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Slovníky a učebnice (23845 kníh v kategórii )

Anglický či taliansky slovník sa ti môže zísť na cestách. Učebnice ti pomôžu zvládať učivo v škole s ľahkosťou.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 4 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 4 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 3 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 3 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 2 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 2 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 1 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.

  • Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling Grammar Time 1 EN

    New Grammar Time is specially written for learners in Primary and mid-secondary schools for use either in the classroom or at home. The lower levels of New Grammar Time has simplified grammar boxes and an oral activity at the end of each unit which gives students plenty of opportunity to use the language. New Grammar Time can also be used as a supplement to any course book.The Teacher's book expands into a resource…

  • K. Paterson, M. Harrison, N. Coe Grammar Spectrum Pre-Intermediate with Key EN

    This group of study books progresses from elementary to intermediate level. Each book in the series can be used as a grammar reference and exercise book on its own, or as a supplement to a coursebook at the same level.

  • K. Paterson, M. Harrison, N. Coe Grammar Spectrum Elementary with Key EN

    This group of study books progresses from elementary to intermediate level. Each book in the series can be used as a grammar reference and exercise book on its own, or as a supplement to a coursebook at the same level.

  • Michael Swan Grammar Scan EN

    Grammar Scan includes diagnostic tests at Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert levels to check students' knowledge of key aspects of English grammar and usage. The tests, which are designed to be used with Practical English Usage, Third Edition, help students identify the topics they need to study or revise. The answer keys refer students to the explanations in the relevant sections of Practical English Usage.

  • Steve Elsworth Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate: Students' Book (no key)

    Your students: * will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. * be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. * be able to find their way around easily thanks...

  • Steve Elsworth Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate - Students' Book (w/ key)

    Your students: * will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. * be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types...

  • Brigit Viney, Steve Elsworth, Elaine Walker, Sheila Dignen Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students EN

    Today's students and teachers want a grammar book that helps the learner make the leap from practice to production. With 100% new content across all four levels, 'Grammar Practice for....' (3rd edition) meets this need. Your students... will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. be able…

  • Juraj Belán Grammar Practice 2 EN

    Edici Language Practice Books tvoří univerzální cvičebnice vhodné k jakýmkoliv učebnicím německého nebo anglického jazyka pro začátečníky až středně pokročilé. Publikace poskytují studentům i učitelům těchto jazyků bohatý zdroj látky k procvičování i ověřování znalostí. Cvičení a úkoly jsou rozdělené do kapitol podle jednotlivých gramatických celků, kterým se věnují. Použitá slovíčka a fráze vycházejí z živého…

  • Juraj Belán Grammar Practice 2 EN

    Cvičebnica anglickej gramatiky pre mierne až stredne pokročilých. Výborný pomocník na precvičenie gramatiky. Žiakom, študentom a učiteľom poskytuje bohatý zdroj doplňovacích cvičení usporiadaných do 65 gramatických celkov so zameraním na problémové oblasti. Výhodou je, že použité slovíčka, frázy a vety vychádzajú zo živého hovorového jazyka, a tak súčasne podporujú rozvoj komunikácie, slovnej zásoby a frazeológie.…

  • Juraj Belán Grammar Practice 1 EN

    Cvičebnica anglickej gramatiky pre začiatočníkov a mierne pokročilých. Výborný pomocník na precvičenie gramatiky. Žiakom, študentom a učiteľom poskytuje bohatý zdroj doplňovacích cvičení usporiadaných do 65 gramatických celkov so zameraním na problémové oblasti. Výhodou je, že použité slovíčka, frázy a vety vychádzajú zo živého hovorového jazyka, a tak súčasne podporujú rozvoj komunikácie, slovnej zásoby a…

  • Christine House, John Stevens, Světla Brendlová, Miroslav Mašek Grammar no problem CZ

    50 praktických lekcí anglické gramatiky s cvičeními a klíčem - výklad, procvičování a opakování základních gramatických struktur - 50 dvoustránkových lekcí - levá strana: výklad a příklady, pravá strana: cvičení - shrnutí toho nejdůležitejšího na konci každé lekce / Zapamatuj si/ - věty ve cvičeních vycházejí z přirozených komunikačních situací, řešení lze vpisovat do knihy - klíč s alternativním řešením v…

  • Roger Gower Grammar in Practice 6 EN

    40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediate students. Grammar in Practice provides grammar practice in a simple and accessible format. Each book has 40 units of quick grammar exercises with regular test sections to encourage learners to revise what they have learnt. The books are small and easy to carry so learners can choose when and where they want to study. This book is…
