Ponúkané knihy (165739 ponúkaných kníh )
Za každú knižku, ktorú pridáte na predaj do Čarovnej poličky, darujeme 1 cent nadácii Integra a prispejeme tak na vzdelávanie 6 ročného dievčatka Sherry.
Mariana Pauliny Danielsová (preklad) Svetové náboženstvá
1 ponúka
(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 2 € -
Adele Parks Whatever it Takes EN
In her emotionally powerful and unputdownable new novel Adele Parks, Sunday Times bestselling author of ABOUT LAST NIGHT, asks the question: what if love's not enough? Eloise Hamilton is a Londoner born and bred, so it is a momentous day when she reluctantly agrees to uproot to Dartmouth, leaving behind her perfect world so her husband can finally live in his. There are compensations, however. Her mother-in-law…
2 ponúky
(Ponúka pred: 2 mesiace) Kúpiť za 2,50 €