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Gaia (5 kníh )

  • Lumina Soluni Sedem Pečatí

    Autorka pracuje ako učiteľka a pomocníčka v duchovnej a sociálnej oblasti. Má dar jasnovidectva, liečenia a je v stálom kontakte so Svetelnými Bytosťami viacerých vesmírov. V tejto knihe poskytuje pohľad Ducha Univerza na životnú cestu Duší. Umožňuje každému človeku nahliadnuť do svojho vnútra a spoznať skutočnú Pravdu Stvorenia. Kniha je poklad, ktorý žiari ako diamant a obohacuje svojím svetlom celý vesmír.

  • Joanna Nylund Sisu

    Discover the Finnish quality of sisu and how cultivating it can help you lead a life of greater purpose and happiness. This ancient Finnish word describes an attitude of courage, resilience, grit, tenacity and perseverance. This key psychological compete

  • David Hamilton The Little Book of Kindness

    Scientific evidence has proven that kindness changes the brain, impacts the heart and immune system, is an antidote to depression, improves relationships and even slows the ageing process. Yet, more than this, kindness can power real and ...

  • Patrizia Collard The Little Book of Meditation

    Meditation is an easy way to bring more peace and tranquillity into your life. Packed with practical advice, useful meditations and affirming thoughts, this little book teaches you how to be happier, healthier and more relaxed ...

  • Lucy Lucas The Little Book of Yoga

    Yoga is an ancient practice, harnessing the breath and strengthening the body to boost physical health and mental wellbeing. Whether you want to relax, become more flexible or get in touch with your spiritual side, this book will show you the way...