Taschen (1164 kníh )
Luke Crampton Jimi Hendrix EN
Raised on the blues, James Marshall Hendrix exploded onto the international stage in 1967 fronting the Jimi Hendrix Experience trio. The world had seen nothing like him before: a wild-haired, blues-rocking, singer-songwriter whose virtuoso psychedelic guitar style and showmanship captivated audiences on both sides of the Atlantic. Wowing fans and critics alike, Hendrix took blues-rock as the basis for a unique sound…
Luke Crampton John Lennon EN
One quarter of the world's most famous group, one half of the most successful songwriting team of all time and one voice for world peace - all achieved in one tragically shortened career. John Lennon's remarkable talent and uncompromising character gave him a unique and extraordinary life, achieving a level of success and public adoration that few can imagine. Never far in his mind from his working class roots, his…
John Margolies, Roadside America EN
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000…
F.X. Feeney Johnny Depp EN
How do we even describe the alienated beauty of Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow, Donnie Brasco, Don Juan DeMarco, Captain Jack Sparrow and Sweeney Todd, apart from the prodigious gift of Johnny Depp? How do we even name these great characters in one sentence, except under the heading of his contrary, heat-seeking curiosity, and imagination? If he didn’t exist, you would need at least six…
José Llinàs Jujol EN
Josep Maria Jujol (1879-1949) developed his unusual architectural style through many years of close, creative collaboration with Antoni Gaudi. Jujol’s work is characterized by a high degree of sensibility to the forms of nature, an emphatically anti-geometric aesthetic, attention to workmanship and detail, as well as the imaginative use of old and previously utilized material. It is an eloquent expression of his…
Pierluigi Serraino Julius Shulman, Modernism Rediscovered EN
This title features the Master of Modern. It deals with the discoveries from the Julius Shulman vaults. The buildings burned in our memories, which to us represent the spirit of '50 and '60s architectural design, were those whose pictures were widely published in magazines and books; but what about those that got lost in the process, hardly or never appearing in publication? The exchange of visual information is…
Andrea Kettenmann Kahlo CZ
Frida Kahlo mala život rovnako pestrý a drsný ako sú jej obrazy. Odráža sa v nich všetko – tragická nehoda v mladosti, ktorá z nej urobila celoživotného invalida, kubizmus maliarskych začiatkov i naivné umenie v kombinácí so surealizmom vyzretejšieho obdobia. Nezanedbateľný je aj vplyv jej manžela maliara Diega Riveru a génov, ktoré jej predala kreolská matka a otec – maďarský Nemec židovského pôvodu. Počas svojho…
Andrea Kettenmann Kahlo EN
The Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) is one of the most important 20th century painters, and one of the few Latin American artists to have achieved a global reputation. In 1983 her work was declared the property of the Mexican state. Kahlo was one of the daughters of an immigrant German photographer and a Mexican woman of Indian origin. Her life and work were more inextricably interwoven than in almost any…
Kahn EN
Though Louis Isidore Kahn (1901–1974) started his career late in his life, the few projects he was able to undertake were realized to perfection. With the Jonas Salk Institute in La Jolla, California (1959–1965) Kahn created a workspace with superb functional and aesthetic qualities; the institute’s Minimalist elements radiate a sense of eternal beauty. The Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth (1966–1972) occupies the…
Ulrike Becks-Malorny Kandinsky EN
Wassily Kandinsky was undoubtedly one of the most exciting artists of the twentieth century. He brought an equal passion and commitment to his work as a painter, a theoretician and a teacher of art. After conventional beginnings in Munich, he devoted his intellectual and artistic energies to pioneering new dimensions of expression in art. He ultimately arrived at an abstract style of painting based on the inner…
Reuel Golden Kaos
What makes Albert Watson one of the world’s most revered photographers, hailed by peers, critics, and collectors alike? Is it his unparalleled portfolio of celebrity portraits? Breathtaking landscapes? Sensual nudes, still lifes, illustrious fashion ...
Hans-Christian Adam Karl Blossfeldt - The Complete Published Work EN
German photography pioneer Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) photographed plants so beautifully, and with such originality, that his work transcends the medium itself. Over more than 30 years, he took thousands of photographs, revealing a formally rigorous talent whose precision and dedication bridge the nineteenth and twentieth century worlds of image making and bring a distinctly sculptural aspect to a firmly two…
Hans Werner Holzwarth Kartell EN
The Italian company Kartell is famous around the world for having invented the culture of plastic furniture and interior fittings. Kartell was founded in 1949 by Giulio Castelli, a chemical engineer with a vision to create something good from plastics, a material whose applications were still relatively unexplored. A fruitful collaboration with the great designer Gino Colombini started, who won the firm its first…
Mario Testino Kate Moss by Mario Testino EN
Mario Testino is recognized as the ultimate fashion photographer of his generation but his pictures of Kate Moss transcend fashion. The consequence of two decades of extraordinary friendship, and phenomenal glamor, this iconic collaboration is an intimate insight into the lives and minds of two of the world’s definitive style leaders. Follow the journey of one of fashion’s most creative collaborations, from early…
Alain Silver Katharine Hepburn EN
From birth, Katharine Hepburn seemed destined to become a symbol of the modern woman on stage, on screen, and in the world. Fiercely competitive, private, and independent, Hepburn was one part Olympic athlete Babe Didrikson, one part Amelia Earhart, and two parts Greta Garbo. Although often paired with the greatest actors in Hollywood—Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen); Cary Grant (Bringing Up Baby), James Stewart …
Noel Daniel Kay Nielsen
Step into a world of star-crossed lovers, magical winds, mischievous giants, and trolls, through some of the most exquisite illustrations in publishing history. In this gorgeous abridged edition, TASCHEN revives the most ambitious publication ...
King Tut
The Boy King’s Journey through the Underworld. Tutankhamun’s royal voyage into paradise, as told by ancient Egyptian treasures. Buried in the 14th century BCE but unearthed by Howard Carter in 1922, the objects entombed ...
Norbert Wolf Kirchner EN
Bridging the gap Expressionist pioneer Ernst Ludwig Kirchner heralded a new perspective in 20th-century painting Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880 1938) is regarded as one of the key figures in 20th-century European art. A Modernist to his bones, he sent seismic waves through the art world with his hard-edged, intensely colored paintings and disseminated his ideas through Die Brucke art movement and the MUIM-Institut…
Jim Heimann Kitchen Kitsch EN
Fografie a aranžmány jedál americkej kuchyne, ktoré sa stali stredobodom diel Kitscha, ktorý ich predstavuje pod pojmomkitschy.
Susanna Partsch Klee EN
Paul Klee (1879-1940) v období nacizmu bol považovaný za degenerovaného umelca spolu s umelcami zo skupiny Der blaue Reiter, ku ktorým patril. Jeho umenie stojí na rôznych obmenách expresie, čerpá z kubizmu, geometrickej abstrakcie a surrealizmu. Dôležitú úlohu u neho zohráva poznanie detskej kresby, umenie primitívnych národov, umenie duševne narušených, ktoré prepája s geometrizmom, hieroglyfmi a citlivou…
Gilles Néret Klimt CZ
Jeho revolta proti akademizmu strhla koncom 19. storočia vlnu odporu. Bol terčom urážok, ale aj nadšeného obdivu. Pre jedných bol šíriteľom pornografie, pre iných zase otcom novej maľby. Rakúšan Gustav Klimt bol presvedčený, že umenie je o slobode. Jeho maľba bola oslavou života, ale najmä ženy. On je moderným tvorcom tajomnej a dráždivej femme fatale - osudovej ženy. Stal sa ikonou viedenskej secesie. Kto sa chce…
Gottfried Fliedl Klimt EN
Gustav Klimt’s art is thoroughly fin de siècle. It expresses the apocalyptic atmosphere of Vienna’s upper-middle-class society — a society devoted to the cultivation of aesthetic awareness and the cult of pleasure. The ecstatic joy which Klimt (1862 – 1918) and his contemporaries found — or hoped to find — in beauty was constantly overshadowed by death, and death therefore plays an important role in Klimt’s art.…
Kubrick EN
One of the most esteemed filmmakers of all time, Stanley Kubrick (1928–1999) was also one of the most enigmatic. He broke into the film scene at the age of 26 with the ambitious, independently produced Killer's Kiss and within a few years was working with the likes of Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, and Peter Sellers on such seminal films as Lolita and Spartacus. Having gained the support of the actors, producers,…