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Susan House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 3 - Pupil's Book EN
Story Magic is a four-level story-based primary course. Story Magic uses a story-based approach to language learning, supported by large full-colour story cards. In Story Magic 1 and 2 pupils share stories and learn with Max the Wizard. In Story Magic 3 and 4 pupils follow the adventures of a gang of young detectives as they solve mysteries and go on exciting adventures together.
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Susan House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 3 - Activity Book EN
The Activity Book activities reinforce the language learned in the Pupil's Book and extend the use of the new language into the different skill areas. Many of the activities require the pupils to use oral communication in order to complete the tasks. There is a language awareness activity in each unit where the pupils are asked to examine an element of language that they are familiar with and deduce conclusions…
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Susan House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 2 - Teacher's Book EN
The teaching notes include different elements to facilitate day-to-day classroom management as well as detailed notes for fully exploting each activity from the pupil's materials.
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Susan House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 2 - Storycards EN
The pupils' first encounter with the story in each unit is through the story cards. They are enlarged version of the pictures in the Pupil's Book. On the reverse side of each card there is text for the teacher's use. This comprises the section of the tapescript related to the picture, a summary of the story, and pre-listening and comprehension questions.
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Susan House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 2 - Pupil's Book EN
Story Magic is a four-level story-based primary course. Story Magic uses a story-based approach to language learning, supported by large full-colour story cards. In Story Magic 1 and 2 pupils share stories and learn with Max the Wizard. In Story Magic 3 and 4 pupils follow the adventures of a gang of young detectives as they solve mysteries and go on exciting adventures together.
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Story Magic 2 - Flashcards EN
Story Magic is a four-level story-based primary course. Story Magic uses a story-based approach to language learning, supported by large full-colour story cards. In Story Magic 1 and 2 pupils share stories and learn with Max the Wizard. In Story Magic 3 and 4 pupils follow the adventures of a gang of young detectives as they solve mysteries and go on exciting adventures together.
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Susan House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 2 - Activity Book EN
Story Magic is a four-level, story-based approach to language learning, supported by large, colour story cards. In Story Magic 1 and 2, pupils share stories and learn with Max the Wizard.
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Susan House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 1 - Teacher's Book EN
Story Magic is a four-level, story-based approach to language learning, supported by large, colour story cards. In Story Magic 1 and 2, pupils share stories and learn with Max the Wizard.
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Story Magic 1 - Storycards EN
The pupils' first encounter with the story in each unit is through the story cards. They are enlarged version of the pictures in the Pupil's Book. On the reverse side of each card there is text for the teacher's use. This comprises the section of the tapescript related to the picture, a summary of the story, and pre-listening and comprehension questions.
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Susane House, Katharine Scott Story Magic 1 - Pupil's Book EN
Story Magic is a four-level story-based primary course. Story Magic uses a story-based approach to language learning, supported by large full-colour story cards. In Story Magic 1 and 2 pupils share stories and learn with Max the Wizard. In Story Magic 3 and 4 pupils follow the adventures of a gang of young detectives as they solve mysteries and go on exciting adventures together.
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Story Magic 1 - Flashcards EN
The Flashcards are used to present and review key vocabulary. In addition, they feature in many of the activities and provide a context for language objectives.
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Story Magic 1 - Activity Book EN
Story Magic is a four-level story-based primary course. Story Magic uses a story-based approach to language learning, supported by large full-colour story cards. In Story Magic 1 and 2 pupils share stories and learn with Max the Wizard. In Story Magic 3 and 4 pupils follow the adventures of a gang of young detectives as they solve mysteries and go on exciting adventures together.
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Stories of Other Worlds EN
A mountain climber, high in The Andes, falls into a strange valley. In London a man is looking for a green door. A third man tries to help an unhappy ghost. Each of these exciting stories shows us two very different worlds. But which is better? And can we be happier in another world?
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Maurizio Sandrini STORIE per i giorni di festa
Cosa fanno gli italiani a Natale, Pasqua, Capodanno? Cosa si festeggia il 25 aprile? E cosa sono la Pasquetta e il Ferragosto? I brevi racconti di questo volume si svolgono in momenti e date speciali e aiutano a conoscere abitudini, modi di dire ...
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Miloslava Tuláčková, Karel Štěpánek Stolničení v kostce
Pro potřeby pracovníků veřejného stravování, studentům i účastníkům rekvalifikačních kurzů autoři předkládají odbornou publikaci, která vysvětluje komplexní rozsah základních znalostí z oboru. Text obsahuje základy společ
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Pavel Urcikán, Dušan Rusnák Stokovanie a čistenie odpadových vôd
Učebné texty primo nadväzujú na Stokové siete I - Navrhovanie stokových sietí, vydané v roku 2004. V časti Stokové siete I bola pozornosť venovaná najmä koncepcii, podkladom pre navrhovanie a samotnému plánovaniu a dimenzovaniu stôk a návrhu projektov stokových sietí. Časť Stokové siete II je venovaná navrhovaniu, dimenzovaniu a konštrukčnému riešeniu objektov na stokovej sieti. Pavel Urcikán, Dušan Rusnák
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Duša Rusnák, Pavel Urcikán, Štefan Stanko Stokovanie a čistenie odpadových vôd
Učebné texty priamo nadväzujú na Stokovanie a čistenie odpadových vôd časť Stokovanie I, vydanú v roku 2004 a časť Stokovanie II, vydanú v roku 2008. Časť Stokovanie III venuje pozornosť vlastnostiam, ktoré musia mať materiály na výrobu kanalizačných rúr ako aj samotné kanalizačné rúry. Stručne rozoberá druhy kanalizačných rúr odporúčaných v platných technických normách na stavbu stôk a uvádza prehľad starších a…
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Marie Forbelská Stochistické modelování jednorozměrných časových řad CZ
Tento učební text je určen pro posluchače magisterského studia studijních programů Matematika a Aplikovaná matematika na Přírodovědecké fakultě MU. Materiál je učební pomůckou pro dvousemestrální dvouhodinovou přednášku z náhodných procesů, která je zaměřena především na modelování jednorozměrných časových řad. Skripta předpokládají základní znalosti pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistiky, především znalost…
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Sto inspirací
Pomůcka nejen pro učitele, ale i pro rodiče, kteří chtějí, aby si jejich děti mohly doma z pracovních listů zopakovat a procvičit školní učivo 1. a 2. ročníku. Jednotlivá cvičení jsou v PDF formátu, připravena k okamžitému použití...
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Stíratelná tabulka pro 1. ročník - vázané písmo
Stíratelná tabulka se značkovačem a kouskem netkané textílie. Je určena k procvičování, lze ji používat v různých předmětech...
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Stíratelná písanka
Tato nová písanka obsahuje 10 stran k procvičování psaní písmen, číslic a znaků a jednu stranu se hrou lodě. Žáci mohou do řádků psát písmena podle vzoru. A následně je jednoduše smazat. Pro lepší orientaci žáka v sešitě...
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Julie Ashworth, John Clark Stepping Stones 3 - Student´s Book EN
Stepping Stones is a complete three level English course for children in primary schools.
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Julie Ashworth, John Clark Stepping Stones 3 - Activity Book EN
Stepping Stones is a complete three level English course for children in primary schools.