Ponúkané knihy (165581 ponúkaných kníh )
Za každú knižku, ktorú pridáte na predaj do Čarovnej poličky, darujeme 1 cent nadácii Integra a prispejeme tak na vzdelávanie 6 ročného dievčatka Sherry.
Carissa Véliz Privacy is power (Why and how you should take back control of your data)
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Esi Edugyan Half Blood Blues EN
From Weimar Berlin to the fall of Paris, and on to the present day, danger, jealousy and inspiration combine to tempt a man to a secret betrayal. Now a Radio 4 Book at Bedtime scheduled for 27th June - 8th July. Chip told us not to go out. Said, don't you boys tempt the devil. But it been one brawl of a night, I tell you. The aftermath of the fall of Paris, 1940. Hieronymous Falk, a rising star on the cabaret scene,…
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(Ponúka pred: 1 mesiac) Kúpiť za 4 € -
John Boyne The Heart's Invisible Furies EN
Cyril Avery is not a real Avery or at least that’s what his adoptive parents tell him. And he never will be. But if he isn’t a real Avery, then who is he? Born out of wedlock to a teenage girl cast out from her rural Irish community and adopted by a well-to-do if eccentric Dublin couple via the intervention of a hunchbacked Redemptorist nun, Cyril is adrift in the world, anchored only tenuously by his heartfelt…
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(Ponúka pred: 1 mesiac) Kúpiť za 8 €