Slovníky a učebnice (23865 kníh v kategórii )
Anglický či taliansky slovník sa ti môže zísť na cestách. Učebnice ti pomôžu zvládať učivo v škole s ľahkosťou.
Alica Lacková Tovaroznalectvo
Užitočnosťproduktu je z pohľadu každého spotrebiteľa iná. Keďže sa na trhu nachádza množstvo rôznych produktov a množstvo spotrebiteľov s odlišnými požiadavkami, často nie je možné jednoznačne určiť, ktorý z produktov je z hľadiska užitočnosti najlepší. Každý spotrebiteľ totiž preferuje iné úžitkové vlastnosti a podľa týchto preferencií sa aj pri kúpe produktu rozhoduje. Subjektivita hodnotenia a špecifickosť…
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Helene Auge Tout va bien! 2 Livre de l´éleve + Portfolio
Tout va bien ! est une méthode de français destinée aux grands adolescents et adultes débutants ou faux débutants. Ses objectifs respectent scrupuleusement les recommandations du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues, comme en...
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Totem 3: Livre de l'élve B1 + manuel numerique enrichi pour l'apprenant FR
Découvrez Totem 3, le niveau B1 de la nouvelle méthode vidéo ! Structure: - 1 dossier de démarrage pour faire le point sur ses connaissances du niveau 2 - 8 dossiers de 5 leçons avec: 4 leçons d'apprentissage en doubles pages par dossier avec un média déclencheur différent (vidéo, écrit ou audio) 1 leçon Culture pour comprendre différents types d'écrits et découvrir la culture1 double page Entraînement 1 page Action…
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Marie-José Lopes Totem 3: Cahier d'activités B1 FR
Découvrez Totem 3, le niveau B1 de la nouvelle méthode vidéo. Structure: Toujours au coeur de l'apprentissage, des documents vidéo authentiques (extrait de film, publicité, série télévisée, émission de loisirs, culturelle et de débat.) proposent un point de départ riche et varié pour chaque dossier. Une méthode qui adopte une perspective actionnelle pour impliquer l'étudiant dans son apprentissage au niveau B1.
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Marie-José Lopes, Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec Totem 2: Livre de l'élve A2 FR
Cette méthode vidéo est destinée aux grands-adolescents et adultes. Elle est tournée dans l'esprit d'une série télévisée basée sur la rencontre entre deux familles. Sur un parcours dynamique et rassurant (1 page - 1 leçon), où chacune des 3 leçons du dossier est basée sur un média déclencheur différent (vidéo, écrit ou audio) et guide de l'apprenant dans une découverte de la langue et une construction progressive du…
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Marie-José Lopes, Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec Totem 2: Cahier D'activités A2 FR
Avec un rappel des objectifs et du vocabulaire en bas de page, le cahier d'activités complète et renforce les connaissances grâce à de nombreuses activités variées:
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Marie-José Lopes, Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec Totem 1: Livre de l'élve A1 FR
Cette méthode vidéo est destinée aux grands-adolescents et adultes. Elle est tournée dans l'esprit d'une série télévisée basée sur la rencontre entre deux familles. Sur un parcours dynamique et rassurant (1 page - 1 leçon), où chacune des 3 leçons du dossier est basée sur un média déclencheur différent (vidéo, écrit ou audio) et guide de l'apprenant dans une découverte de la langue et une construction progressive du…
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Marie-José Lopes Totem 1: Cahier D'activités A1 FR
Avec un rappel des objectifs et du vocabulaire en bas de page, le cahier d'activités complète et renforce les connaissances grâce à de nombreuses activités variées:
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Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace, Mark Foley Total English - Upper-Intermediate EN
The Workbook contains further practice of language areas covered in the corresponding units of the Student's Book. The accompanying catch-up' CD-ROM provides extra support for students who miss lessons.
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Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace Total English - Upper-Intermediate EN
Total English responds to the needs of today's English teachers with a complete teaching package that combines an easy-to-use format, engaging material, dynamic resources and effective solutions to the challenges teachers face every day.
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Mark Foley Total English - Upper Intermediate - Workbook
The Workbook contains further practice of language areas covered in the corresponding units of the Student's Book. The accompanying 'catch-up' CD-ROM provides extra support for students...
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R. Acklam, Araminta Crace Total English - Upper Intermediate EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Jonathan Bygrave Total English - Starter - Student's Book EN
What's special about Total English? Students can measure their progress using the logically structured lessons with 'can do' objectives. Students will get lots of grammar and vocabulary practice which is all thoroughly reinforced in the 'Reference' and 'Review' sections at the end of each unit. Students can learn good study habits with the Lifelong learning boxes.
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Jonathan Bygrave Total English - Starter EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Irene Ofteringer Total English - Starter EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Jonathan Bygrave Total English - Starter EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace Total English - Pre-Intermediate EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Diane Naughton, Kevin McNicholas Total English - Pre-intermediate EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Antonia Clare, J.J. Wilson Total English - Pre-Intermediate EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Antonie Clare, J.J. Wilson Total English - Intermediate EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.What's special…
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Will Moreton Total English - Intermediate EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.
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Antonie Clare, J.J. Wilson Total English - Intermediate EN
Based on Common European Framework (CEF) 'can do' objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material. Every level has loads of teacher support material, an exciting DVD with authentic clips from film and TV, and a 'catch up' CD-ROM with extra practice for students who miss lessons.What's special…