Ponúkané knihy (164904 ponúkaných kníh )
Za každú knižku, ktorú pridáte na predaj do Čarovnej poličky, darujeme 1 cent nadácii Integra a prispejeme tak na vzdelávanie 5 ročného dievčatka Sherry.
Bert Martin Náhoda je blbec
Dobrodružná komédia pre mládež.
5 ponúk
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 2 € -
Candace Bushnell Denníky Carrie B. 1
Tento titul nájdete v našej ponuke aj v kolekcii za skvelú cenu. Kto bola Carrie Bradshawová pred Manhattanom a Manolkami? Denníky si hlavná hviezda Sexu v meste píše v poslednom ročníku strednej školy v malom americkom meste. Ani v tomto veku nechýba Carrie to, čím je taká známa v dospelosti: láska k móde, dôvtip, spisovateľské ambície i jej vlastný spôsob feminizmu. Carrie má tri najlepšie kamarátky, alkohol…
15 ponúk
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 4 € -
Katherine Stannett Hot Spot 4 - Activity Book EN
Hot Spot is a colourful new course that identifies with the ‘betweenagers’ 10-14 age group. The Activity Book plays an important role in consolidating and recycling the language presented in the Student's Book. It is full of both controlled and open grammar and vocabulary practice activities, as well as extra reading practice, crosswords, puzzles and picture-based activities. There is also a comprehensive word list…
1 ponúka
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 6 € -
Colin Granger Hot Spot 4 - Student's Book EN
Hot Spot is a new course that identifies with the `betweenagers' 10-14 age group. Bright and colourful, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through lively illustrations and photography. The course follows a traditional and transparent grammar syllabus while ensuring that a balance of all four skills is maintained in every lesson. Providing a focus on the UK and other English-speaking…
1 ponúka
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 7 € -
Katherine Stannett Hot Spot 3 - Activity Book EN
Hot Spot is a new course that identifies with the `betweenagers' 10-14 age group. Bright and colourful, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through lively illustrations and photography. The course follows a traditional and transparent grammar syllabus while ensuring that a balance of all four skills is maintained in every lesson.
1 ponúka
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 6 € -
Colin Granger, Katherine Stannett Hot Spot 3 - Student's Book EN
Hot Spot is a new course that identifies with the `betweenagers' 10-14 age group. Bright and colourful, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through lively illustrations and photography.
1 ponúka
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 7 € -
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones English In Mind
1 ponúka
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 6 € -
Elisenda Papiol Big Bugs 1 - Pupil's Book EN
Big Bugs is a new four-level story-based course for primary children (ages 9-12). Big Bugs 1 and 2 provide continuity and progression by recycling and developing language learnt at the early stages of primary. There are eight story-based units with extra materials for key festivals in the year. These fascinating stories help to contextualize new language and provide opportunities for the children to communicate in…
1 ponúka
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 7 € -
Direkt1 - Nemčina pre stredné školy
Nová učebnica pre výučbu nemeckého jazyka na stredných školách zohľadňujúca požiadavky štátnej maturity.
3 ponúky
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 7 € -
Veronica Roth Rezistencia (Divergencia 2)
Dostupné aj v dvojdielnej, inej dvojdielnej, trojdielnej i štvordielnej kolekcii za skvelé ceny.
26 ponúk
(Ponúka pred: 5mesiacov) Kúpiť za 5 €