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Pluto (9 kníh )

  • Ľubica Gállová, Daniela Holáková Cestujeme po Európe

    Druhá svetová vojna zanechala Európu spustošenú a rozdelenú. Skúsenosti z predchádzajúcich opakovaných vojen na našom kontinente postupne viedli k myšlienke zjednotiť sa. Európania cítili potrebu zabezpečiť si mier a blahobyt.Tak postupne vznikala a nadobúdala presnejšie obrysy vízia Elurópy, založenej na vzájomnej spolupráci. 

  • Andrea Gregušová, Nastia Sleptsova (ilustrácie) Gréta

    Citlivá, krásně ilustrovaná knížka pro děti vypráví příběh o podmořské zpěvačce, velrybě Grétě. Ze dne na den ztratí hlas a nikdo neví proč. Až v podmořské ambulanci zvířátka zjistí, že nemoci jim způsobují odpadky, které do moře nepatří...

  • Nick Dyer-Witheford, Atle Mikkola Kjosen, James Steinhoff Inhuman Power

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen major advances in recent years. While machines were always central to the Marxist analysis of capitalism, AI is a new kind of machine that Marx could not have anticipated. Contemporary machine-learning...

  • Peter Bloom Monitored

    Our contemporary age is confronted by a profound contradiction: on the one hand, our lives as workers, consumers and citizens have become ever more monitored by new technologies. On the other, big business and finance become increasingly less regulated...

  • Giovanna Ricoveri Nature for Sale EN

    Nature for Sale uncovers the rich heritage of common ownership which existed before the dominance of capitalist property relations. Giovanna Ricoveri argues that the subsistence commons of the past can be reinvented today to provide an alternative to the current destructive economic order. Ricoveri outlines the distinct features of common ownership as it has existed in history: cooperation, sustainable use of…

  • Thomas Hylland Eriksen Overheating

    The world is overheated. Too full and too fast; uneven and unequal. It is the age of the Anthropocene, of humanity’s indelible mark upon the planet. In short, it is globalisation - but not as we know it. In this groundbreaking book, ...

  • Geert Lovink Sad by Design

    Sadness is now a design problem. The highs and lows of melancholy are coded into social media platforms. After all the clicking, browsing, swiping and liking, all we are left with is the flat and empty aftermath of time lost to the app...

  • Gregory Harms The Palestine-Israel Conflict EN

    The Palestine-Israel conflict is the most notorious and ingrained conflict of the twentieth, and now twenty-first, century. Yet the way it is reported in the media is often confusing, leading many to assume the hostilities stretch back to an ancient period. The Palestine-Israel Conflict is the first book to provide a clear, accessible, and annotated introduction that covers the full history of the region, from…

  • Gregory Harms The Palestine-Israel Conflict

    The Palestine-Israel conflict is the most notorious and ingrained conflict in living memory. Yet the way it is reported in the media is confusing and often misleading. In The Palestine-Israel Conflict, Gregory Harms and Todd M. Ferry provide an authoritative introduction to the topic. Balanced, accessible, and annotated, it covers the full history of the region from Biblical times up to the present. Perfect for both…