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Záľuby a koníčky (25396 kníh v kategórii )

Knihy o záľubách patria medzi populárne. Pozdvihnite svoje zručnosti a koníčky o level vyššie a staň sa profíkom.

  • Chloe Grimshaw New London Style EN

    New London Style takes a fresh look into the homes of the most exciting young creatives in the city, from the music, fashion, design and art worlds. This new wave is injecting funkiness and bright ideas into highly individual and inspirational interiors. A great number of these ideas begin in the intimacy of their own homes but have come to attract international attention, so a glimpse into these interiors reveals a…

  • New Light Design EN

    In every of the new compact design books are about 25 to 30 projects shown to the particular theme. As far as available, projects are presented with detailed plans.

  • New Indoorpool Design EN

    For many years, water has been an essential element for live and for the evolution of man. Countless examples throughout history present an interaction between this liquid element and man's way of life. In Roman times, the domus was built around a patio with a small pool, which became the centre of the house. However, with the passing of time, its original function as a place to collect rainwater has given way to…

  • New Houses EN

    Holdeck Architects, Viena. Parkhouse, Viena, Austria. BAAS Arquitectes, Barcelona. CH. House, La Garriga, Spain. Oishi Kazuhiro, Fukoa. Shima Style House, Itoshima, Japan. WOHA Architects, Singapore. Maple Avenue House, Singapore, Malaysia. Procter-Rihl Architects, London. Slice House, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. e2a, eckert eckert architekten, Zurich. 2 House, Feldmeilen, Switzerland. This book presents the 40 most…

  • New Garden Design EN

    In every of the new compact design books are about 25 to 30 projects shown to the particular theme. As far as available, projects are presented with detailed plans.

  • New Furniture Design EN

    In the constant search for individuality, the modern man strives to differentiate and imbue the monotonous residential blocks common to large urban centres with personality through the use of interior design. Contemporary designers conceive furniture not only based on functional criteria, but also through the experimentation with fluid forms, strong colors and stimulating contrasts. Their vision is built upon an…

  • New Forms EN

    Created by The Plan, one of Europes leading architecture magazines, this new series does what most books on cutting-edge architecture do not: it reveals the details of a buildings design and construction. Most architects today are savvy to the power of digital renderings and media, but few can present drawings in a manner that can be understood by those working outside the project. These drawings reveal what images…

  • New Country House EN

    For a long time now, the emphasis of radical architecture has rested on the challenge of designing homes in towns and cities and the focus of building in the coutryside has been the conservation, conversion and renovation of existing structures. But now, as more and more people grow tired of the stresses of city living, many have set out for the countryside, taking with them a powerful design consciousness. This…

  • New Concepts Housing EN

    With in-depth technical explanations and hundreds of glossy color photographs, this work is as attractive as it is practical. With dozens of new and daring proposals in house design by architects of international renown, each program is accompanied by a comprehensive analysis (contributed directly by the designing architects themselves) of each phase in the design and building processes. Included is a breakdown of…

  • New Concepts Bars and Restaurants EN

    The architecture of leisure tends to be one of the best exponents of the creative capacity of the designer. The functional and aesthetic limitations are almost always less strict than in other areas, and this is why the most famous spaces of restaurants, bars, cafes and discotheques have become fundamental examples for studying the different tendencies of language, materials and design that arise from the interior…

  • New Chinese Architecture EN

    Over the last five years, architecture in China has experienced an unprecedented boom in architecture and has become the most dynamic and active region in the world. The complex fusion of both Chinese and Western influences has given this its architecture a unique style. This comprehensive, wide ranging book showcases the most exciting projects of recent years in China, with extensive imagery together with clear…

  • New Bars & Restaurants EN

    The concept: Keeping on top of constantly-changing customer tastes and aesthetics often means the difference between an establishment's success or failure. New Bars & Restaurants reflects all the hottest trends and designs in gathering places from New York to London, Montreal to Oslo. Texts and magnificent photos detail how lighting, materials, furniture and graphic design all work together to form these stylish…

  • Bethan Ryder New Bar and Club Design EN

    New Bar and Club Design showcases 47 of the most glamorous venues around the world. The featured nightspots are grouped according to type: bars, restaurant bars, hotel bars and clubs. The book features a wide variety of bars to suit every taste, from space-age retro at Universum in Berlin to vintage Moroccan at Andy Wahloo in Paris, while clubs range from the hight-tech superclub Cacoon in Frankfurt to the bijou…

  • New Architecture Atlas EN

    A review of the significant architectural works form all over the world of the last five years. Throughout the pages of this book, the reader promenades among the most remarkable projects of public and private architecture of our days:residential houses, infrastructures, cultural centres and leisure parks, public and corporative buildings, urbanism and landscape... This book is throughly documented and illustrated…

  • New 100 Houses x 100 Architects EN

    The New 100 Houses is the fourth book in IMAGES' popular 100 Best Houses series. IMAGES has again selected houses that represent the very best in international residential architecture. The houses featured represent everything from the modern to the classical. This is a book that can be browsed through time and again, with each viewing guaranteed to inspire, delight and surprise. Outstanding colour photography…

  • Charles Forth Nevysvětlené záhady CZ

    Nad ránem 28. srpna roku 1883 probudil službu konajícího redaktora Boston Globe Byrona Somea dnes již proslavený sen, v němž viděl apokalyptickou zkázu způsobenou výbuchem sopky Krakatoa. Ještě tu noc svůj sen popsal. Výkřiky nešťastníků řítících se do vřícího oceánu mu zněly v uších. Proudy lávy stékaly z hory a pohřbívaly pod sebou celé vesnice, farmy i lodi v blízkosti ostrova. Someův kolega ráno popsaný sen…

  • Nevyriešené záhady ľudstva

    Môžete sa zoznámiť s témami z najrôznejších oblastí ľudského poznania, v ktorých v súčasnosti dochádza k najbúrlivejšiemu rozvoju, alebo ktoré sa modernej vede zatiaľ nepodarilo uspokojivo vysvetliť.

  • Oldřich Dudek, Miroslava Dudková Nevšední život, záhadná smrt Karla Svobody CZ

    Životní příběh a především pak okolnosti záhadné smrti legendárního skladatele jsou tématem knihy jeho dlouholetého osobního přítele Oldřicha Dudka. Na rozdíl od nejrůznějších spekulativních materiálů v různých denících a časopisech bude mít tato kniha několik zvláštností. Jejím autorem je člověk, který Karla Svobodu a jeho rodinu důvěrně znal, a má tedy přístup k informacím a faktům, které jsou pro jiné…

  • Dan Millman Nevšední okamžiky CZ

    Každý z nás se může stát pokojným bojovníkem, člověkem, v němž se snoubí statečnost s láskou, bojovný duch se srdcem plným míru. Takový člověk se snáze vypořádá s tím, co pro něho život chystá...

  • Osho Nevinnosť, poznanie, údiv

    Múdry a vtipný duchovný majster tvrdí, že príliš veľa vedomostí stojí v ceste skutočnému poznaniu a prežívaniu. Návrat k detskej nevinnosti, ku schopnosti dívať sa na všetko sviežim pohľadom, bez predsudkov a prehnanej dôležitosti – to je spôsob, ako ustavične vnímať krásu a zázraky všade naokolo. Tak ako vo všetkých Oshových knihách, aj tu sa stretnete s množstvom zábavných príbehov, anekdôt a vtipov, ktoré…

  • Julie Jansen Nevím, co chci, ale rozhodně ne tohle CZ

    Tato kniha vás naučí, jak přijít na to, která práce je pro vás ta pravá, a třeba si ji i vytvořit. Je možné, že až si knihu přečtete, rozhodnete se, že jste připraveni a odhodláni svou práci změnit. Začnete hledat nové zaměstnání nebo kariéru a možná opustíte práci, kterou jste dělali řadu let.

  • Neviditelné inspirace

    Tvorba se zdaleka netýká jen umění a řemesel, je ze své podstaty obsažena v každé činnosti, na níž člověku záleží, kterou nedělá jen mechanicky. Autoři této publikace zacházejí ještě dál a ukazují, že v každé takové...
