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Záľuby a koníčky (25426 kníh v kategórii )

Knihy o záľubách patria medzi populárne. Pozdvihnite svoje zručnosti a koníčky o level vyššie a staň sa profíkom.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Dobbins The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding EN

    From elite bodybuilding competitors to gymnasts, from golfers to fitness gurus, anyone who works out with weights must own this book - a book that only Arnold Schwarzenegger could write, a book that has earned its reputation as the bible of bodybuilding. Inside, Arnold covers the very latest advances in both weight training and bodybuilding competition, with new sections on diet and nutrition, sports psychology, the…

  • Ján Papco The Mystery of a Paintig EN

    Takzvaný Autoportrét Maulbertscha v zbierkach Rakúskej galérie vo Viedni patrí vyše jedno storočie k nevyriešeným záhadám neskorobarokového maliarstva strednej Európy . Sprevádzajú ho rozpaky a pochybnosti, ktoré sa týkajú nielen identity portrétovaného umelca na obraze, ale aj samotného tvorcu diela. Doterajšie pokusy o vyriešenie týchto otázok nepriniesli uspokojivé výsledky. Najnovšie sa ich snaží riešiť autor…

  • Mark Seliger The Music Book EN

    Like a great piece of rock music, an artful photograph is part harmony and part unexpected chaos. Mark Seliger is an artist who chronicles the music world and transposes its idioms to the photographic medium. The result is unexpected yet carefully composed. Fresh, lively and original, his style adapts itself to his subjects. Not overly mannered, his images crackle with life and a dare one say it a beauty. Appearing…

  • The Modernist House EN

    The Modernist House is a global survey of 100 houses, covering an astonishing array of architects, cultures, styles, materials and designs. This collection ranges from the iconic masterpieces of the early twentieth century to today’s manifestations of this revolutionary movement. The houses are presented in chronological order and each entry features a full-page image with a short text describing the house, its…

  • Aleš Opekar The Matadors CZ

    Monografie české rokové skupiny z 60. let 20. století popisuje vznik, vývoj a osud této skupiny v širším dobovém společenském kontextu. Součástí je hudební analýza repertoáru i textového záběru původní tvorby. Pro větší čtivost je často využito citací z dobových i nově realizovaných rozhovorů. Monografie má bohatou obrazovou přílohu a CD s dosud nevydanou archívní nahrávkou z roku 1996.

  • Jan Royt The Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece EN

    The Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece was one of the most important Gothic artists of the international style art in the European context. Scholarly literature, both Czech and foreign, presents various ideas concerning ascribing particular pieces of art to this unknown figure, the date of their origin and their chronology, artistic ideological points of departure of his work and the reconstruction and origin of the…

  • The Male Nude EN

    While the female nude has long played a concpicuous role in western iconography, the male nude has not always enjoyed such adoration. This collection provides an overdue review of material that at one time could only be bought under the counter, beginning with the anonymous erotica of the 19th century. It features the pioneer homoerotic nude photographs of Baron Wilhelm von Gloeden, posing nude youths in classical…

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The Little Prince Coloring Book EN

    This magical coloring book features original illustrations and memorable quotes from Antoine de Saint-Exupery s masterpiece, The Little Prince. The delicate and highly detailed line illustrations are waitingto be brought to life with your favorite colored pencils or fine markers. Little Prince fans of all ages will find pleasure in this sophisticated and creative book.

  • The Little Know-It-All EN

    The Little Know-It-All provides the fundamental information designers need to know to thrive in their growing field of practice. This updated new edition is an indispensable manual of the knowledge currently required of designers as the evolution of media redefines their role and expands the disciplines in which they must be competent. Comprised of seven chapters, this title offers concise analysis as well as…

  • Paul Schenzer The Legends Beat Generation CZ

    Hardrocková éra - to byla exploze! Jen málokdy v dějinách došlo k tak rychlému vývoji nějakého uměleckého směru, jako právě hudby počátkem sedmdesátých let - a jen u málokterého nástroje to bylo po všech stránkách tak patrné jako právě u bicích. Nesmělé beatové rytmy nahradilo nejširší spektrum úplně nových doprovodů - od těch rockově razantních, valících se nezadržitelně jak lokomotiva, přes odlehčeně šlapající…

  • Gavin Ambrose The Layout Book EN

    Most books just tell how to do layout. The Layout Book explains the hows, whys, and why nots of layout. A historical overview of layout, from the early scribes to today, is followed by a systematic look at key theoretical principles and practical applications. A selection of great layout designs and more than 300 illustrations in full color and black-and-white provides ideas and insight. Invaluable for design…

  • Jan Amos Komenský The Labyrinth of the World EN

    Významné dílo Jana Amose Komenského v nádherné grafické úpravě.Ilustrácie: Petr Nikl

  • Julius Wiedemann The Internet Case Study Book EN

    How to make your business work online Featuring 60 success stories, from clients' briefings to final projects, this book, which follows on from the best selling Guidelines for Online Success title, provides detailed studies divided into five chapters: e-Commerce, Corporate Sites, Campaigns, Social Media, and Promotional Sites. These subjects form the core of what the web can offer to every person or institution,…

  • W. Timothy Gallwey The Inner Game of Tennis EN

    The Inner Game of tennis is that which takes place in our mind, played against such elusive opponents as nervousness, self-doubt and lapses of concentration. It is a game played by our mind against its own bad habits. Replacing one pattern of behaviour with a new, more positive one is the purpose of the Inner Game. Peak performance at tennis, like any sport, only comes when our mind is so focused that it is still…

  • W. Timothy Gallwey The Inner Game of Tennis EN

    How to improve your game and discover your true potential by increasing your concentration, willpower and confidence. Described by Billie Jean King as her 'tennis bible', Timothy Gallwey's multi-million bestseller, including a new introduction from acclaimed sports psychologist Geoff Beattie, has been a phenomenon for players of all abilities since it was first published in 1972. Instead of concentrating on how to…

  • Jenn Visocky O´Grady, Ken Visocky O´Grady The Information Design Handbook EN

    The Information Design Handbook is crammed with case studies, boxouts, trouble-shooting tips, colour wheels, typographical dos and don’ts, and essential design principles to explain all of the keys to creating information graphics — whether those designs are up close and intended to guide the user around a publication or document, help them plan their lives, or be viewed from afar to guide someone around a physical…

  • Laura Houseley The Independent Design Guide EN

    An explosively growing collectors market in design has fuelled the interest in young, emerging designers, whose work has become as highly sought after as that of established names. Around the world more and more galleries are opening to meet this new demand. The Independent Design Guide is the first publication to present these undiscovered talents and their creations to a consumer audience. 400 of the most exciting…

  • The Human Figure EN

    This book features examples of drawings of the human from the 16th century onwards showing detailed images of bones, complete skeletons, muscle structures and the nude as well as the clothed body. The book comes with a CD containing digital files of all illustrations.

  • Shelley-Maree Cassidy The Hotelbook. Great Escapes Africa EN

       Ukážky 100% prírodných hotelov zo srdca Afriky... Whether you’ve always dreamed of a vacation in Africa or never even considered it, take one look through this book and you’ll be planning your next five holidays before you know it. Our selection of the most splendid getaway havens nestled throughout the continent is sure to please even the most finicky would-be voyagers. Everything you need to know about each…

  • Shelley-Maree Cassidy The Hotelbook - Great Escapes Europe EN

       Prvá kniha predstavujúca interiéry a exteriéry najkrajších európskych hotelov.
