Course Technology PTR (3 knihy )
James E. Higgins Abeceda indické astrologie
Tato kniha je malou učebnicí a průvodcem indické astrologie. Budu bohatý? Budu chudý? Budu v manželském svazku? Najdu lásku? Jsem v dobré firmě? Zdědím majetek, peníze? Odpovědi na tyto a celou řadu dalších otázek najdete v této....
Joel Adams Alice in Action with Java EN
Alice in Action with Java, an innovative new text by Joel Adams, provides CS1 students with a meaningful and motivating introduction to object-oriented programming. Using a spiral pedagogy, Adams introduces key object-oriented topics using Alice 2.0, then circles back to the same concepts in Java. Alice was developed to help teach introductory programming techniques in a less syntax-intensive environment, and…
Clint Eccher Professional Web Design EN
This is the must-have book for designers who want to expand their skills and improve the quality of their designs. Learning CSS technology and continually improving one's design and developer skills is essential for every Web designer in today's marketplace. The goal of Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates is to educate beginning-to-intermediate Web designers on the various issues involved with Web…