Slovníky a učebnice (23865 kníh v kategórii )
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Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzyńska Opportunities - Intermediate EN
Discovery approach to grammar and an up-front focus on vocabulary gives students maximum opportunity to learn: * Educational and cultural input encourages students to learn more than just English and make lessons more memorable * Learner strategies help students become better language learners * Quick Tests make assessment easier * The Video Workbook allows students to see and feel the culture that goes with…
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Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzyńska Opportunities - Intermediate EN
Module 1: Adventure Module 2: Stories Module 3: Wheels Module 4: The Media Module 5: People Module 6: Learning Module 7: Careers Module 8: Culture Shock
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Patricia Mugglestone Opportunities - Elementary - Teacher's Book
Opportunities is a new five-level course for teenagers. Modules of topic-based units provide rich, contemporary content based on a wide variety of information themes. With a discovery approach to grammar and...
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Michael Dean, Olivia Johnston Opportunities - Elementary EN
Modules 1 and 2: Friends and Personality Vocabulary - how much vocabulary do you remember from modules 1 and 2? Modules 3 and 4: Communities and Going Places Grammar - choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence. Modules 5 and 6: History and Legends Vocabulary - choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Modules 7 and 8: Fitness and Sport Vocabulary - how much vocabulary do you remember…
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Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzyńska Opportunities - Elementary EN
Modules 1 and 2: Friends and Personality Vocabulary - how much vocabulary do you remember from modules 1 and 2? Modules 3 and 4: Communities and Going Places Grammar - choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence. Modules 5 and 6: History and Legends Vocabulary - choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Modules 7 and 8: Fitness and Sport Vocabulary - how much vocabulary do you remember…
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Michael Harris Opportunities - Beginner Global
Check your grammar and vocabulary' and 'Check your progress' sections *'Word Power' boxes contain new vocabulary items *'Key Word Bank' pages expand new vocabulary * Includes clearly labelled graded exercises...
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David Mower Opportunities - Beginner - Student's Book EN
* Grammar focus lessons guide students through the language and give thorough grammar practice. * Skills focus lessons and communication workshops provide a solid skills base. * Learning strategies throughout teach students how to become independent learners. * Culture corners give students a taste of life in the English speaking world. * Regular use of the FREE Mini-Dictionary extends students' vocabulary…
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Zlatica Ivaničová, Ivan Brezina, Juraj Pekár Operačná analýza
Zbierka príkladov bezprostredne nadväzuje na obsah a štruktúru učebnice Operačná analýza. Je zameraná na praktickú stránku operačného výskumu, predovšetkým na riešenie najrozličnejších typov úloh, ktoré sa najčastejšie vyskytujú pri praktickej aplikácii. Obsahuje množstvo riešených príkladov a úloh, ktoré majú čitateľovi pomôcť overiť si zvládnutie problematiky operačnej analýzy. Príklady sú prezentované pomocou…
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Alessandro De Giuli, Ciro Massimo Naddeo Opera!
a cantante era seduta di fronte allo specchio e mangiava con le mani una grande torta al cioccolato. Era grassa, ma aveva begli occhi e un sorriso simpatico...
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Jan Amos Komenský Opera omnia 19/I CZ
Tento svazek zpřístupňuje první část Komenského zásadního a nejrozsáhlejšího díla, Obecné porady o nápravě věcí lidských. Jde o kritické vydání textu zachovaného v převážně rukopisné podobě a objeveného až ve 30. letech 20. století; součástí jsou filologické i věcné komen táře, ediční úvody k jednotlivým spisům a další odborný aparát. Úvod přibližuje základní ideje tohoto díla, historii jeho vzniku i další osudy.…
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Jan Amos Komenský Opera omnia 15/IV CZ
Další svazek souborného kritického vydání spisů Jana Amose Komenského přináší dva soubory Komenského latinských učebnic - Eruditionis scholasticae pars prima, Vestibulum a Eruditionis scholasticae pars II, Janua. Oba soubory učebnic, určených pro první dvě třídy nižšího stupně gymnázia, tj. tříleté latinské školy (třetí stupeň tvořilo Atrium), Komenský spolu s částí Atrium (bude vydána v jednom z dalších svazků)…
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Sheila Dignen, with Sarah Dymond Open World Preliminary
Embark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language with Open World Preliminary. This Workbook consolidates and extends the language and exam skills covered...
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Niamh Humphreys, Susan Kingsley, with Sheila Dignen Open World Preliminary
Embark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language with Open World Preliminary. Aunique exam journey in the Student's Book maximises students' performance...
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Frances Trelor Open World Key
Embark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language with Open World Key. This Workbook consolidates and extends the language and exam...
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Anna Cowper, with Sheila Dignen, with Susan White Open World Key
Embark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language with Open World Key. A unique exam journey in the Student's Book maximises students' performance...
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Claire Wijayatilake Open World First
Embark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language with Open World First. This Workbook consolidates and extends the language..
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Anthony Cosgrove, Deborah Hobbs Open World First
Embark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language with Open World First. A unique exam journey in the Student's Book maximises students' performance...
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Open Mind - Upper Intermediate - Student's Book
The Student's Book Premium Pack contains a print Student's Book that is visually engaging. Each unit incorporates the course theme of Life Skills, along with grammar sections, support boxes and a writing syllabus. Access to an Online Workbook...
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M. Čaňková Open Gates – Americká literatura 20. století
Netradiční učebnice současné americké literatury a kulturních reálií podněcující tvůrčí přístup k literárnímu textu. Časově je dovedena do dnešních dnů, žánrově zahrnuje romány, povídky, poezii i dramatickou tvorbu...
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Norman Whitney, Ann Ward Open Doors 2 - Workbook EN
This is a communicative, three-part course for young teenagers with a clear, structural approach and an emphasis on student involvement.
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Michaela Čaňková Open Channels Teacher's book CZ
Netradiční učebnice současné britské literatury určená pro studenty 3. a 4. ročníků gymnázií jako příprava k maturitě, pro jazykové kurzy a všechny zájemce o moderní anglickou literaturu.