Slovníky a učebnice (23865 kníh v kategórii )
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Fiona Beddall Our Discovery Island 4 - Activity Book
Where learning is an adventure! Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English. Whole learner: Adventures on themed islands...
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Debbie Peters, Anne Feunteun Our Discovery Island 3.: Pupil's Book EN
Each level of the Pupil’s Book contains a Welcome unit and 8 units each designed for 2-3 hours of class per week. Each unit includes a cross-curricular lesson and a “phonics” lesson. The access code printed at the back of the book gives pupils and parents unique and safe access to the Online World.
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Our Discovery Island 3 : Anglicko - český slovníček
Anglicko-český slovníček s výslovností, fonetickou abecedou a frázemi. Slovníček obsahuje také překlad pokynů ke cvičení a rady pro rodiče, jak pomoc dětem při učení angličtiny a jak je lépe připravit na výuku.
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Debie Peters Our Discovery Island 3
Where learning is an adventure! Welcome toOur Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English...
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Sagrario Salaberri Our Discovery Island 2.: Pupil's Book EN
Each level of the Pupil’s Book contains a Welcome unit and 8 units each designed for 2-3 hours of class per week. Each unit includes a cross-curricular lesson and a “phonics” lesson. The access code printed at the back of the book gives pupils and parents unique and safe access to the Online World.
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Our Discovery Island 2 slovníček CZ
Anglicko-český slovníček s výslovností, fonetickou abecedou a frázemi. Slovníček obsahuje také překlad pokynů ke cvičení a rady pro rodiče, jak pomoc dětem při učení angličtiny a jak je lépe připravit na výuku.
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Our Discovery Island 2 DVD
Each level of Our Discovery Island has a DVD with four episodes. Each episode can be used to reinforce and extend the language ofthe course, focusing on the topics and language of two units.
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Annie Altamirano Our Discovery Island 2 - Teacher's Book
The Teachers Book provides step-by-step lesson plans covering all the course material. Each lesson is clearly structured into stages:Starting the lesson Presentation Practice Ending the lessonThere are also further optional activities...
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Sagrario Salaberri Our Discovery Island 2 - Activity Book
TheActivity Book provides reinforcementand consolidation of the language presented in the Pupils Book. It containscontrolled and freer practice plus personalisation.TheCD-ROMcontains an offline version of the Our Discovery Island Online World...
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Our Discovery Island 1 Flashcards
Where learning is an unforgettable adventure! Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning.Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as...
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Linnette Erocak Our Discovery Island 1 - Teacher's Book
The Teachers Book provides step-by-step lesson plans covering all the course material. Each lesson is clearly structured into stages:Starting the lesson Presentation Practice Ending the lessonThere are also further...
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Linnette Erocak Our Discovery Island 1 - Activity Book
Where learning is an adventure! Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English...
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Linnette Erocak Our Discovery Island 1 - Activity book
Učebnice angličtiny pro 2. stupeň ZŠ...
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Linnette Erocak Our Discovery Island 1
Each level of the Pupils Book contains a Welcome unit and 8 units each designed for 2-3 hours of class per week. Each unit includes a cross-curricular lesson and a phonics lesson...
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Linnette Erocak Our Discovery Island - Starter - Teacher's Book
Učebnice angličtiny pro základní školy. Šestidílný průkopnický anglický kurz pro děti. Vzrušující a poutavou formou rozvíjí kognitivní, emoční a sociální dovednosti....
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Our Discovery Island - Starter - Posters
Učebnice angličtiny pro základní školy. Šestidílný průkopnický anglický kurz pro děti. Vzrušující a poutavou formou rozvíjí kognitivní, emoční a sociální dovednosti....
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Our Discovery Island - Starter
Our Discovery Island Starter Flashcards | 9781408238370 | Pearson | učebnice angličtinyŠestidílný průkopnický anglický kurz pro děti. Vzrušující a poutavou formou rozvíjí kognitivní, emoční a sociální dovednosti...
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Our Discovery Island - Starter
Our Discovery Island Starter Flashcards | 9781408238370 | Pearson | učebnice angličtinyŠestidílný průkopnický anglický kurz pro děti. Vzrušující a poutavou formou rozvíjí kognitivní, emoční a sociální dovednosti...
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Our Discovery Island - 2
Different set of Flashcards for each level contains the main target language in each unit which are used to present, practice, and consolidate language...