Slovníky a učebnice (23866 kníh v kategórii )
Anglický či taliansky slovník sa ti môže zísť na cestách. Učebnice ti pomôžu zvládať učivo v škole s ľahkosťou.
Erich Mistrík Estetický slovník
Estetický slovník je slovníkom estetiky ako vednej disciplíny. Je určený estetikom, filozofom, kultúrológom a odborníkom v ďalších humanitných vedách, učiteľom humanitných predmetov na všetkých stupňoch škôl, študentom vysokých škôl v týchto odboroch, záujemcom o dejiny umenia a o interpretáciu umeleckých diel, pracovníkom v umeleckom biznise a podobne. Nie je písaný temným vedeckým jazykom, ale bežnou slovenčinou,…
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Pavol Štekauer Essentials of English Linguistics EN
Pre anglistov a záujemcov o štúdium anglického jazyka na filozofických a pedagogických fakultách...
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Robert J. Dixson Essential Idioms in English
From catching a cold to landing on your feet, idiomatic expressions add color and style to the English language. The latest edition of Essential Idioms in English remains the resource of choice for mastering more than...
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Helen Naylor, Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use - Supplementary Exercises EN
This book of grammar exercises for elementary and lower intermediate students accompanies the second edition of Essential Grammar in Use. It contains a wealth of additional exercises which provide students with further practice of the grammar they have studied. * Provides challenging contrastive practice of the forms students of this level find most difficult. * Offers a wide variety of interesting exercise types…
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Helen Naylor, Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use - Supplementary Exercises EN
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. To accompany Essential Grammar in Use Fourth edition, Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises provides elementary-level learners with extra practice of the grammar covered in the main book. The easy-to-follow exercises and full answer key make this supplementary book ideal for independent study. Extra activities for Essential Grammar in Use…
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Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use (third edition) + CD EN
Essential Grammar in Use - Third edition is a fully updated version of the best-selling grammar title. Now in full colour, with new content and even more exercises, this updated edition retains all the key features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with students and teachers. This new edition is designed to be flexible. The book is available both with and without answers, so it can be…
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Raymond Murphy, Almut Koester Essential Grammar in Use (Deutsche Ausgabe) DE
This is the second edition of Essential Grammar in Use especially for German elementary learners. The second edition of this classic grammar title is now in full colour, with extra material adapted from the third international edition of Essential Grammar in Use, including a new unit and study guide, new additional exercises, as well as a new CD-ROM. It offers a particular focus on those areas of grammar German…
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Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use (+eBook) EN
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use Fourth edition is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners (A1-B1), used by millions of people around the world. With clear examples and easy-to-follow exercises, it is perfect for independent study, covering all the areas of grammar you will need at this level. This edition includes an eBook, for…
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Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use EN
A fully updated version of the best-selling Essential Grammar in Use, available with a substantial new CD-ROM for additional interactive practice. Essential Grammar in Use Third edition is a fully updated version of the bestselling grammar title. Now in full colour, with new content and even more exercises, this updated edition retains all the key features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so…
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Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use EN
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners (A1-B1), used by millions of people around the world. With clear examples, easy-to-follow exercises and answer key, the Fourth edition is perfect for independent study, covering all the areas of grammar that you will need at this level. The book has an…
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Raymond Murphy Essential grammar in Use EN
A self-study refernce and practice book for elementary students of Englisch with answers
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Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use EN
Nové vydanie výbornej, praxou overenej učebnice anglickej gramatiky. Ponúka prehľadnú osnovu gramatických časov, modálnych slovies, predložiek a pod., ktorých používanie vysvetľuje na jednoduchých príkladoch v rôznych vetách. Učebnica je určená pre začiatočníkov.
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Michael Duckworth Essential Business Grammar & Practice EN
This new Elementary level provides clear explanations and examples of key grammar relevant to lower-level learners, with practice activities based on authentic contexts and opportunities for personalization in each unit.
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Magda Šaturová-Seppová Esperantsko-slovenský turistický slovník
Praktická príručka na dorozumenie sa v medzinárodnom jazyku esperanto.
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Štefan R. Seemann Esperantsko-slovenský a slovensko-esperantský slovník
Najrozsiahlejší slovník esperanta, vydaný v slovenčine.