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Záľuby a koníčky (25429 kníh v kategórii )

Knihy o záľubách patria medzi populárne. Pozdvihnite svoje zručnosti a koníčky o level vyššie a staň sa profíkom.

  • L. Gavulová Photoport

    Kniha Photoport je pokusom o zdokumentovanie nástupu novej generácie slovenských fotografov. Po slovenskej novej vlne z 80. rokov minulého storočia, založení oddelenia fotografie na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave (1990) a trendu maximálneho individualizmu po roku 1989, už teraz dozrel čas na jednu z ďalších generačných výpovedí. Koncepcia a výber autorov v tejto publikácii je postavená na štyroch…

  • Mary Warner Marien Photography: A Cultural History EN

    This 3rd edition of the groundbreaking survey of international photography has 16 additional pages, including new material from recent research on Victorian photography's relationship to painting, photography's involvement with German and Russian art movements between the World Wars and growing influence of vernacular photography alongside art and commercial photography. It documents the rise of digital photography…

  • Photography Inspirations EN

    The result, a 700-page thick photographic volume subtitled The World is the Human’s Project, was produced in cooperation with the visual solution provider Corbis. It is a compact collection of artistic imagery that pays special attention to the diversity, beauty, vitality and madness of everyday human situations and actions while portraying a pulsating society whose characteristics are determined by the personal…

  • Duncan Evans Photography FAQs: Portraits EN

    The latest in the series Photography FAQs: Portraits explores the most engaging of subjects: other people. Every aspect of portrait photography is covered, from hardware to lighting, composition to software, the full range of questions on how to shoot all types of portraits are answered.

  • David Prakel Photography FAQs: Black and White EN

    Photography FAQs: Black and White is the third title in this series. The book is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to black-and-white photography; covering every aspect from capturing the image, filtration, to developing and printing an image and successful presentation. All your questions will be clearly answered!

  • Tom Ang Photography EN

    Photography is a beautiful lavishly illustrated reference book tracing the history of photography from its origins in the 1800s to the global phenomenon of digital photography. Photography celebrates the most iconic photos and profiles 50 of the most famous photographers of the past 200 years, with special features delving into the stories of especially arresting photographs, including Pulitzer Prize-winners, such…

  • Photographing People EN

    The phenomenally successful Photographing People owed its success to its inspiring and comprehensive showcase of professional lighting techniques featuring exciting and innovative work from photographers around the world. Now available in a revised and updated paperback edition, it covers the genres of portraits, fashion and glamour photography with depth and clarity. Although a vast range and diversity of work is…

  • Peter Lindbergh Photographien DE

    Peter Lindbergh has ranked among the world elite of fashion photographers for two decades now. Far more interested in charisma and individual personalty than perfection and glamour, he played a major role in creating the beauty ideal of the 90s.

  • Annie Leibovitz Photographer's Life: 1990-2005 EN

    One of the most celebrated photographers of our time presents a selection of her work of the last fifteen years. The material documents the arc of Leibovitz's relationship with her companion, Susan Sontag, who died in 2004; the birth of her three daughters; and many events involving her large and robust family, including the death of her father. The book is permeated with strong emotions. Leibovitz's passion for her…

  • Photographer's Eye EN

    The Photographer's Eye, available again after some years out of print, offers a guide to the medium's visual language through works by such early masters as Atget, Cartier-Bresson, Evans, Strand and Weston. In this re-issue, 172 illustrations reveal the extraordinary range of the photograph from the early days of the medium's development to the mid-1960s. They are accompanied by an essay from Szarkowski, one of the…

  • Steve McCurry Photographer

    Publikace nabízí výběr 57 nejslavnějších prací jednoho z nejznámějších fotografů současné doby, Steva McCurryho. Proslavil se především jako dokumentární fotograf, když jako první zachytil a ukázal světu život obyčejných lidí...

  • Roberto Koch PhotoBox EN

    PhotoBox presents a collection of 250 photographs by 200 of the world's most prominent photographers, ranging from legendary masters to contemporary stars, in an appealing format with a portfolio binding. Photographers include Ansel Adams, Richard Avedon,Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Elliot Erwitt, Robert Frank, Nan Goldin, David LaChapelle, Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton, and many more. Each image is…

  • Photo Trouvée EN

    Unique collection of 285 amateur photographs found, collected and edited by the highly respected French photohistorian Michel Frizot and the film and photography researcher Cédric de Veigy. Defined by the authors as `an anthropology of the ordinary`, Photo Trouvée includes personal records of universal experiences by now-anonymous photographers - a child`s first hesitant steps, the tranquillity of a siesta, a soap…

  • Hans-Michael Koetzle Photo Icons EN

    Photographs have a strange and powerful way of shaping the way we see the world and influencing our perceptions of reality. To demonstrate the unique and profound influence on culture and society that photographs have, Photo Icons puts the most important landmarks in the history of photography under the microscope.

  • Dale Pendell Pharmako/poeia – moc rostlin, jedy a bylinářství CZ

     Současnost charakterizuje mj. zvýšený zájem o staré cesty, temné a nebezpečné, které překračují hranice racionality a vedou do samého středu člověka. Po staletí byly tyto cesty jedů skryty a putování po nich si bylo nutno vybojovat. Dnes jsou k dispozici všem a lidé i společnost si z nich vybírají především ty, které rezonují s touhou být dobrým a nevystavovat se nebezpečím. V úžasném propletenci věd. znalostí,…

  • Phaidon Design Classics EN

    A design classicis an industrially manufactured object with timeless aesthetic value. It serves as a standard of its kind and, despite the year in which it was designed, is still up to date. The collection presented in these three volumes has been put together by a group of experts following the above criteria. The objects are presented chronologically, beginning with an elegant pair of Chinese bonsai scissors from…

  • Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture - Travel Edition EN

    The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture: Travel Edition, presents all of the best works of architecture completed in the last five years in an ultra-convenient mini format, perfect for the holiday or business traveller. Each of the 1,052 projects from the comprehensive edition included a single image per building and a short text to describe it. The project entry gives the name of each building and its…

  • Phaethon CZ

    Příběh obrazu Francesca Solimeny.

  • Brigitte Engammare Pevný zadek za 30 dní

    Mít pevný zadeček za pouhý měsíc? Proč ne, je to možné! Tato kniha je ideální pro ty, kdo nemají čas chodit do tělocvičen a posiloven a hledají ucelený tréninkový program, který je provede jejich každodenním cvičením...

  • Brigitte Engammar Pevné brucho za 30 dní

    Pekné brucho za mesiac. Je to možné! Ideálny program pre všetky ženy, čo nemajú čas zájsť do fitnescentra a hľadajú vhodné cvičenie. Táto kniha vás bude sprevádzať počas tréningu. Každý týždeň objavíte nové cvičenia...

  • Brigitte Engammare Pevné břicho za 30 dní

    Mít pevné a krásné břicho za pouhý měsíc?Proč ne, je to možné! Tato kniha je ideální pro ty, kdo nemají čas chodit do tělocvičen a posiloven a hledají ucelený tréninkový program, který je provede jejich každodenním cvičením. Každý týden vám nabídne nové cviky, které jsou určené pro zpevnění a posílení břišních svalů v rekordní době. Program je dostupný pro všechny, stejně tak jsou zvladatelné jeho lekce. S ohledem…

  • Milena Kolářová, Alena Kačinetzová Pevné břicho CZ

    Dietní program, cviční s míči, testováni svalů, posilovací cviky, cvičení poporodu, cvičení po břišních operacích.
