Revell Books (6 kníh )
Laura Frantz A Bound Heart
Though Magnus MacLeish and Lark MacDougall grew up on the same castle grounds, Magnus is now laird of the great house and the Isle of Kerrera. Lark is but the keeper of his bees and the woman he is hoping will provide a tincture that might ...
Peter Dorčák eMarketing
Táto kniha Vám pomôže porozumieť svetu internetového marketingu. Objasní Vám tradičné a aj nové formy eMarketingovej komunikácie. Vďaka tejto knihe sa ľahko zorientujete v záplave súčasných komunikačných kanálov z prostredia Internetu. Okrem iného sa dozviete aj niečo o elektronickom obchodovaní, o jednotlivých obchodných modeloch a o dopade elektronických obchodov na marketing.
George C. Ritchie, Elizabeth Sherrill Return from Tomorrow EN
At the age of 20, George Ritchie died in an army hospital. Nine minutes later, he returned to life. What happened to him during those nine minutes was so compelling it changed his life forever. This is one of the most startling and hopeful descripitions of the realm beyond ever written.
Laura Frantz The Colonel's Lady
In 1779, when genteel Virginia spinster Roxanna Rowan arrives at the Kentucky fort commanded by Colonel Cassius McLinn, she finds that her officer father has died. Penniless and destitute, Roxanna is forced to take her father's place as scrivener...
Laura Frantz The Mistress of Tall Acre
A marriage of convenience. She is in love with someone else. He has no wish to love again. What could possibly go wrong? In the aftermath of the American Revolution a destitute young woman agrees to a marriage of convenience and becomes Mistress ...
Keith Waterhouse Waterhouse on Newspaper Style EN
Edited by Stella Bingham and republished in 2010, Waterhouse on Newspaper Style is still the standard, and most entertaining, manual of tabloid journalism, as important and relevant today as when it was first published in 1989.