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Záľuby a koníčky (25426 kníh v kategórii )

Knihy o záľubách patria medzi populárne. Pozdvihnite svoje zručnosti a koníčky o level vyššie a staň sa profíkom.

  • Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer Wright CZ

    Najväčší syntetik architektúry všetkých čias Frank Lloyd Wright realizoval počas svojej kariéry takmer všetky typologické druhy. Kniha, ktorá ho predstavuje ako umelca, ale aj ako človeka túžiaceho po slobode, približuje jeho dielo a myšlienky všetkým, koho architektúra a osud tohto významného umelca zaujíma. Wrightove budovy zmenili tvár svetovej architektúry. Vývin jeho diela od „ prérijných domov“ až po organickú…

  • Fergus Greer World's Top Photographers: Portraits EN

    The World’s Top Photographers series has asserted itself as one of the most exciting and original series to cover every major photographic genre. Its unique combination of stunning original work alongside professional advice on technique and style are the core elements of its success, and the latest in the series only serves to confirm this once again. Portraits features compelling images of some of the world’s best…

  • Kari Lundelin World Press Photo 10 EN

    Every year since 1955 an international jury has convened in Holland under the auspices of the World Press Photo Foundation to choose the finest press photographs of the year. Universally recognized as the definitive competition for photographic reporting, it has been described by Michael Rand – for many years Art Director of The Sunday Times Magazine – as ‘the international photographic contest.’ Publishing the…

  • Kari Lundelin World Press Photo 09 EN

    Publishing the results of the most recent annual World Press Photo Contest, this exceptional book contains the very best press photographs from the year 2008 pictures submitted by photojournalists, picture agencies, newspapers and magazines throughout the world. Selected from thousands of images, these prizewinning photos capture the most powerful, moving and sometimes disturbing images of the year.

  • Elspeth Schouten World Press Photo 08 EN

    Every year since 1955 an international jury has convened in Holland under the auspices of the World Press Photo Foundation to choose the finest press photographs of the year. Universally recognized as the definitive competition for photographic reporting, it has been described by Michael Rand - for many years Art Director of The Sunday Times Magazine - as ’the international photographic contest.’ Publishing the…

  • World Press Photo 07 EN

    Publishing the results of the 50th annual World Press Photo Contest, this exceptional book contains the very best press photographs from the year 2006 - pictures submitted by photojournalists, picture agencies, newspapers and magazines throughout the world. Selected from thousands of images, these prize winning photos capture the most powerful, moving and sometimes disturbing images of the year.

  • World Press Photo 06 EN

    Publishing the results of the 49th annual World Press Photo Contest, this book contains press photographs from the year 2005 - pictures submitted by photojournalists, picture agencies, newspapers, and magazines throughout the world. These prizewinning photos capture the various images of the year.

  • World Press Photo 05 EN

    Every year since 1955 an international jury has met in Holland under the auspices of the World Press Photo Foundation to choose the world's finest press photographs. Universally recognised as the definitive competition for photographic reporting, it has been described by Michael Rand as 'the international photographic contest'. Publishing the results of the 48th annual World Press Photo Contest, this exceptional…

  • Roman Kobiela World of drumset rudiment CZ

    Další díl školy Modern Fusion Drumming 2002. Vývoj techniky hry na bicí je nekončící proces bezpočtem rytmických variací. Jsou zde prezentovány relevantní základy o vědění o hře na bicí nástroje včetně široké řady technických prvků. Jedná se o aktuální přehled těchto nezbytných prvků, nýbrž také moderní aplikaci jejich základních i reverzních variací pro potřeby moderní hry na soupravy bicích nástrojů. Kromě…

  • Lenka Kubková World Marathon Majors: Moje cesta

    Kniha, kterou držíte v ruce, není dalším z desítek návodů, jak běháním zhubnout nebo jak natrénovat na maraton za tři měsíce. Neobsahuje ani „zázračný“ jídelníček či „zaručený“ tréninkový plán pro ty, kteří sní o tom, jak na této královské trati pokoří...

  • Dietrich Wildung World Architecture – Egypt EN

    This is TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - special edition! This is a large-format hardcover edition at a new low price. The architecture of the pharaohs represents some of the most impressive creative work ever produced in Egyptian art and yet it has never been completely assessed. Dietrich Wildung, Curator of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, gives a compelling account of the breathtaking architectural achievements in the…

  • World Architecture and Interiors EN

    Features eight projects from arounds the world, each one restored by architects and interior specialists.

  • Henri Stierlin World Architecture - Islam EN

    This is TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - special edition! The products of a highly-developed architectural style even today bear witness to the greatness of Arabic culture. To the western eye, cities such as Jerusalem, Mecca, Baghdad or Cairo can seem utterly alien. It is not only the way of life that is unfamiliar, it is also the astoundingly varied architecture. This volume surveys more than six centuries of Islamic…

  • Hassan-Uddin Khan World Architecture - International Style EN

    This is TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - special edition! 'Modern architecture is not a new branch of an old tree - it is an altogether new shoot rising beside the old roots' - Walter Gropius, one of the pioneers of modern architecture, on the radical departures of the 20th century. In the 1930s, the term International Style came into use to describe a new form of architecture evolved from Bauhaus and its conviction…

  • Henri Stierlin World Architecture - Greece EN

    This is TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - special edition! This is a large-format hardcover edition at a new low price. From the superb mausoleum of Mausolus in Halicarnassus, stop by the shrine to Apollo at Delphi with its famous oracle, or pass through the imposing Lion Gate in Mycenae, this 'picture book journey' takes us through all the important architectural sites in ancient Greece. Noble simplicity, quiet…

  • Working Spaces EN

    The idea of transforming the working area into an integrated part of the domestic space is now a familiar concept, and freelance professionals often opt to establish their office at home not only for financial reasons but also for the opportunity to work within a personalized space that is both attractive and comfortable. This book has gathered projects from around the world that represent the latest trends in…

  • Helmut Newton Work/Dílo CZ

    Módne fotografie, akty a portréty – to sú tri kategórie, do ktorých Newton rozdelil svoje dielo. Ale tak jednoduché to nie je: módna fotografia môže tiež byť portrétom alebo aktom a naopak. Táto kniha spolu s výstavou v berlínskej Neue Nationalgalerie predstavila Newtonovo dielo v celej šírke a oslávila 80. narodeniny tohto výnimočného fotografa, ktorý sa narodil v roku 1920 v Berlíne, hlavnom meste intelektuálnej a…

  • Work EN

    The illustrated volume Work: Best of Interior Design of the new Best of series focuses on the design of modern office spaces and buildings. Starting with traditional cubicles, on to custom designed work environments, and ending in open team spaces and interaction areas, this title presents all kinds of new space concepts in the realm of work. Creativity is given no limits. An exciting interplay of color and light,…

  • John Langdon Wordplay EN

    If the name Langdon sounds familiar, it's because Dan Brown named the intrepid protagonist of The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons after ambigram - and symbol - designer John Langdon. Widely recognized as a master of the art of the ambigram form, John Langdon does with words what M.C. Escher and Salvador Dali did with images. An ambigram is where language, science, philosophy and illusion come together in the…

  • David Hoyt WORD: Slovní labyrint CZ

    Už vás omrzely křížovky i sudoku? Chcete zkusit něco nového? Tak pro vás je tady WORD - Slovní labyrint - nová edukativní hra, která ve své stolní podobě spatřila světlo světa teprve nedávno. Jejím tvůrcem je slavný americký tvůrce her a hádanek David Hoyt. Také na české verzi hry pracoval přední hádankář a luštitel, člen české Mensy, RNDr. Jaroslav Flejberk. Hra totiž pracuje s jazykem, takže bylo nutné vytvořit…

  • Woody Allen - Film za filmem

    Film za filmem obsahuje úvodní rozhovor s Woodym Allenem Všichni jsme už asi slyšeli jméno Woody Allen. Jenže co se nám ve spojení s ním vybaví? Komedie? Milostný skandál? New York? Neurotická postava s typickými brýlemi? Jason Solomons...

  • Jason Bailey Woody Allen (český jazyk) CZ

    Kniha přináší profily všech dosavadních Allenových snímků - od debutu What´s Up, Tiger Lily?, přes klasické grotesky Seber prachy a zmiz a Spáč, Oscarem oceněné snímky typu Annie Hall a Hanna a její sestry až po současné skvosty jako Půlnoc v Paříži a Jasmíniny slzy. Zabývá se tématy, zápletkami, vlivy a dopady každého z nich a zároveň nabízí unikátní postřehy a detaily ze zákulisí. Průvodní eseje jdou nad rámec…
