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John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book EN
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An Authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks combine with a real understanding of what works in the clasroom. It all makes for effective teaching and e3ffective learning. Tried and tested all over the world, it's probablz the most popular course ever written!
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate – Workbook with key EN
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks, combine with a real understanding of wht works in the classrom. It all makes for effective teaching and effective learning. Tried and tested all over the world, it is probably the most popular course ever written!
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Liz and John Soars New Headway - Intermediate Maturita - Workbook (česká edice)
Zcela nový design a ilustrace, nové svěží texty, zajímavé materiály z autentických zdrojů. V novém vydání jsou kratší texty a poslechy a je kladen větší důraz na konverzační aktivity...
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Liz and John Soars New Headway - Intermediate Maturita - Student's book (česká edice)
Headway's trusted methodology combines solid grammar and practice, vocabulary development, and integrated skills with communicative role-plays and personalization. Authentic material from a variety of sources enables students to see...
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John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook without key (Fourth edition) EN
The first ever fourth edition from the world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, completely rewritten and packed with new material.
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook without Key EN
The first ever 4th edition from the world's most trusted course - New Headway Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material.
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook without key EN
This work is a new edition with a revised syllabus and completely new material.
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook without key EN
This is a brand-new edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed.
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook without answer key
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
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John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with key (Fourth edition) EN
The first ever fourth edition from the world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, completely rewritten and packed with new material.
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Liz and John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with key
The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, ...
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John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with key EN
The world's best-selling adult English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. A fully revised and updated edition which challenges students to make real progress at intermediate level. With language input and skills development, students have a complete syllabus with grammar at its core. And throughout the book, Music of English and Spoken English show…
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John Murphy, Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Teacher´s Book EN
This is a brand-new edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed.
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New Headway - Intermediate - Teacher's Resource Book (Fourth edition) EN
The first ever 4th edition from the world's most trusted course - New Headway Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material. Key features * 100% new grammar presentations. * 100% new listening material. * 100% new reading texts. * 'Spoken English' and 'Music of English' features - new to Intermediate. * More teacher support for mixed-ability classes.
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Liz Soars, John Soars, Amanda Maris New Headway - Intermediate - Teacher's Book (Fourth edition) EN
The first ever 4th edition from the world's most trusted course - New Headway Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material. Key features * 100% new grammar presentations. * 100% new listening material. * 100% new reading texts. * 'Spoken English' and 'Music of English' features - new to Intermediate. * More teacher support for mixed-ability classes.
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John a Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Teacher's Book
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
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John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student´s Book s anglicko-českým slovníčkem EN
Učebnice - the Third edition. Tento jazykový kurz je pokračováním osvědčené a úspěšné série Headway. Původní učebnice byly přepsány a obohaceny o nové aktivity, prvky a zcela nový materiál, který především osloví věkovou kategorii mladých lidí a dospělých. Kurz kombinuje to nejlepší z tradičních metod výuky jazyka s moderními přístupy, a tím napomáhá rozvoji přesnosti vyjadřování a plynulosti projevu od úrovně…
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student´s Book EN
A brand-new edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Key features: Streamlined units, now at eight pages. They are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections. Fresh modern design, with an emphasis on maximum clarity on the page. Every aspect of the previous edition has been reviewed. There are small changes to make activities run more smoothly,…
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student´s Book EN
This is a brand-new edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed.
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Liz and John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student's book (without iTutor DVD-ROM)
The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear...
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student's Book
Headway's trusted methodology combines solid grammar and practice, vocabulary development, and integrated skills with communicative role-plays and personalization. Authentic material from a variety of sources enables students to see new language ...
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John Soars, Liz Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student's Book EN
The world’s best-selling adult English course – a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. - s anglicko-slovenským slovníkom - s prípravou na maturitnú skúšku
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Liz Soars, John Soars New Headway - Intermediate - Student's Book EN
The first ever 4th edition from the world's most trusted course - New Headway Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material. Key features * 100% new grammar presentations. * 100% new listening material. * 100% new reading texts. * 'Spoken English' and 'Music of English' features - new to Intermediate. * More teacher support for mixed-ability classes.