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Záľuby a koníčky (25426 kníh v kategórii )

Knihy o záľubách patria medzi populárne. Pozdvihnite svoje zručnosti a koníčky o level vyššie a staň sa profíkom.

  • David Young, Michiko Young, Tan Hong Yew The Art of the Japanese Garden EN

    Gardening has reached new heights of sophistication, and this book profiles a number of the most notable gardens in Japan and beyond. The goal of a Japanese garden is to suggest a landscape, to depict More famous natural scenes, or to evoke a particular artistic quality or atmosphere.

  • Jeff Kurtti The Art of Tangled EN

    A lighthearted twist on Rapunzel, the beloved fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm, Tangledbrims with thrilling adventure, a distinctive cast of characters, a daring heroine, and, of course, seventy feet of golden hair. Featuring the stunning concept art behind the newest Disney masterpiece, The Art of Tangledalso includes a preface by John Lasseter, a foreword by Directors Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, and…

  • Bruce Barnbaum The Art of Photography EN

    This is an updated and newly revised edition of the classic book The Art of Photography (originally published in 1994), which has often been described as the most readable, understandable, and complete textbook on photography. With well over 100 beautiful photographic illustrations in both black-and-white and color, as well as numerous charts, graphs, and tables, this book presents the world of photography to…

  • Bruce Lee The Art of Expressing the Human Body EN

    Beyond his martial arts and acting abilities, Bruce Lee's physical appearance and strength were truly astounding. He achieved this through an intensive and ever-evolving conditioning regime that is being revealed for the first time in this book. Drawing on Lee's own notes, letters, diaries and training logs, bodybuilding expert John Little presents the full extent of Lee's unique training methods including nutrition…

  • Rajesh Devraj The Art of Bollywood EN

    Hand-painted movie posters that made Bollywood a winner Since its inception in the second decade of the 20th century, the Bombay-based Indian film industry—Bollywood—has developed a unique visual language, articulated by the vivid hand-painted movie posters that have since become highly-desirable collectors' items. While Bollywood poster artists produced a staggering number of these hand-painted images, their…

  • Elliott Erwitt The Art of André S. Solidor EN

    In the persona of André S. Solidor, veteran photographer Elliott Erwitt plunges deeply into the kookier excesses of contemporary photography. Connotation, denotation, “relevance,” André S. Solidor has covered all the bases. Solidor’s “best masterpiece to date” features an “exuberantly eclectic” selection of topics—smoking fish heads, pneumatic mannequins in incongruous poses, not to mention some “up-close and…

  • Eric Hebborn The Art Forger´s Handbook EN

    The international art world was plunged into turmoil when it was revealed in 1980 that many drawings previously attributed to artists as varied as Brueghel, Piranesi, Pontormo, Corot, and Augustus John were in fact the work of the English artist Eric Hebborn (1934 - 1996). Here, in The Art Forger's Handbook, compiled shortly before his mysterious and untimely death, Hebborn unpacks the secrets of his forging…

  • Horst Moser The Art Directors' Handbook of Professional Magazine Design EN

    What makes a magazine into a design classic? How can timeless ideas be incorporated into an ever-changing contemporary context? While many books on editorial design simply illustrate great work, this book, now available in PLC, presents a huge range of examples from an amazing collection of international magazines and uses them to illustrate the principles of classic editorial design. With over 1,000 colour…

  • The Art Book midi EN

    Winner of the Illustrated Book of the Year award in 1994, The Art Book has been an outstanding success and has become a well-known landmark in the art book world. Now published in over twenty different languages and in a miniature edition, it has received rave reviews from numerous newspapers and magazines and has made many appearances on the bestseller lists. Complemented by The 20th Century Art Book and The…

  • The Art Book EN

    The Art Book presents a whole new way of looking at art. Easy to use, informative and fun, it’s an A-to-Z guide to the greatest painters, photographers and sculptors from medieval times to the present day. It debunks art-historical classifications by throwing together brilliant examples from all periods, schools, visions and techniques. Only here could Carracci be seen alongside Cartier-Bresson, Duccio be found…

  • The Art Book CZ

    Encyklopedie výtvarného umění Art Book představuje zcela nový způsob pohledu na výtvarné umění. Pět set významných malířů a sochařů je abecedně seřazeno v přehledné, poučné i zábavné publikaci, která vás provede od středověku až po současnost. Oproti tradiční klasifikaci dějin umění klade vedle sebe výjimečné příklady děl různých období, uměleckých škol, přístupů a technik. Kniha nabízí posouzení tvorby…

  • John Onians The Art Atlas EN

    This is the first work to treat the art of the whole world from prehistory to the present day through the extensive use of maps. Covering painting, sculpture and architecture as well as other arts and artefacts, the Atlas provides an entirely new vision of the history of the worlds art by showing how physical and political geography has shaped its developments. Instead of simply showing where and when great artists…

  • Simon Henley The Architecture of Parking EN

    This is the first comprehensive international survey of one of the most neglected but most important building types of the modern era: the parking garage. An introduction sets out the history and architectural significance of these buildings and their relevance today, and is followed by four main chapters that define the most influential aspects of parking design: elevations and facade; construction and materiality;…

  • Henry Plummer The Architecture of Natural Light EN

    Seen through the eyes of an architect-photographer, this comprehensive and thoughtful survey is the first publication to consider the many effects of natural illumination in contemporary buildings. For all those interested in creating space that transcends the physical, The Architecture of Natural Light is a powerful and poetic yet practical survey that provides an original and timeless approach to contemporary…

  • The animals of M. Méheut EN

    The animal studies by this artist of the past display a particularly up-to-date style and graphic technique. There is much to learn from observing and drawing the animal world of this master artist. *** Publikácia kolekcie Leonardo je výnimočnou knihou o rôznych technikách kreslenia, ktorá obsahuje málo textu a veľa obrázkov s postupmi maľovania. Je vynikajúcou pomôckou pre začiatočníkov. Titul je len v anglickom…

  • Molly Donovan, Tina Fiske The Andy Goldsworthy Project EN

    This is the most substantial scholarly volume devoted to British sculptor Andy Goldsworthy’s work in twenty years and the first to underscore his permanent oeuvre. In January 2003 Goldsworthy was invited to create a work of art for the National Gallery of Art, Washington. The project began with a series of ephemeral works on Government Island in Stafford County, Virginia. From this phase a series of photographic…

  • Josef Sudek The Advertising Photographs

    Čtvrtý svazek knižní řady Sudkových fotografických cyklů představuje jeho zakázkovou tvorbu. Historik umění Vojtěch Lahoda ve svém doprovodném textu ukazuje vývoj Sudkova vztahu k reklamní fotografii, zdůrazňuje klíčové Sudkovo...

  • Zoran Rebac Thajský box CZ

    Thajský box, fascinující thajský národní sport, při kterém se bojuje pěstmi, nohama, lokty a koleny se setkává v Evropě s čím dál větším zájmem. Autor podává přehled o historii, bojové filozofii a základních technikách thajského boxu. Popisuje dynamické kopy a pěstní údery, techniky loktů a kolen, jakož i obzvláště účinné obranné techniky a útočné kombinace. Vysvětluje taktiku utkání a realistické tréninkové metody…

  • Nick Kent Těžkej nářez CZ

    Řada profilů hudebníků, u nichž autor hledal odpověď na otázku, jací jsou ve skutečnosti. Mluví se zde o zážitcích z dětství, které tyto hvězdy formovaly, ale také o děsivém triumvirátu ega, drogové závislosti a posedlosti vlastní osobou, jež tak neúnavně devastuje tvůrčího ducha.

  • Robert H. Schuller Těžké časy netrvají věčně, vytrvalý člověk je překoná! CZ

    Jak můžete dnes přežít těžké časy a jít dál? Odpovědí je cesta realistického myšlení, základní výzva autora - velkého duchovního učitele Ameriky, se kterou seznamuje čtenáře tato kniha.

  • Richard Müller (editor), Josef Šebek (editor) Texty v oběhu CZ

    Antologie překladů věnovaná novému historismu, kulturnímu materialismu a kulturním studiím – tedy směrům humanitněvědného myšlení, v jejichž rámci se střetávají literární a kulturní teorie, text a jeho kontext, praktické a teoretické aspekty myšlení, konání a řeči nebo oblast umění a ne-umění – uvedené směry nemapuje v celé šíři, ale vybírá klíčové texty jejich protagonistů, a to v rámci hledisek z podtitulu…

  • Karel Kryl Texty písní CZ

    Svazek obsahuje všechny texty písní Karla Kryla, které se podařilo editorům shromáždit.
