Springer Verlag (197 kníh )
Andreas Radbruch Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting EN
Flow cytometric analysis of molecular, biochemical, genetic and developmental parameters using cellular fluorescence techniques as well as fluorescence-activated (FACS) or magnetic (MACS) cell sorting technologies provide unique options for molecular and cellular biology. In recent years, these technologies have been considerably advanced. In this second edition, all chapters have been updated according to the…
Leszek A. Błędzki, Jan Igor Rybak Freshwater Crustacean Zooplankton of Europe
This work provides a user-friendly, species level taxonomic key based on morphology, current nomenclature, and modern taxonomy using molecular tools which fulfill the most pressing needs of both researchers and environmental managers...
György Kriska Freshwater Invertebrates in Central Europe
This up-to-date guidebook on freshwater invertebrates of the central European region is a richly illustrated work, providing an excellent source of systematic information on freshwater macroinvertebrates...
Jorge Angeles Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems EN
Modern robotics dates from the late 1960s, when progress in the development of microprocessors made possible the computer control of a multiaxial manipulator. Since then, robotics has evolved to connect with many branches of science and engineering, and to encompass such diverse fields as computer vision, artificial intelligence, and speech recognition. This book deals with robots-such as remote manipulators,…
T. V. N. Persaud Genetic Disorders, Syndromology and Prenatal Diagnosis
Birth defects have assumed an importance even greater now than in the past because infant mortality rates attributed to congenital anomalies have declined far less than those for other causes of death, such as infectious and nutritional diseases...
Michael Bishop, John F. Shroder Geographic Information Science and Mountain Geomorphology
Significant advances in geomatics and geomorphology are changing the way in which scientists study complex mountain environments. This book provides a critical treatment and evaluation of these recent developments. With the advent of advanced satellite...
Akram Al Ariss Global Talent Management EN
This book bridges the research and practice of global talent management. It opens important theoretical and practical avenues to understand the concept internationally while focusing on developing and emerging countries. Chapters derive from various geographic regions and embrace cross-national, comparative, and interdisciplinary perspectives. An open and inclusive approach is used in assessing the challenges of…
James Pawley Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy EN
This third edition of a classic text in biological microscopy includes detailed descriptions and in-depth comparisons of parts of the microscope itself, digital aspects of data acquisition and properties of fluorescent dyes, the techniques of 3D specimen preparation and the fundamental limitations, and practical complexities of quantitative confocal fluorescence imaging.
Eric K. Hansen Handbook of Evidence - Based Radiation Oncology EN
Building on the success of this book's first edition, Dr. Eric Hansen and Dr. Mack Roach have updated, revised, and expanded the Handbook of Evidence-based Radiation Oncology, a portable reference that utilizes evidence-based medicine as the basis for practical treatment recommendations and guidelines. Organized by body site, concise clinical chapters provide easy access to critical information. Important pearls of…
Handbook of Metaheuristics EN
The first edition of the Handbook of Metaheuristics was published in 2003 under the editorship of Fred Glover and Gary A. Kochenberger. Given the numerous developments observed in the field of metaheuristics in recent years, it appeared that the time was ripe for a second edition of the Handbook. When Glover and Kochenberger were unable to prepare this second edition, they suggested that Michel Gendreau and Jean…
Hossein Towfigh Handchirurgie DE
* Das umfassendste Werk zur Handchirurgie in deutscher Sprache * Nachschlagewerk, OP-Lehre und Atlas zu allen für das Fach relevanten Themen in einem * Die umfassendste Abbildungssammlung zum Thema: über 3000 Zeichnungen, klinische Fotos, Röntgenbilder, Verlaufsserien vieler Fälle aus allen Bereichen * Umfasst als einziges Werk in deutscher Sprache auch speziellere Themen wie die Nachbehandlung durch…
Jivan S. Parab Hands-on Experience with Altera FPGA Development Boards
This book is built around the use of readymade soft processor cores for FPGA design. In particular, the book focuses on Altera FPGA boards. The book explores many different embedded systems needs and prepares its readers for hands-on ...