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Taschen (1164 kníh )

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now! Houses 1 EN

    Beyond the fundamental notion of shelter, what defines a house? The broad-ranging selection of extraordinary dwellings in the Architecture Now! Houses series shows the concept to be infinitely malleable: one house seems to hover above the ground, another is embedded in it; some have stark minimal lines, others have tropical gardens; some are palatial, others monastic—all of them displaying remarkable structural and…

  • Architecture Now! Houses 2 EN

    Beyond the fundamental notion of shelter, what defines a house? The broad-ranging selection of extraordinary dwellings in the Architecture Now! Houses series shows the concept to be infinitely malleable: one house seems to hover above the ground, another is embedded in it; some have stark minimal lines, others have tropical gardens; some are palatial, others monastic — all of them displaying remarkable structural…

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now! Houses 3 EN

    The third installment in our popular Architecture Now! Houses series includes 60 of the most dramatic new residences around the world. See the extraordinary House Turtle designed by the artists Carsten Höller and Marcel Odenbach in Biriwa, Ghana; visit Tadao Ando’s dramatic House in Monterrey, Mexico, or take off to see the Flight of Birds House in the Azores by Bernardo Rodrigues.Unrivalled by any magazine or…

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now! Landscape EN

    One of the hottest areas of contemporary design is landscape architecture. No matter what the architectural style of the moment, the green areas around houses, stadiums or corporate headquarters have taken on a considerable importance, all the more so with the emphasis on ecology and green design. This book calls on the work of the top designers of the moment, from Ken Smith, author of the Museum of Modern Art’s…

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now! Museums EN

    Buildings That Bring Art and History To Life Innovation and inspiration in today's museum architecture Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less…

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now! Restaurants & Bars EN

    The latest architecture and design of restaurants and bars, from L.A. to Tokyo, is the focus of this book. Whether the challenge is merely placing furniture in a simple space, or an ambitious structural project, restaurants and bars are the sites of our most expressive architecture; more ephemeral than larger facilities or entire buildings, they are more apt to capture the mood of the times. From a skyscraper…

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now! Vol. 2 EN

    The fine line between art and architecture is rapidly becoming harder to perceive. With the aid of sophisticated computer programs, today's most innovative architects are working on designs so conceptual they could not be realized in the physical world. Nevertheless, these sorts of forward-thinking projects are an important influence on the architectural climate. At the dawn of the 21st century, architecture is…

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now! Vol. 8 EN

    Architecture Now! 8 reviews new and exciting projects completed and under construction in the whole world. No style, no building type is ignored, making this volume a true compendium of what anybody interested in buildings today needs to know. From well-known figures such as Zaha Hadid, Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA fame and Thom Mayne of Morphosis, to rising stars like Joshua Prince-Ramus (REX) and Sou Fujimoto and on to…

  • Philip Jodidio Architecture Now!: v. 4 EN

    Architecture Now! Volume 4 proves that the best keep getting better, with new names from all over the world and the most exciting and unique buildings and designs. As always, easy-to-navigate illustrated A-Z entries include current and recent projects, biographies, contact information, and website addresses.

  • Bernd Evers, Christof Thoenes Architecture Theory EN

    This is the comprehensive overview that will help transform even the most uninformed novices into well-informed connoisseurs. If you've ever wondered what goes through architects' minds when they design buildings, you'll be happy to know that there's no shortage of brilliant reading material to satisfy your curiosity. Wading through the archives at your local library may prove fruitful to your endeavor, but it won't…

  • Peter Gössel, Gabriele Leuthäuserová Architektura 20. století CZ

    Nové vydanie tohoto diela bolo doplnené o dve kapitoly, ktoré tematicky rozširujú časový rámec až k prelomu tisícročia. V 29 kapitolách predstavuje kniha zásadné vývojové smery architektúry 20. storočia. Architektúra 20. storočia sa vyznačuje úžasnou rozmanitosťou. Stretávajú sa v nej estetické a komerčné programy, pričom niekedy dochádza ku šťastnej symbióze, inokedy stojí proti sebe purizmus a expresivita,…

  • Werner Kriegeskorte Arcimboldo EN

      Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593) začal svoju kariéru ako vitrážista v sklárskej dielni Milánskej katedrály, pre ktorú navrhoval okná s námetami zo života svätých. Jeho talent sa naplno prejavil v 16. st. spolu s novými princípmi v perspektíve a optike. V tomto období pôsobil na kráľovských dvoroch Ferdinanda I., Maximiliána II, a Rudolfa II. v Prahe, kde vytvoril návrhy na svoje kompozície Ročných období. …

  • Joe Yogerst Around the World in 125 Years: Africa

    For over five generations, National Geographic magazine has dazzled and educated people with its incredible photographs and gripping stories from all corners of the earth. Inspired by our monumental Around the World in 125 Years, ...

  • Reuel Golden Around the World in 125 Years: Asia and Oceania

    For over five generations, National Geographic magazine has dazzled and educated people with its incredible photographs and gripping stories of all corners and oceans of the Earth. Inspired from our monumental Around the World in 125 Years, this volume curates over 250 captivating images, sourced directly from the National Geographic archives. Traversing travel, wildlife, science, history, culture, and conservation,…

  • Reuel Golden Around the World in 125 Years: Europe

    For over five generations, National Geographic magazine has dazzled and educated people with incredible photography and gripping stories spanning the four corners of the earth and the deepest oceans. Inspired from our monumental Around the World in 125 Years, this volume curates over 200 captivating images, sourced directly from the National Geographic historical archives, including just under 40 new photographs.…

  • Karl Ruhrberg Art 20th Century

    The century that changed art forever. This is the quintessential roundup of art from 1900-2000. Who could possibly have forecast on New Year's Eve 1899 that, one hundred years later, painting and sculpture would be only options, not prerequisites? The ter

  • Paul Young Art Cinema EN

    A compendium of the development and history of film as artMovies should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order. —Jean-Luc Godard Debate over cinema’s credibility as an art form is as old as the medium itself, and largely defined in terms of formal, psychological, ideological, social, or auteurist theories. To explore how artists are also using the medium to investigate a wider…

  • Tobias G. Natter, Max Hollein Art for All EN

    Cutting edge: A revealing trend in turn-of-the-century ViennaAt the turn of the 20th century, amid the domed grandeur of Vienna, a group of Secession artists reclaimed the humble woodblock. The gesture, though short-lived, and long overlooked by established art histories, may be seen as a decisive social, as well as aesthetic, moment. Elevating a primarily illustrative, mass-production medium to the status of fine…

  • Klaus-Jürgen Sembach Art Nouveau EN

       Komplexný obraz symbolizmu v užitom umení, architektúre a nábytku... Art Nouveau, whose emergence at the same time as cinema was no mere coincidence, represents the most remarkable attempt to reconcile the demands of the technical age with the undying wish for beauty and glorification - or to pit the one against the other. Under the title Art Nouveau - Utopia: Reconciling the Irreconcilable the reform movement…

  • Art Now EN

    This Art Now 25th anniversary special edition brings together recent work and biographical information for over 80 of today's most influential artists, forming a broad and vibrant spectrum of the work that has shaped the art world in recent years. Featured artists include: Matthew Barney, Maurizio Cattelan, John Currin, Tacita Dean, Thomas Demand, Rineke Dijkstra, Douglas Gordon, Andreas Gursky, Thomas Hirschhorn,…

  • Art Now 3 EN

    This book offers a cutting-edge selection of the artists that matter the most. It tracks the trends of art in the world today, bringing you illustrations and information about all the most important artists. Want a head start on the things you'll be seeing in art institutions a decade down the road? It's all in here, the very latest of the very best - and so fresh you can feel its pulse. A to Z magazine-style…

  • Uta Grosenick Art Now! 2 EN

    Unless you regularly trawl the Chelsea galleries, hang out at the Tate Modern, peruse the Pompidou, attend every Biennale, and religiously read Artforum, you could likely use a primer on the art scene in the world today. Fortunately we've created our second Art Now volume to keep art fans abreast of the latest trends and hottest names. Not only will you discover the most important artists in the international art…

  • Hans Werner Holzwarth Art Now! Vol. 3 EN

    Want a head start on the things you'll be seeing in art institutions a decade down the road? Look no further than this special edition featuring highlights from Art Now 3. A to Z magazine-style entries include captivating images of important recent work, short biographies, exhibition history and bibliographical information. Think of this tome as a global go-round of the world's most influential galleries: a truly…

  • Hans Werner Holzwarth Art Now! Vol. 4 EN

    The ongoing catalog of contemporary art, now in its fourth volume. Think of this tome as a global go-round of the world’s most influential galleries: if it's hot in the art world today, it's in this book. Emerging artists are featured alongside established greats like David Hockney, Chuck Close, and Brice Marden. A to Z entries include images of important recent work, short biographies, exhibition history, and…