Taschen (1164 kníh )
Karl Schutz Vermeer EN
Startling Life The astonishing oeuvre of Johannes Vermeer This book brings together the complete catalogue of Johannes Vermeer (1632–1675), presenting the calm yet compelling scenes so treasured in galleries across Europe and the United States into one monograph of utmost reproduction quality. With new photography of many works, Vermeer’s restrained but richly evocative repertoire of domestic actions—ranging from…
Karl Schutz Vermeer
Despite numbering at just 35, his works have prompted a New York Times best seller; a film starring Scarlett Johansson and Colin Firth; record visitor numbers at art institutions from Amsterdam to Washington, DC; ...
Norbert Schneider Vermeer - The Complete Paintings EN
Vermeer's women, their duties and unspoken dreams The 35 paintings that have come down to us from the hand of Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) place him beside Rembrandt and Frans Hals as one of the great masters of the golden age of Dutch art. Little is known of Vermeer's early life and training, though we can be certain that he never knew great success or acclaim during his lifetime, and after his death—reputedly in part…
Sylvia Martin Video Art EN
The immediacy and accessibility of video makes it an ideal medium for artists who want to work with sound and moving image; no sooner than video cameras were available to the public in the 1970s were artists already beginning to experiment with the possibilities of video. Though it took decades for it to be widely embraced by mainstream art, video is now firmly accepted as an important medium, thanks to the work of…
Christian Brandstatter Vienna
Vienna combines drama and elegance like no other. For centuries the heart of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the stately city on the Danube, has been defined by vast palaces and imperial grandeur-but behind the Baroque opulence, ...
Rainer Metzger Vienna Around 1900
When traditional craft met blossoming modernism Discover turn-of-the-century Vienna in this exploration of its most important protagonists, complete with sumptuous double-page reproductions across painting, sculpture, architecture, and design, ...
Werner Dressendörfer Vilmorin: The Vegetable Garden EN
Mouthwatering illustrations of 19th century French garden vegetables The French company Vilmorin-Andrieux & Cie arose in the 18th century from the collaboration between Philippe Victoire de Vilmorin—a grain and plant merchant and connoisseur—and his father-in-law, Pierre Andrieux, Botanist to the King. The Vilmorins, though only producers and merchants on the Paris market, contributed enormously to the botanical…
Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh EN
Výber 14 reprodukcií, ktoré reprezentujú dielo Vincenta van Gogha.Vincent van Gogh začal maľovať až po svojej 30.,v kraji Borinagi, kde pôsobil ako misionár. Zachytával ľudí pri ťažkej práci v baniach, ich ohnuté telá, zatrpknuté tváre, chudobný život, v ktorom sa im snažil márne pomáhať. Bol veľmi citlivý, trpel depresiami, neustálymi výbuchmi temperamentu, čo vyústilo neskôr do poruchy jeho osobnosti a duševnej…
Vintage Surfing EN
Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period Top 10 lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Marc Guetta, Patrick Guetta Vintage T-Shirts EN
The power of the classic tee With the addition of just a few letters or an image the simple T-shirt can become a personal billboard. What started as the standard issue undershirt of the U.S. military, by the mid-1970s had evolved into a means of self-expression and individualism. Musical taste, political slant, favorite TV show or movie, vacation destination and brand preference — it's all on a tee. From DIY to…
Terry Jones Vivienne Westwood EN
Delving deep into the archives of the magazine, i-D offers a unique insight into the world of iconic fashion designer Vivienne Westwood. This book revisits interviews and features from the early punk beginnings of her career in the 1980s to today, documenting her instigation of the crinoline craze, her thoughts on how fashion can make a difference, and her journey to becoming one of Britain’s most original and…
August Sarnitz Wagner CZ
Kniha z populárnej edície predstavuje priekopníka modernej architektúry evolucionára Otta Wagnera. Známy architekt prispel používaním nových výrobných techník a stavebných postupov k prekonaniu historizmu a nástupu moderny.
Chris Nichols Walt Disney's Disneyland
Walt Disney dreamed for decades about opening the ultimate entertainment venue, but it wasn't until the early 1950s that his handpicked team began to bring his vision to life. Together, artists, architects, and engineers transformed a ...
David Gerstein, J.B. Kaufman Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse
The ultimate history of a modern icon: The Mickey Mouse Legacy. On November 18, 1928, the world’s most famous mouse made his very first public debut. Today, we celebrate 90 years of Mickey ...
Walter Gropius EN
Born and educated in Germany, Walter Gropius (1883-1969) belongs to the select group of architects that massively influenced the international development of modern architecture. As the founding director of the Bauhaus, Gropius made inestimable contributions to his field, to the point that knowing his work is crucial to understanding Modernism. His early buildings, such Fagus Boot-Last Factory and the Bauhaus…
Klaus Honnef Warhol CZ
Andy Warhol. Už počas svojho života sa stal legendou. Sotva nájdete niekoho iného, o kom sa napísalo toľko ako práve o Warholovi. Na verejnosti vždy pôsobil dojmom, akoby pochádzal z inej planéty. Bol plachý a vľúdny, väčšinou usmievavý a vždy trocha duchom neprítomny. Napriek tomu stelesňoval hviezdu nového typu naprosto dokonale. Povolaním reklamný grafik, pokladal sa však za umelca a ako umelec vytvoril úplne…
Klaus Honnef Warhol EN
The artist who elevated popular culture into high art. Andy Warhol (1928 – 1987) is recognized today as the most important exponent of the Pop Art movement. He overturned the traditional understanding of art and placed in its stead a concept that retracts the individuality of the artist. Warhol was a critical observer of American society, exposing his compatriots’ consumerism in his paintings (Campbell and Brillo…
Warhol on Basquiat
Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat's complex relationship captivated the art world then and now. At a time when Warhol was already world famous and the unofficial mayor of New York cool, Basquiat was a Downtown talent rising from the graffiti scene...
Rob Ford Web Design
The last three decades have marked an era of technological upheaval as frenetic and groundbreaking as there ever has been. From early desktop computers and mobile phones to virtual reality: the web is now virtually inseparable from all ...
Web Design: E-Commerce EN
In this latest addition to the Web Design series, we explore the very best of electronic commerce website design. Now that people are using online shops to buy everything from computers to groceries to clothing, e-commerce has become a major player in the sales market - to such a degree that recent research has estimated that about 10% of US brick and mortar sales are even influenced by online shops. From small…
Julius Wiedemann Web Design: Flash Sites EN
Many of the web’s most eye-popping sites are created using Flash, a program which allows for total creative freedom and maximum interactivity. In its early years, Flash was used mostly for artistic and design sites, but more recently large corporations—even Citibank—have turned to Flash. This guide rounds up the very best and most innovative sites using 100% Flash navigation, including Nike, Adidas, Bacardi, Shrek,…
Web Design: Flashfolios EN
Following up on the success of Web Design: Portfolios, this volume features the internet's best examples of artists, design studios, photographers, designers, and corporations that use Flash to showcase their creations. What once existed only in printed form - brochures, leaflets, catalogs, and other promotional material - is increasingly being featured online via dynamic, animated Flash-powered sites. Flashfolios…
Web Design: Interactive & Games EN
With its origins tied to the invention of the hyperlink, the web is defined by interaction. In the internet's early days, interaction consisted on clicking links to be taken to different pages. Today, with broadband, flash, video, sound, and online games, this concept has been taken to another level. From news sites and blogs to commercial and public awareness sites, interactivity is the key to the internet…