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Horrorology EN
Horrorology EN Book: Horrorology EN
4 stars - 1
In the Library of the Damned, hidden away amongst that vast depository of ancient wisdom, there exists a certain bookcase where the most decadent, the most blasphemous of tomes sit upon a dusty shelf. And amongst those titles - that should never be named - there is one volume that is the most terrible, the most hideous of them all. That book is the Lexicon of Fear. But, long ago, some of its pages were ripped from the binding and spirited away by a lowly student of the ancient science of Horrorology, who was determined the secrets contained therein would one day be shared with the world. And now that day has come. These are the words thatcomprise the very language of horror itself, and the tales they tell are notfor the fainthearted. But be warned: once you have read them, there is noturning back. Soon, you too will know the true meanings of fear. Featuring stories from Clive Barker, Robert Shearman, Michael Marshall Smith, Pat Cadigan, Mark Samuels, Joanne Harris, Muriel Gray, Kim Newman, Ramsey Campbell, Reggie Oliver, Angela Slatter and Lisa Tuttle.
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Horrorology EN

Stephen Jones

Horrorology EN

Stephen Jones

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In the Library of the Damned, hidden away amongst that vast depository of ancient wisdom, there exists a certain bookcase where the most decadent, the most blasphemous of tomes sit upon a dusty shelf. And amongst those titles - that should never be named - there is one volume that is the most terrible, the most hideous of them all. That book is the Lexicon of Fear. But, long ago, some of its pages were ripped from the binding and spirited away by a lowly student of the ancient science of Horrorology, who was determined the secrets contained therein would one day be shared with the world. And now that day has come. These are the words thatcomprise the very language of horror itself, and the tales they tell are notfor the fainthearted. But be warned: once you have read them, there is noturning back. Soon, you too will know the true meanings of fear. Featuring stories from Clive Barker, Robert Shearman, Michael Marshall Smith, Pat Cadigan, Mark Samuels, Joanne Harris, Muriel Gray, Kim Newman, Ramsey Campbell, Reggie Oliver, Angela Slatter and Lisa Tuttle.

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