Slovníky a učebnice (23865 kníh v kategórii )
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Jane Carr Comyns New Cutting Edge - Advanced - Teacher's Book
New Cutting Edge Advanced Teacher's Resource Book gives teachers everything they need to use the course successfully in a variety of teaching situations: * Step-by-step teacher's notes * Teacher's tips section...
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 2 - Teacher´s Book EN
New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural awareness. The core syllabus, structure, and approach remain the same. The new Starter level makes the course ideal for complete beginners. Key features New Captain Shadow stories, with story exploitation pages in the Activity Book for each episode. 'My World'…
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Mary Charrington New Chatterbox 2 - Teacher's Book (SK Edition)
New Chatterbox Starter Teacher´s Book (SK Edition) - metodická príručka pre učiteľa v slovenskej verzii. Kurz New Chatterbox Starter je určený na prvý stupeň základných škôl...
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 2 - Pupil's Book EN
New Chatterbox brings this ever-popular series up-to-date with brand new content whilst retaining the same core syllabus, structure and approach that teachers love so much. The addition of a new Starter level makes the course ideal for complete beginners.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 2 - Pupil's Book EN
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 2 - Pracovný zošit
New Chatterbox, inovovaná séria veľmi obľúbených učebníc, približuje obsah súčasnosti, prináša celkom nové témy, pričom zachováva základný sylabus, štruktúru a koncepciu výuky, ktorú si učitelia veľmi obľúbili. Najviac doplnením o nový diel Starter vznikla ideálna sada učebníc pre úplných začiatočníkov.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 2 - Activity Book EN
New chatterbox brings this ever-popular series up-to-date with brand new content, whilst retaining the same core syllabus, structure and approach that teachers love so much. The addition of a new Starter level makes the course ideal for complete beginners.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 2
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels. New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural...
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 1 - Teacher's Book EN
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 1 - Pupil's Book EN
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 1 - Pracovný zošit
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 1 - Activity Book EN
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.
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Derek Strange New Chatterbox 1 + 2 Teacher's Resource Pack EN
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.
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Charlotte Covill New Chatterbox - Starter
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels. New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural...
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M. Charrington New Chatterbox - Starter EN
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural awareness. The core syllabus, structure, and approach remain the same. The new Starter level makes the course ideal for complete beginners.Key features: * New Captain…
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M. Charrington New Chatterbox - Starter EN
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural awareness. The core syllabus, structure, and approach remain the same. The new Starter level makes the course ideal for complete beginners.Key features: * New Captain…
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M. Charrington New Chatterbox - Starter EN
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural awareness. The core syllabus, structure, and approach remain the same. The new Starter level makes the course ideal for complete beginners.Key features: * New Captain…
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M. Charrington New Chatterbox - Starter EN
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels.New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural awareness. The core syllabus, structure, and approach remain the same. The new Starter level makes the course ideal for complete beginners.Key features: * New Captain…
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New Challenges 4 slovníček CZ
Anglicko-český slovníček s výslovnosti a fonetickou abecedou. Slovíčka z učebnice jsou seřezená po lekcích.
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Amanda Maris New Challenges 4 - Workbook EN
Workbook includes extra language practice for the material introduced in the Students' Book and also provides additional grammar reference, practice exercises and word lists. Each Workbook comes with an audio CD for students.
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Patricia Mugglestone New Challenges 4 - Teacher's Book EN
New Challenges is a new, complete five-level English language course for 11 to 15 year olds. It offers clear approach to grammar and vocabulary, cross-cultural topics to bring the real world into the classroom, and plenty of practice to develop language skills.