Slovníky a učebnice (23865 kníh v kategórii )
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David Bonamy Technical English 4 EN
Technical English is a four-level course for students in technical or vocatioonal education, and for company employees in training at work. It covers the core language and skills that students need to communicat successfully in all technical and industrial specialisations.
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Christopher Jacques Technical English 3 - Workbook
Technical concepts are clearly presented using motivating texts and clear illustrations. Topics reflect the latest developments in technology and are relevant to the students' needs...
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Celia Bingham Technical English 3 - Teacher's Book EN
Technical English Level 3 covers the core language and skills that students need to communicate successfully in all technical and industrial specifications. It covers CEF levels B1 to B2.
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David Bonamy Technical English 3 EN
Technical English is a four-level course for students in technical or vocational education, and for company employees in training at work. It covers the core language and skills that students need to communicate successfully in all technical and industrial specialisations.
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Christopher Jacques Technical English 3 EN
Technical English is a four-level course for students in technical or vocational education, and for company employees in training at work. It covers the core language and skills that students need to communicate successfully in all technical and industrial specialisations.
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David Bonamy Technical English 2 - Teacher's Book EN
Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocational and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.It presents key technical concepts concisely with well-labelled illustrations. Grammar is also clearly explained and with a comprehensive summary at the back of the Course Book.
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David Bonamy Technical English 2 EN
Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocational and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.It presents key technical concepts concisely with well-labelled illustrations. Grammar is also clearly explained and with a comprehensive summary at the back of the Course Book.
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David Bonamy Technical English 2 EN
Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocational and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.It presents key technical concepts concisely with well-labelled illustrations. Grammar is also clearly explained and with a comprehensive summary at the back of the Course Book.
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Christopher Jacques Technical English 2 EN
Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocational and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.It presents key technical concepts concisely with well-labelled illustrations. Grammar is also clearly explained and with a comprehensive summary at the back of the Course Book.
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Christopher Jacques Technical English 1 EN
Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocational and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.It presents key technical concepts concisely with well-labelled illustrations. Grammar is also clearly explained and with a comprehensive summary at the back of the Course Book. The…
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Christopher Jacques Technical English 1 EN
Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocational and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.It presents key technical concepts concisely with well-labelled illustrations. Grammar is also clearly explained and with a comprehensive summary at the back of the Course Book. The…
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Celia Bingham, David Bonamy Technical English 1 EN
Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocational and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.It presents key technical concepts concisely with well-labelled illustrations. Grammar is also clearly explained and with a comprehensive summary at the back of the Course Book.
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Vicki Hollett Tech Talk - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book EN
The second book in a three-level series for adult learners in the technical, industrial and scientific sectors, who need English for everyday workplace communication.
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Vicki Hollett Tech Talk - Intermediate - Student's Book EN
A course for adult learners in the technical, industrial, and scientific sectors, who need English for everyday workplace communication.
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Vicki Hollett Tech Talk - Elementary - Student's Book EN
A course for adult learners in the technical, industrial, and scientific sectors, who need English for everyday workplace communication.
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Team Deutsch - Němčina pro 8. a 9. ročník ZŠ
Metodická příručka pro učitele obsahuje detailně rozpracované jednotlivé lekce včetně informací k volbě adekvátních metodických postupů, předlohy ke kopírování zaměřené na rozvoj komunikativních dovedností...
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Ursula Esterl Team Deutsch CZ
Učebnice němčiny pro počáteční výuku němčiny na 2. stupni základních škol (pro žáky 7./8. - 9. tříd) aktuálně reaguje na požadavky Rámcového vzdělávacího programu a zařazení němčiny jako 2. cizího jazyka. Učebnice přináší efektivní metodu učení – jasná struktura, rovnoměrná progrese, různorodé typy cvičení, atraktivní grafické zpracování – moderní layout, mladistvý styl ilustrací, barevnost a přitažlivost,…
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L. Banks, J. Svobodová Teachingbook No. 1: The 60's Pop Music CZ
Anglické učební texty tematicky zaměřené na populární hudbu šedesátých let. Následná cvičení a gramatický popis vycházejí z textu. Sešit je doplněn podrobným slovníčkem s výslovností. Doplňkový učební materiál je vhodný pro studenty středních škol a jazykových kursů.
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Silvia Pokrivčáková Teaching Techniques for Modern Teachers of English EN
Praktická príručka pre učiteľov anglického jazyka, plná konkrétnych vyučovacích aktivít a jednoduchých návodov, ako urobiť vyučovanie angličtiny atraktívnejším a viac interaktívnym.
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Blanka Frydrychová-Klímová Teaching Formal Written English EN
Monografie se zabývá teoretickou a praktickou problematikou výuky psaní odborných textů v anglickém jazyce. The monograph discusses both theoretical and practical issues of teaching written professional texts in the English language.
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Jim Scrivener Teaching English Grammar EN
Teaching English Grammar is the essential handbook for teachers wanting to prepare and deliver effective grammar lessons. It combines a comprehensive grammar reference with practical teaching advice, helping teachers to both understand grammar points and present them. Every trainee teacher and language school staff room should have a copy of this book.Who is it for? • Teacher trainers and trainee teachers on…
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Eva Homolová Teaching English EN
Učebnica ponúka teoretické poznatky súvisiace so základnými aspektmi didaktiky anglického jazyka v kontexte formálneho, t. j. povinného školského vzdelávania. Zámerom učebnice je umožniť študentom osvojiť si základné vedomosti, zručnosti a techniky prezentovania a precvičovania výučby slovnej zásoby, gramatiky a výslovnosti, rozvíjaní produktívnych receptívnych zručností a kultúry.
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Mark Ellis Teaching Business English EN
Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text. The books in this series relate theory to the practice of teaching and provide core reference material for teacher education courses. The series is aimed at teachers wishing to familiarize themselves with recent research and key theoretical concepts while keeping practical improvement in the…
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Teach Yourself Modern Hebrew HE
This is an introduction to reading, writing and speaking Modern Hebrew which uses a book/CD combination. It is suitable for a complete beginner or for someone who has some rusty Hebrew. The book covers all the language and situations needed for a trip to Israel, whether on business or pleasure. The course is very communication-centred and the emphasis throughout is on speaking and being understood in practical…