered throughout the city. This style guide begins with a collection of period photos of the city and in the main body features detailed photos of Brussels’s loveliest interiors, including works by renowned Art Nouveau architect Victor…

  • Build Your Own Human Skeleton

    Life-size model (1.8 m / 5'9')With anatomical labels in English and Latin. Has joints that bend and straighten Cardboard kit.

  • Build Your Own Titanic EN

    Calling all Titanic buffs, hobbyists, and ship lovers: you’re invited to build a cardboard model of the formidable and notorious vessel! Vast sums of money have been spent and enormous efforts have been made in order to explore the wreck, now lying 12,000 feet under the sea. However, if you are a Titanic enthusiast and you enjoy making things with your hands, then there is a far less troublesome alternative that…