Oneworld (123 kníh )
- Sean Carroll The Particle at the End of the Universe EN
- Denis Theriault The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman EN
- Denis Theriault The Postman's Fiancee EN
- Lynne Murphy The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-Hate Relationship Between British and American English
- David Waller, Rupert Younger The Reputation Game
- A.G. Roemmers The Return of the Young Prince EN
- Paul Beatty The Sellout EN
- Juan Gómez Bárcena The Sky Over Lima
- Alanna Mitchell The Spinning Magnet
- Jared Diamond The Third Chimpanzee EN
- Jared Diamond The Third Chimpanzee
- Anthony Warner The Truth About Fat
- Ninni Holmqvist The Unit
- DeSales Harrison The Waters and the Wild
- Suheil Bushrui The World's Most Treasured Love Poems
- Bruno Portier This Flawless Place Between EN
- Marc Abrahams This is Improbable EN
- Lawrence Levy To Pixar and Beyond
- Daniel Klein Travels with Epicurus EN
- Margaret Mazzantini Twice Born EN
- Anne-Marie Slaughter Unfinished Business EN
- Jenni Murray Votes For Women!
- Richard Adams Watership Down
- David Darling, Agnijo Banerjee Weird Maths