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Záľuby a koníčky (25426 kníh v kategórii )

Knihy o záľubách patria medzi populárne. Pozdvihnite svoje zručnosti a koníčky o level vyššie a staň sa profíkom.


    This is a highly original and indispensible source of inspiration for graphic designers and illustrators everywhere. One of the biggest challenges facing all graphic designers, illustrators, and artists is being able to work in just one colour - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, or Black, the colours used in the four-colour printing process. The THNK CMYK series provides much-needed inspiration by showing how this limitation…


    Think CMYK is a mini-series of four titles dedicated to working with only one colour of the CMYK-range, plus black. It demonstrates how creativity can be stimulated by such limitations. “Think Black”, or “THNK BLCK”, presents designs using only this one colour.

  • This is Visual Merchandising! EN

    The pages of This is visual merchandising! are an outline, marvellously full-illustrated with magnificent photographs in colour, most of them of big size, which show all factors that a visual merchandiser or shop window designer must have present: the election of colour, the power of lighting, spatial combination, typology of the window models, the importance of small details and the seasonal and commemorative…

  • Nikki Sixx This is Gonna Hurt EN

    Few of us have experienced life with the intensity, fury, and reckless abandon of Nikki Sixx, the wild rock star, driven entrepreneur, devoted father, former addict, bestselling author, and gifted photographer. This Is Gonna Hurt is part photo, part journal - but all Nikki Sixx. It is a collection of compelling snapshots and stories that capture the rage, love, optimism, darkness,and determination that shape his…

  • Tim Parsons Thinking / Objects: Contemporary Approaches to Product Design EN

    Product Description Thinking Objects: Contemporary Approaches to Product Design is an innovative, wide-ranging guide to great product design. This book reveals how designers can learn to read the signals an object sends, interpret meaning, discover historical context and use those messages in their own new product designs. Globalisation, technology, the media and the need for a sustainable future are all part of…

  • Jan Kefer Theurgie -2.vydání CZ

    Nové, edičně upravené vydání textu J. Kefera, významného představitele českého meziválečného hermetismu, předsedy společnosti Universalia. Theurgie je podle Kefera nejvyšší hermetickou vědou, jež vede k ovládnutí duchovního a božského světa. Tento rozsahem kratší, avšak myšlenkově hutný a zásadní text tvoří spolu s dalšími knihami o theurgii vrchol Keferova díla.

  • Rudolf Steiner Theosofie CZ

    Theosofie je stěžejním dílem Rudolfa Steinera, v kterém autor uvádí výklad základních pojmů a také vyšších nadsmyslových pojmů, o které opírá své další nesčetné přednášky a knihy. Pojednává o člověku a jeho podstatě, o znovuvtělování, o rozdílech světa duševního a duchovního. Součástí knihy je také stezka poznání, význam myšlenkové práce, úloha sympatie a antipatie, význam duchovních cvičení a také jedinečné…

  • Radim Kratochvíl Theodor Pištěk aneb Filmové nebe první republiky CZ

    Je to kniha o rekordmanovi českého filmu. Nikdo u nás nezvládl tolik rolí jako on. Kdyby se celuloidový pás snímků, ve kterých hrál Theodor Pištěk, natáhl na zem, sahal by z Prahy až do Paříže. Těch filmů bylo totiž přes tři sta. Navíc je hercův život zrcadlem doby. Pocházel z rodiny spjaté s prkny, co znamenají svět, zažil dvě světové války a v té první nosil uniformu. S průpravou z rodinné divadelní arény se…

  • Martin Dostál, Michal Novotný, Tereza Petišková, Jiří Šetlík, Pavel Vančát Theodor Pištěk - Angelus

    Rozsáhlá výstava Theodora Pištěka Angelus v Domě umění v Brně je doprovázena stejnojmenou knihou, editovanou Martinem Dostálem a v grafické úpravě Zdeňka Zieglera a Jana Boučka. Přináší nejen stěžejní Pištěkovy práce z fotorealistického období, ale...

  • Max Kozloff Theatre of the Face EN

    The face is where we are. We kiss, eat, breathe and speak through it. It's where we look, listen and smell. It is where we think of ourselves as being finally and conclusively on show. It's the part we hide when we are ashamed and the bit we think we lose when we are in disgrace - Jonathon Green. Though portrait photography is one of the most popular and enduring of all photographic genres it is also the least…

  • Jiří Adámek Théâtre musical CZ

    Kniha se věnuje specifickému proudu současného divadla, ve kterém dochází k prolínání hudebních a divadelních prostředků, tzv. théâtre musical. První část přibližuje tvorbu trojice významných současných zahraničních reprezentantů théâtre musical: Georgese Aperghise, který 20 let vedl hudebně-divadelní laboratoř Atelier Théâtre et Musique (ATEM); německého skladatele Heinera Goebbelse, tvůrce instrumentálního divadla…

  • Philippe De Baeck, Philippe De Baeck The World's Most Expensive EN

    An exclusive design or a special edition can make almost any object into a luxury item. But there is only one item in each category that can call itself the most expensive in the world. The Barbie doll with a diamond dress or the unique office chair by a top designer. There is even the most expensive hamburger. This book doesn't forget the classics, of course: the priciest luxury car, the gold mobile phone and the…

  • The World of Ornament EN

    History's most beautiful patterns—all available on an image database! A compendium of history's most elegant and beautiful patterns and ornamental designs at your fingertips—for perusal or download anytime, in high-resolution format. World of Ornament brings together the two greatest encyclopedic collections of ornament of the 19th century: Racinet's L'Ornement polychrome Volumes I and II (1875-1888) and Dupont…

  • Jess Wilder, Jerome Sans The World of Beryl Cook EN

    Plump ladies at lunch; girls on a night out; shopping in the mall: for over fourty years Beryl Cook brought our everyday world to colorful life, capturing moments of social history to create a perceptive record of life in the second half of the twentieth century. This highly popular book, the last to be published with Beryl’s cooperation, is now available in a revised version featuring her last four paintings,…

  • Jan Sedlák The Work of Jan Santini in Zelená Hora and the Žďár Region

    Návštěvníka Žďáru nad Sázavou zaujme již z dálkových pohledů krystalická hmota architektury někdejšího poutního kostela sv. Jana Nepomuckého na Zelené hoře. Když pak následně projde prstencem ambitů a vstoupí na nádvoří chrámu...

  • Stafford Cliff, Gilles de Chabaneix The Way We Live: With the Things We Love EN

    New in the bestselling Way We Live series is this visually thrilling exploration of the way people around the world live with the things they love. Divided into seven main sections, the book showcases Gilles de Chabaneixs eagle-eye for a good idea or intriguing detail, offering an international tour of how people frame, hang and place objects, as well showing the best ways of combining and balancing them, and…

  • The Way We Live: With Colour EN

    New in the bestselling Way We Live series, is this visually thrilling exploration of the way people around the world live with colour. Divided into five main sections, the book showcases Gilles de Chabaneixs eye for the telling use of colour in interiors in a multitude of places and cultures, from startling coastal blues to the subtle monochromes of minimalist urban styles, from the sumptuous and grand reds and…

  • The Way We Live: In the City EN

    In the City is the third title in the phenomenally successful The Way We Live series, providing a visual, in-depth view of lifestyles in cities around the world, from New York to Cairo, from London to Saigon, in five major sections. Every opportunity to make cross-cultural comparisons and connections is taken within the book to provide a truly international view of living in the city, making a whole book which is…

  • The Way We Live: By the Sea EN

    Part of the The Way We Live series, this is an evocation of building, designing, and living by the world's oceans, a catalogue of opportunities for getting the best out of a life by and on the sea.

  • The Way We Live: Alfresco EN

    This book marries Stafford Cliff's unerring eye with the remarkable photography of Gilles de Chabaneix to present a marvellous portrait of the delights of living alfresco around the world.

  • David Prakel The Visual Dictionary of Photography EN

    The Visual Dictionary of Photography is a guide to the many and varied terms used within photography, from Abstract to the Zone System, Acutance to Zoom Lens. The dictionary provides clear definitions of over 250 key terms and concepts, backed up by hundreds of illustrative examples. Covering practical terms, it deals with the terminology of both digital and traditional photography. This book is an invaluable…

  • Michael Coates, Graeme Brooker The Visual Dictionary of Interior Architecture and Design EN

    How do designers and architects think? In words? No They think in pictures, in colors, in spatial relations. Packed with more than 250 full-color images and definitions, The Visual Dictionary of Interior Architecture and Design is the ideal resource for design and architecture students, professionals, and visual thinkers everywhere. Beautifully presented and illustrated, this guide to the many terms used in interior…

  • Gavin Ambrose The Visual Dictionary of Graphic Design EN

    The Visual Dictionary of Graphic Design is a straight talking guide to the many and varied terms used frequently within the realms of art and design. From abstract to Zeitgeist, Bauhaus to Pluralism, via channels and rococo, this book will prove an invaluable resource to anyone studying or simply just interested in art and design.
