Taschen (1164 kníh )
Angelika Taschen Mexico style EN
The house looked as if the blue of its walls had poured down directly from the sky, as if the sun had covered the door and window frames with yellow kisses, and as if the canopy had been tickled by the bougainvillea until it was literally pink. Entering the rooms you found yourself treading on kiwi-green carpets, sitting on pink sofas, and gazing at turquoise walls in front of which strelizia in vases seemed to emit…
Miami Style EN
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we’ve selected for you. Whether they’re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the crème de la crème of Miami pads.
Michael Jackson EN
Arguably the greatest all-round entertainer of his era, Michael Jackson embodied the paradox of extreme fame: a uniquely gifted singer, dancer and songwriter, his extraordinary talents were matched only by the loneliness, eccentricity and ego-mania of his isolated position atop popular culture. This book charts the rise and demise of the self-proclaimed King of Pop. A star from the age of 11, Michael Jackson's…
Gilles Néret Michelangelo CZ
Počas renesancie, veľkí homosexuáli od Leonarda a Boticelliho k Michelangelovi a Raphaelovi, pretvárali dejiny umenia podľa svojej chuti. V ich umení dvojznačnosť, dvojzmyselnosť začína už pri ich narodení. Rodia sa napoly ako muži a napoly ako ženy, ženské prsia získava busta mládenca a sklopený pohľad mladíkových očí sa na nás díva cez postavu madony. Michelangelo bol veľmi všestranným umelcom, bol maliarom,…
Frank Zöllner Michelangelo - Life and Work EN
Before reaching the tender age of thirty, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted David and Pièta, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. Like fellow Florentine Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo was a shining star of the Renaissance and a genius of consummate virtuosity. His achievements as a sculptor, painter, draughtsman, and architect are unique—no artist before or after…
Jim Heimann, Steven Heller Mid-Century Ads: Advertising from the Mad Men Era EN
Gleaned from thousands of images, this companion set of books offers the best of American print advertising in the age of the “Big Idea.” At the height of American consumerism magazines were flooded with clever campaigns selling everything from girdles to guns. These optimistic indicators paint a fascinating picture of the colorful capitalism that dominated the spirit of the 1950s and 60s, as concerns about the Cold…
Mies van der Rohe EN
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) was one of the founding fathers of modern architecture. The creator of the Barcelona Pavilion (1929), the Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois (1945–1951) and the Seagram Building in New York (1954–1958), Mies was one of the founders of a new architectural style. Well known for his motto “less is more,” he sought a kind of refined purity in architectural expression that was not…
Daniel Marzona Minimal Art EN
The bare minimum Often regarded as a backlash against abstract expressionism, Minimalism was characterized by simplified, stripped-down forms and materials used to express ideas in a direct and impersonal manner. By presenting artworks as simple objects, minimalist artists sought to communicate esthetic ideals without reference to expressive or historical themes. This critical movement, which began in the 1960s and…
Daniel Marzona Minimalismus CZ
Žiarivka bežne dostupná v obchodoch pripevnená diagonálne na stenu, neopracované drevené trámy alebo kovové dosky, ktoré na zemi vytvárajú nekomplikované obrazce, debny z kovu alebo plexiskla zoradené jednoducho vedľa seba, kocky a iné základné stereometrické útvary z drevotriesky, hliníka alebo ocele – tak by sme mohli charakterizovať diela mnohých umelcov, ktoré vznikli v New Yorku a Los Angeles na začiatku…
Minimalist Houses EN
Nowadays, in the construction of minimalist houses the main goal is to find modes of design that a simple denunciation of complexity, and begin to move towards imbuing space with a modest sense of spirituality, clarity, and harmony. These designs have begun to move out of closed architectural circles and are becoming increasingly accessible to the general public. This is especially true in residential design, where…
Minimalist Interiors EN
Minimalist Interiors takes us on an exhaustive visual journey through the best spaces that define this aesthetic — they are the result of an era of excessive consumerism. The projects uncovered herein are not linked solely by minimalist tendencies, but also by the way in which light influences their spaces; the shapes they form and which configure the spaces inside them; their design and structure; and the texture…
Janis Mink Miró EN
Joan Miró (1893 - 1983) is one of the most significant Spanish painters of the twentieth century. The themes and treatments of his early work were shaped by the Catalan landscape and clearly show the influence of Fauvism and Cubism. During his travels, Miró encountered the intellectual avant-garde of his time; his friends included Francis Picabia, Tristan Tzara, André Masson, Jean Arp and Pablo Picasso. From the…
Móda - Dějiny odívání 18., 19. a 20. století CZ
Kniha Móda je strhujícím putováním posledními třemi sty lety módních trendů. Publikace ve dvou svazcích poskytuje široký přehled vývoje dámské módy v 18., 19., a 20. století. Počínaje vzácnými poklady, jako je železný korzet a vyšívaný živůtek ze 17. století, a konče modely z návrhářských dílen našich současníků, podává sbírka vyčerpávající přehled o vývoji dámské módy. Svazek I.: 18. a 19. století Svazek II.: 20.…
Bill Dobbins Modern Amazons EN
Though the popularity of female bodybuilding has been rapidly growing over the past three decades, women’s brawny body types are still not accepted in the global opinion of the way women ought to look. Enter Bill Dobbins, a man whose mission is to show the world what ultra-muscular women really look like—and that they look good. Modern Amazons is a unique collection of fine art photos and essays giving a…
Modern Architecture A–Z
With more than 280 entries, this architectural A–Z, now part of our Bibliotheca Universalis series, offers an indispensable overview of the key players in the creation of modern space. From the period spanning the 19th to the 21st century, pioneering ar
Hans Werner Holzwarth Modern Art 1870-2000 EN
Most art historians agree that the modern art adventure first developed in the 1860s in Paris. A circle of painters, whom we now know as Impressionists, began painting pictures with rapid, loose brushwork. They turned to everyday street life for subjects, instead of overblown heroic scenes, and they escaped the power of the Salon by organizing their own independent exhibitions. After this first assault on the…
Modern Art 2 EN
This title focuses on game changers. This is the blow-by-blow account of the works that matter most in Modern art. The story of modern art begins roughly 150 years ago, when painters left their studios to try and catch nature and the quickly changing light out in plain air, only to find that they did not paint more realistically, instead they were pushed toward the fractured colors and fleeting compositions we've…
Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell Modern Chairs EN
Viac ako 100 stoličiek z obdobia 20. storočia... A chair is a stool with a back rest, and a stool is a board on four supports, proclaimed Christopher Dresser in 1873. But thankfully designers have their own ideas on the subject. This book showcases over 100 of the most famous 20th century chairs. More than any other type of furniture, chairs reflect the spirit of an age. Plain or ornate, practical or…
Pierluigi Serraino Modernism Rediscovered
The Master of Modern Discoveries from the Julius Shulman vaults The buildings burned in our memories, which to us represent the spirit of '50s and '60s architectural design, were those whose pictures were widely published in magazines and books; but what about those that got lost in the process, hardly or never appearing in publication? The exchange of visual information is crucial to the development, evolution, and…
Doris Krystof Modigliani CZ
Amedeo Modigliani považovaný za posledného parížskeho bohéma je neustále terčom populárnej literatúry, noviel a románov. Ako umelec, škaldalózny Modigliani, získal svoju povesť vďaka obrazom žien s výraznými očami a dlhým labutím krkom. Vo svojom diele preberá vzory z umenia Afriky, ale v portrétoch velikánov svojich čias P. Picassa, J. Cocteaua a D. Riveru vytvára zaujímavý jedinačnýn štýl. V tejto štúdii sa…