Karger (3 knihy )
Elisabeth Bruder Histopathology of Chronic Constipation EN
The symptom of chronic constipation is often caused by a series of intestinal diseases, which can be reliably diagnosed histopathologically by histochemical techniques and consequently treated by surgical intervention. The following publication is the second and completely revised edition of 'Pathology of Chronic Constipation in Pediatric and Adult Coloproctology' published in 2005, and introduces several new…
Lisa Shaffer ISCN 2013 EN
This publication extends the now classic system of human cytogenetic nomenclature prepared by an expert committee and published in collaboration with 'Cytogenetic and Genome Research' since 1963. Revised and finalized by the ISCN Committee and its advisors at a meeting in Seattle, Wash., in April 2012, the ISCN 2013 updates, revises and incorporates all previous human cytogenetic nomenclature recommendations into…
Jean McGowan-Jordan ISCN 2016 EN
The 2016 edition of the International System for Human Cytogenomic Nomenclature (ISCN 2016) offers standard nomenclature that is used to describe any genomic rearrangement identified by techniques ranging from karyotyping to FISH, microarray, various region specific assays, and DNA sequencing. Suggestions from the international cytogenetics community have been reviewed by the Standing Committee, an international…