Slovníky a učebnice (23866 kníh v kategórii )
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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English EN
British and American English - CEF B2 - C2. 230,000 Words, Phrases & Meanings for Advanced Learners. The sixth edition of this best-selling dictionary ensures students produce more accurate English both in writing and speaking. Now with expanded Grammar information, students get extra help with grammar patterns and using the correct tenses. The integrated Collocations Dictionary shows learners which words to use…
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Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus
700,000 Collocations help increase spoken and written fluency, ideal for Intermediate - Advanced level students. * All collocations illustrated with corpus examples * Notes on formality and grammar ensure that you produce natural...
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Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus
700,000 Collocations help increase spoken and written fluency, ideal for Intermediate - Advanced level students. * All collocations illustrated with corpus examples...
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Longman Business English Dictionary EN
Do you need to explain macroeconomics in the classroom? Would your students know what a hurdle rate is? This new edition of the Longman Business English Dictionary gives students an in-depth knowledge of all the vocabulary they need to survive in today's fast-paced business environment, whether they are students of business English or people already in work You and your students will find it easy to understand…
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Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar EN
Students gain confidence to use the language through lots of natural examples and practice to help them acquire natural language.
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Longman Advanced American Dictionary EN
The Longman Study Dictionary of American English is guaranteed to help students without confusing them. It makes even the most difficult of words and concepts easy to understand first time.
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Longman Active Study Dictionary 5th Edition - CD-ROM Pack
100,000 words, phrases and meanings, including the Academic Word List...
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Douglas Biber Longman - Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Workbook
Invaluable for students on university and teacher-training courses* checks your knowledge of how English is actually used in speech and writing* shows how grammar differs in different contexts of registers* provides practice with relationships...
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Jane Myles London! EN
Most students studying in the UK will visit London at some point, or at least want to. This book offers the teachers with information on London and its people, places and culture. It emphasizes on a functional, communicative approach so that the students practise their English in a meaningful way while learning about the UK's capital.
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John Escott London - Factfile + CD EN
Come with us to London - a city as old as the Romans, and as new as the twenty-first century. There are places to go - from Oxford Street to Westminster Abbey, from Shakespeare´s Globe Theatre to Wimbledon Tennis Club. And things to do - ride on the London Eye, visit the markets, go to the theatre, run in the London Marathon. Big, beautiful, noisy, exciting - that´s London.
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Marcela Fritzler Lola y Leo: Libro del alumno
Lola y Leo es un manual para ninos de entre 7 y 11 anos que propone un método sencillo y divertido. Los alumnos aprenden con temas propios de la infancia de manera progresiva y lúdica: hablan con sus companeros, dibujan, cantan, ...
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Andrej Dupaľ, Ivan Brezina Logistika v manažmente podniku
Problematike logistiky sa v súčasnosti dostáva veľká miera pozornosti. Je to nielen dôsledok liberalizácie svetového obchodu, ale i pokračujúca explózia informačnej technológie, pokračujúca globalizácia svetového trhu a tiež dôsledok orientácie podniku na kvalitu a spokojnosť zákazníkov. Vážny záujem o logistiku je aj zo strany podnikateľských subjektov. Postavenie logistiky sa tým zásadne mení, z nie príliš…
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Petr Pernica Logistika pro 21. století 1, 2, 3 - komplex + CD CZ
Podstatně přepracovaná a rozšířená verze předchozí úspěšné publikace Logistický management, která ve třech svazcích komplexně zpracovává danou problematiku, počínaje pojetím a teorií, přes její aplikaci, metodický aparát a koncepci logistického systému podniku. Kniha je bohatě vybavena grafy, schématy a tabulkami. Součástí publikace je 120 případových studií k aplikacím logistiky špičkovými firmami ve světě i v…