John Benjamins (11 kníh )
Juan C. Sager A Practical Course in Terminology Processing
Since the advent of the computer, terminology management can be carried out by almost anyone who has learnt to use a computer. Terminology management has proved to be an efficient tool in international communications in industry, education and international organisations. Software packages are readily available and international corporations often have their own terminology database. Following these developments,…
Lenore A. Grenoble Deixis and Information Packaging in Russian Discourse EN
The role deixis plays in structuring language and its relation to the context of utterance provides the focus for an examination of information packaging in Russian discourse. The analysis is based on a model which interprets discourse as constituted by four interrelated frameworks the linguistic text, the text setting, the text content, and the participant framework. Deixis is divided into three primary…
Evidentiality Revisited EN
Evidentiality Revisited focuses on semantic-pragmatic based frameworks for the study of evidentials and evidential strategies in European languages (Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish). The book also presents discourse-pragmatic studies, with special emphasis on the use of evidential and epistemic expressions as resources for stancetaking in discourse. The volume…
Alan Partington Patterns and Meanings in Discourse EN
This work is designed, firstly, to both provoke theoretical discussion and serve as a practical guide for researchers and students in the field of corpus linguistics and, secondly, to offer a wide-ranging introduction to corpus techniques for practitioners of discourse studies. It delves into a wide variety of language topics and areas including metaphor, irony, evaluation, (im)politeness, stylistics, language…
Sylviane Granger Phraseology EN
Long regarded as a peripheral issue, phraseology is now taking centre stage in a wide range of fields. This recent explosion of interest undoubtedly has a great deal to do with the development of corpus linguistics research, which has both demonstrated the key role of phraseological expressions in language and provided researchers with automated methods of extraction and analysis. The aim of this volume is to take…
Monique C. Cormier Terminologie De La Traduction EN
This terminology collection presents approximately 200 concepts that can be considered the basic vocabulary for the practical teaching of translation. Four languages are included: French, English, Spanish and German. Nearly twenty translation teachers and terminologists from universities in eight countries (Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela) defined the concepts…
Ineta Savickiene The Acquisition of Diminutives EN
This cross-linguistic volume innovates research of the acquisition of diminutives in the inflecting-fusional languages Lithuanian, Russian, Croatian, Greek, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch, the agglutinating languages Turkish, Hungarian and Finnish and in the introflecting Hebrew. These languages differ in various aspects relevant for the acquisition of diminutives and the development of pragmatics in early child…
Steven J. Clancy The Chain of Being and Having in Slavic EN
The complex diachronic and synchronic status of the concepts be and have can be understood only with consideration of their full range of constructions and functions. Data from modern Slavic languages (Russian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian) provides a window into zero copulas, non-verbal have expressions, and verbal constructions. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, be and have are analyzed in terms of a…