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Záľuby a koníčky (25426 kníh v kategórii )

Knihy o záľubách patria medzi populárne. Pozdvihnite svoje zručnosti a koníčky o level vyššie a staň sa profíkom.

  • Glenn Hopp Woody Allen EN

    Woody Allen began his career writing jokes and scripts, then progressed to stand-up and acting, and finally wrote and directed his first film, Take the Money and Run, in 1969. Like many of the early films that made him famous, this was a screwball comedy that starred Allen as a hapless and self-demeaning schlemiel who bumbles his way through preposterous and hilarious situations. His first serious recognition as a…

  • David Evanier Woody CZ

    Většina fanoušků si Allena spojuje s jeho milovaným Manhattanem, který mu byl domovem a inspirací skoro celý život. Je o něm ovšem také známo, že miluje hru na klarinet a pravidelně se svou kapelou koncertuje, i že nerad dává rozhovory a přijímá filmové ceny, přestože jich za svou kariéru získal nespočet. V rozsáhlé knize si na své přijdou nejen ti, kdo famózního Allena a jeho tvorbu teprve objevili, ale publikace…

  • Elliott Landy Woodstock Dream DE

       V roku 1969 sa viac ako polmilióna ľudí zo všetkých kútov USA stretlo na tri dnivoWoodstocku na obrovskom hudobnom festivale. Mnoho mladých vtedy vyznávalo ideály lásky, slobody a bratstva, ktoré sa spájali s novou, odvážnou rockovou hudbou a tragickými osudmi Jimiho Hendrixa, Jimiho Morrisona aJanis Joplin.

  • Michael Lang Woodstock CZ

    Festival ve Woodstocku, jehož první ročník se konal v roce 1969, patřil ke zlomovým okamžikům populární hudby 60. let. V průběhu tří srpnových dnů vystoupila před téměř pěti sty tisíci diváky řada hudebních ikon – Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Cocker nebo The Who. Mottem celého festivalu se stalo heslo „Tři dny míru, hudby a porozumění“. Micheal Lang, člověk, který celý koncept festivalu vytvořil, vypráví příběh…

  • Miloš Dudáš, Ivan Gojdič, Margita Šukajlová Wooden Churches EN

    Drevené kostoly patria do pokladnice kultúrneho dedičstva na Slovensku. Tieto pozoruhodné architektúry predstavujú dnes už len zvyšok ani nie 50 stavieb, z pôvodne jestvujúceho množstva približne 300 objektov. Všetky drevené kostoly sú dnes stále charakteristické svojou krehkou krásou a citlivým zasadením do prírodnej krajiny. Nostalgickým obrazom a nevšedným pripomenutím ľudových tradícií, ako aj technicko…

  • Wood Houses EN

    Drevo sa používa pri stavbách domov už tisíce rokov. Nechajte sa inšpirovať najzaujímavejšími a najkrajšími drevenými stavbami, netradičnými domami so zvláštnou, osobitou atmosférou. Na ich exteriéroch aj interiéroch sa podpísali architektov z celého sveta. V tejto publikácii nájdete rôzne druhy domov od malých chát cez bytovky, hotely, až po veľmi extravagantné domy a byty v korunách stromov.

  • Wood Design EN

    In the modern architecture, wood plays an especially central role, and the significance of this wonderfully diverse raw material in the design of sophisticated buildings and interiors continues to increase. Historically speaking, building without wood is practically unimaginable. Over the centuries, skills and traditions in the industrial arts harbouring an immense wealth of experience have evolved on virtually all…

  • Ruth Slavid Wood Architecture EN

    Timber is having a renaissance as an architectural material, as more architects come to understand its properties and enjoy adding it to their repertoire of materials. With a growing crop of good new timber buildings, architects are coming to realize that this is no longer the sole preserve of the traditionalist, but a material that has an important role to play in the contemporary world. The book's introduction…

  • Wood EN

    Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. Similarly to people, our formative first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. Containing around 250 full colour illustrations, the Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the…

  • Eric Kroll Wonderful World of Bill Ward EN

    “Ward’s women reek of glamour and glitz. The opera length gloves, the diamond earrings that dangle to the shoulders, the stiletto heels, the tight satin dresses, the pronounced cleavage... it's all there. It's the best eye candy money can buy.” —Eric Kroll Bill Ward’s long, prolific pin-up career began during World War II when he created a curvy distraction named Torchy for his fellow soldiers. His taste for…

  • Stefan May Women Only EN

    Master of the sensual nude, Stefan May’s latest work captures the intimate splendor of the feminine form. This original collection combines duotone and color images in an imaginative assortment. The contrast between photographic modes helps the reader fully appreciate form, texture, as well as interplays of light and shadow. Celebrated photographer Stefan May has published several bestselling books by teNeues…

  • Jean-Paul Bouillon, Pamela Ivinski, Griselda Pollock Women Impressionists EN

    There is a widespread interest in Impressionist painting, and exhibitions on this accessible movement often draw a large and diverse audience. Unfortunately, most of these events display remarkable few works by the female contemporaries of Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, and Pissarro. Yet there were quite a number of professional female artists in the second half of the nineteenth century, and the exceptional,…

  • Uta Grosenick Women Artists EN

    Many of the century's greatest artistic talents grace the pages of this tome, each artist represented by six pages of illustrations and photographs covering the various phases of her life and work, including biographical portraits and text. The media covered range from the standard painting, sculpture, and photography to concept art, performance, body art, video, feminist actions, installations, and interactive…

  • Stefan May Women EN

    This intimate edition of Women by Stefan May is a stunning collection of black-and-white nudes containing all the beauty, sensuality and grace of the original. And, it contains all the sensual images that made the larger volume so electrifying. Yet, this special diminutive format makes it more affordable and accessible; to be savored, whenever and wherever, you’d like. Renowned photographer Stefan May has published…

  • Richard Avedon Woman in the Mirror: 1945-2004 EN

    Richard Avedon redefined portrait and fashion photography in the 20th century. In the 1940s Avedon burst onto the fashion scene, infusing his photographs with touches of realism and the fantastic. His images were among the first to replace the stiff poses of the past with energetic action scenes that commanded the pages of Harper's Bazaar and Vogue magazines from the mid-'40s through the 1980s. He took his models…

  • Andreas H. Bitesnich Woman EN

       Súbor čierno-bielych fotografí, ktorým dominuje žena. Bitesnich dáva dôraz najmä na jednoduché, čisté línie, perfektné telá, energiu, silu a harmóniu ženského tela.

  • Andreas H. Bitesnich Woman EN

    First published by teNeues in 2001 on the heels of his award-winning book Nudes, this sumptuous collection of powerful, sensuous photographs of the female form is now available in a new hardcover edition designed to appeal to a wide audience. Bitesnich’s photographs embrace the classic ideal of womanly beauty and transform it into a sublimely artistic exercise of form, composition, and contrast. By treating his…

  • Wolfgang Tillmans Wolfgang Tillmans, truth study center EN

    In his third TASCHEN book, celebrated artist photographer and winner of the 2000 Turner Prize Wolfgang Tillmans takes his exploration of the visible world to a new level. The title truth study center is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the paradox of our desire to find a universal truth and the impossibility of doing so. From evocative nude studies and candid personal portraits of Tony Blair to astronomical views of…

  • Cliff Eisen, Stanley Sadie Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Preklad hesla z renomovaného hudobného slovníka The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Publikácia vznikla v roku 250. výročia Mozartovho narodenia a pre slovenského čitateľa je prvou príležitosťou zoznámiť sa s povestnými kvalitami tohto slovníka: bohatstvo faktov, koncízny štýl, prehľadné členenie na život, chronológiu vzniku diel a ich štylistickú analýzu a na zhodnotenie Mozartovho umeleckého odkazu.…

  • Woldwide Graphic Design: Asia EN

    In this new series we're presenting contemporary graphic design from different parts of the world. Even though during the last decades globalization seems to have resulted in the different cultures and societies moving closer together, and although communication and cultural exchange has increased, many regional designs still retain distinctive characteristics that reflect their origin. The third volume of the…

  • Woldwide Graphic Design : Down Under - Australia & New Zeland EN

    In this new series we're presenting contemporary graphic design from different parts of the world. Even though during the last decades globalization seems to have resulted in the different cultures and societies moving closer together, and although communication and cultural exchange has increased, many regional designs still retain distinctive characteristics that reflect their origin. The fourth and latest volume…

  • Wittlichovi CZ

    Kniha je sborníkem příspěvků dvaceti tří historiků umění zabývajících se problematikou dějin a teorie umění 19., 20. a 21. století. Všechny autory spojuje osobnost Petra Wittlicha, profesora dějin umění na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy, ke kterému se hlásí jako ke svému učiteli a vzoru.

  • Anthony C. Grayling Wittgenstein CZ

    O Ludwigu Wittgensteinovi se mluvívá jako o jednom z největších filozofů 20. století, jeho texty však současně bývají charakterizovány jako složité a temné. Tato kniha nabízí úvod do Wittgensteinova myšlení přístupný i lidem bez filozofického vzdělání. Knihu profesora Londýnské univerzity Anthony Graylinga lze brát jako výraz stanoviska dnešních analytických filozofů k velkému mysliteli, který bývá běžně pokládán…
