Slovníky a učebnice (23865 kníh v kategórii )
Anglický či taliansky slovník sa ti môže zísť na cestách. Učebnice ti pomôžu zvládať učivo v škole s ľahkosťou.
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Upstream - Intermediate - Student's Book + CD EN
Upstream Intermediate B2 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at post-intermediate level appropriate for the revised ESOL Cambridge Examinations or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.
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Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Upstream - Intermediate - Student's Book EN
Upstream Intermediate B2 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at post-intermediate level (Pre-FCE, CEF B1/B2, ALTE A3/A4 or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty). The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.
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Virginia Evans, Lynda Edwards Upstream - Advanced - Workbook EN
Upstream Advanced C1 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF C1 level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.
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Virginia Evans, Lynda Edwards Upstream - Advanced - Student's Book EN
Upstream Advanced C1 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF C1 level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.
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Pavel Hübner Úprava vody pro průmyslové účely CZ
Vysokoškolská skripta Úprava vody pro průmyslové účely jsou doporučeným učebním textem pro posluchače předmětů Energetika a Speciální separační metody v úpravě vody, které se vyučují na VŠCHT Praha. Skripta jsou zaměřena na technologii odstraňování koloidních a suspendovaných látek a především na odstraňování látek iontově rozpuštěných. Je zde možné najít např. kapitoly o ionexové technologii, reverzní osmóze,…
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Marta Habánová Úprava potravín a stravovanie
Cieľom vysokoškolskej učebnice je oboznámiť študentov bakalárskeho štúdia odboru výživa ľudí s vývojom gastronómie a so základmi spoločného stravovania. Obsah: 1.História, súčasnosť a trendy v gastronómii 2.Spoločné stravovanie 3.Základné druhy potravín a ich použitie pri príprave pokrmov 4.Moderná technológia a technologické zariadenia v gastronómii 5.Technologické postupy a úkony pri úprave potravín 6…
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Ingrid Freebairn, Jonathan Bygrave, Judy Copage Upbeat - Starter EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Patricia Mugglestone Upbeat - Starter EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Ingrid Freebairn Upbeat - Pre-Intermediate EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Kate Fuscoe Upbeat - Pre-Intermediate EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Ingrid Freebairn Upbeat - Intermediate EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Patricia Mugglestone Upbeat - Intermediate EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Ingrid Freebairn Upbeat - Elementary EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Patricia Mugglestone Upbeat - Elementary EN
Teenagers are bright, energetic and upbeat. They live in an exciting world where they are constantly exposed to sounds and visual imagery, surrounded by technology which they use with ease. At the same time teenagers' lives can be complicated as they face difficult life changes and complex moral issues for the first time. Upbeat aims to stimulate students' interest through exciting teen topics and problem-solving…
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Wolfgang Butzkamm Unterrichtssprache Deutsch DE
Dieses Buch stellt Deutschlehrern im Ausland eine systematische deutsche Unterrichtsphraseologie zur Verfügung.