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The age of Innocence EN
The age of Innocence EN Book: The age of Innocence EN
4 stars - 1
“Newland felt more and more embarrassed. The men were all staring into the box where May was sitting between her mother and her aunt, he didn’t recognise the lady in the strange dress, and he didn’t know why everyone was so shocked to see her.” Newland Archer, heir to one of New York City’s best families, is planning a proper marriage, a perfect product of New York society. One night he meets May’s cousin, the Countess Ellen Olenska. This exotic and beautiful woman has returned to New York from Poland after a mysterious scandal. Newland becomes caught in a battle between duty and mystery, between tradition and the power of love.In this Reader you will find: A short biography of the author, Edith Wharton | Culture and society in 1870s New York | Final testSyllabus: Present Continuous: future plans and activities, present actions; Past Perfect Simple: in reported speech and narrative; Complex sentences where the relations between clauses are uncomplicated; Defining relative clauses with which, that; Reported speech/verbs/questions past tense reporting verbs; 2nd conditional: if + past, would(n’t); 2nd conditional wish. Stage 3 - Intermediate - 1000 headwords - B1 - Preliminary *** Newland je v rozpakoch. Všetci muži uprene hľadeli smerom k miestu, kde sedela May s mamou a tetou. Nepoznal dámu v zvláštnych šatách a netušil, prečo boli všetci takí šokovaní, že ju vidia. Newland Archer, dedič jednej z najlepších newyorských rodín, chce riadne manželstvo, ako si to žiada newyorská spoločnosť V jeden večer spozná Mayinu sesternicu, grófku Ellen Olenskú. Táto exotická a krásna žena sa vrátila z Poľska do New Yorku po záhadnom škandále. Newland musí zvádzať boj medzi povinnosťou a záhadnosťou, medzi tradíciou a silou lásky.
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The age of Innocence EN

Edith Wharton

The age of Innocence EN

Edith Wharton

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“Newland felt more and more embarrassed. The men were all staring into the box where May was sitting between her mother and her aunt, he didn’t recognise the lady in the strange dress, and he didn’t know why everyone was so shocked to see her.” Newland Archer, heir to one of New York City’s best families, is planning a proper marriage, a perfect product of New York society. One night he meets May’s cousin, the Countess Ellen Olenska. This exotic and beautiful woman has returned to New York from Poland after a mysterious scandal. Newland becomes caught in a battle between duty and mystery, between tradition and the power of love.In this Reader you will find: A short biography of the author, Edith Wharton | Culture and society in 1870s New York | Final testSyllabus: Present Continuous: future plans and activities, present actions; Past Perfect Simple: in reported speech and narrative; Complex sentences where the relations between clauses are uncomplicated; Defining relative clauses with which, that; Reported speech/verbs/questions past tense reporting verbs; 2nd conditional: if + past, would(n’t); 2nd conditional wish. Stage 3 - Intermediate - 1000 headwords - B1 - Preliminary *** Newland je v rozpakoch. Všetci muži uprene hľadeli smerom k miestu, kde sedela May s mamou a tetou. Nepoznal dámu v zvláštnych šatách a netušil, prečo boli všetci takí šokovaní, že ju vidia. Newland Archer, dedič jednej z najlepších newyorských rodín, chce riadne manželstvo, ako si to žiada newyorská spoločnosť V jeden večer spozná Mayinu sesternicu, grófku Ellen Olenskú. Táto exotická a krásna žena sa vrátila z Poľska do New Yorku po záhadnom škandále. Newland musí zvádzať boj medzi povinnosťou a záhadnosťou, medzi tradíciou a silou lásky.

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