Ponúkané knihy (164867 ponúkaných kníh )
Za každú knižku, ktorú pridáte na predaj do Čarovnej poličky, darujeme 1 cent nadácii Integra a prispejeme tak na vzdelávanie 5 ročného dievčatka Sherry.
John Green Will Grayson, Will Grayson EN
One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, teenager Will Grayson crosses paths with... Will Grayson! Two teens with the same name who run in two very different circles suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions. Culminating in epic turns-of-heart on both of their parts, they team up to produce the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high-school stage.
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(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 3,50 € -
John Green An Abundance of Katherines EN
When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton's type is girls named Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Nineteen times, to be exact. On a road trip miles from home, this anagram-happy, washed-up child prodigy has ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a bloodthirsty feral hog on his trail, and an overweight Judge Judy - loving best friend riding shotgun - but no…
6 ponúk
(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 3,50 € -
John Green Paper Towns EN
From the bestselling author of The Fault in our Stars. Quentin has always loved Margo Roth Spiegelman, for Margo (and her adventures) are the stuff of legend at their high school. So when she one day climbs through his window and summons him on an all-night road trip of revenge he cannot help but follow. But the next day Margo doesn't come to school and a week later she is still missing. Q soon learns that there are…
3 ponúky
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Mirka Manáková Arabská ruža
Lindu po rozchode s Norbertom trápia nočné mory, ktorým nerozumie. Keď sa ako tak spamätáva z nešťastnej lásky, stretáva Samira, ktorý jej nečakane vstúpi do života. Samir je sexi, milý a bohatý Arab, ktorý pochádza z Egypta...
5 ponúk
(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 6 € -
John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle Let it Snow EN
An ill-timed storm on Christmas Eve buries the residents of Gracetown under multiple feet of snow and causes quite a bit of chaos. One brave soul ventures out into the storm from her stranded train and sets off a chain of events that will change quite a few lives. Over the next three days one girl takes a risky shortcut with an adorable stranger, three friends set out to win a race to the Waffle House (and the hash…
7 ponúk
(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 3,50 € -
John Green Looking for Alaska EN
A vivid, passionate and intensely moving YA novel from prizewinning author John Green. “In the dark beside me, she smelled of sweat and sunshine and vanilla and on that thin-mooned night I could see little more than her silhouette, but even in the dark, I could see her eyes – fierce emeralds. And not just beautiful, but hot too.” BEFORE. Miles Halter’s whole life has been one big non-event until he starts at…
8 ponúk
(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 3,50 € -
Sun-c' The Art of War EN
Opportunities multiply as they are seized.Written in the 6th century BC, Sun Tzu′s THE ART OF WAR is a Chinese military treatise that is still revered today as the ultimate commentary on war and military strategy. Focussing on the principle that one can outsmart your foe mentally by thinking very carefully about strategy before resorting to physical battle, this philosophy continues to be applied to the corporate…
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Evžen Boček Poslední aristokratka CZ
František Antonín hrabě Kostka z Kostky je potomek šlechtického rodu, žijící v New Yorku. Po pádu komunistického režimu se s americkou manželkou Vivien a dcerou Marií (III.) vrací do Čech, aby převzal rodové sídlo. Kromě zámku „zdědí“ hraběcí rodina i personál: zpátečnického kastelána, hypochondrického zahradníka a kuchařku, která si ráda cvakne a občas to přežene. Chudobný navrátilec, krkolomně navazující na…
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(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 8 € -
Jennifer Niven Všetky skvelé miesta
Theodora Fincha trápia depresie. Každý deň premýšľa nad smrťou, no zároveň hľadá dôvody, prečo žiť. Violet Markeyová ráta dni do maturity, aby mohla ujsť z malého mesta, kde ju prenasledujú bolestné spomienky na sestrinu tragickú smrť. Navzájom sa nepoznajú, až kým sa obaja neocitnú na rímse školskej zvonice, s pohľadom upretým na chodník šesť poschodí pod nimi. Dole sa zhlukujú študenti a škodoradostne pobádajú…
13 ponúk
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Jozef Novák Erby miest vyhlásených za pamiatkové rezervácie (1986)
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