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Ponúkané knihy (163674 ponúkaných kníh )

Za každú knižku, ktorú pridáte na predaj do Čarovnej poličky, darujeme 1 cent nadácii Integra a prispejeme tak na vzdelávanie 5 ročného dievčatka Sherry.


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  • Eduard Grečner Film ako voľný verš

    Autor v knihe uvažuje nad osobnosťami a tvorbou výrazných postáv slovenskej i zahraničnej kinematografie v dobových kontextoch.

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    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 €
  • Jo Nesbo The Redbreast EN

    Harry Hole, drunkard, loner and brilliant detective is reassigned to surveillance after a high profile mistake. He’s bored by his new job until a report of a rare and unusual gun being fired sparks his interest because of its possible links to Neo Nazi activity. Then a former soldier is found with his throat cut. Next Harry’s former partner is murdered. Why had she been trying to reach Harry on the night her head…

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    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 €
  • Jo Nesbo Phantom EN

    The murder has been solved. But has justice been done? Harry Hole is back in Oslo. He's been away for some time, but his ghosts have a way of catching up with him. The case that brings him back is already closed. There is no room for doubt: the young junkie was shot dead by a fellow addict. The police don't want him back.. .Denied permission to reopen the investigation, Harry strikes out on his own. Beneath the city…

    4 ponúky

    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 €
  • Jo Nesbo Cockroaches EN

    Detective Harry Hole arrives in a steaming hot Bangkok. But it's work not pleasure. The Norwegian ambassador has been found dead in a seedy motel room, and no witnesses have come forward. The ambassador had close ties to the Norwegian Prime Minister, and to avoid a scandal Harry is sent there to hush up the case.But he quickly discovers that there is much more going on behind the scenes and very few people willing…

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  • Jo Nesbo Nemesis EN

    Harry Hole and his team are in a race against time to crack the identity of a violent bank robber who always seems one step ahead.

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    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 €
  • Milan Paprčka Dolná Nitra z neba

    Leteli ste už niekedy ponad Dražovský kostolík alebo hrad Gýmeš? Malebná príroda Tríbeča a Považského Inovca ukrýva prekrásne hrady a Podunajská nížina je popretkávaná vodnými tokmi. Žijete na Dolnej Nitre, a aj tak nepoznáte všetky jej zákutia?Dolná Nitra z neba Vám poodhalí aj tie miesta, ktoré majú možnosť vidieť len slobodní vtáci a letci. Oni sa pozerajú na krajinu zhora, vidia všetky historické objekty a…

    2 ponúky

    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 5 €
  • Jo Nesbo Police EN

    The police urgently need Harry Hole. A killer is stalking Oslo's streets. Police officers are being slain at the scenes of crimes they once investigated, but failed to solve. The murders are brutal, the media reaction hysterical. But this time, Harry can't help anyone. For years, detective Harry Hole has been at the centre of every major criminal investigation in Oslo. His dedication to his job and his brilliant…

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    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 €
  • Jo Nesbo The Redeemer EN

    One freezing night in Oslo Christmas shoppers gather to listen to a Salvation Army street concert. An explosion cuts through the music, and a man in uniform falls to the ground, shot in the head at point-blank range. Harry Hole and his team have little to work with: no immediate suspect, no weapon and no motive. But when the assassin discovers he has shot the wrong man, Harry Hole’s troubles have only just begun.…

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    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 €
  • Jo Nesbo The Bat EN

    Harry is out of his Depth. Detective Harry Hole is meant to keep out of trouble. A young Norwegian girl taking a gap year in Sydney has been murdered, and Harry has been sent to Australia to assist in any way he can. He's not Supposed to get too Involved. When the team unearths a string of unsolved murders and disappearances, nothing will stop Harry from finding out the truth. The hunt for a serial killer is on,…

    3 ponúky

    (Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 €