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Odborná literatúra (65259 kníh v kategórii )

Máme odborné knihy do školy, na osobný rozvoj. Vzdelávania v rôznych odboroch formuje tvoj všeobecný prehľad...

  • The Muscular System

    This classic chart of The Muscular System was illustrated by Peter Bachin in 1947 and continues to be one of the most easily recognized images in medical illustration...

  • Mark Winegardner The Mosquito

    A pioneering and groundbreaking work of narrative nonfiction that offers a dramatic new perspective on the history of humankind, showing how through millennia, the mosquito has been the single most powerful force in determining humanity's fate...

  • The Mind Gym: Jak získat čas CZ

    Najděte si čas. Uvnitř. Ojedinělá kniha se zaměřuje na odvěký problém - boj s časem. Začíná přiléhavě kapitolkou na téma nemám čas číst tuhle knížku a hned zpočátku nabízí čtenáři test, jehož výsledky napoví, kterým kapitolám by se měl věnovat. Objevte způsoby jak zpomalit, a stihnout více věcí přesvědčit druhé, aby odvedli práci za vás přimět zaneprázdněné lidi, aby si na vás udělali čas říkat ne a být…

  • Roger James Hamilton The Millionaire Master Plan EN

    The Millionaire Master Plan is a unique and fresh approach as to how individuals can not only get a sense of where they stand on the spectrum of personal wealth, but more importantly, how they can learn to ascend from their present state to a higher level. Roger James Hamilton, himself a highly successful entrepreneur and successful investor, has designed nine steps - from barely surviving - all the way to the…

  • Mary Dan Eades The Low-Carb Comfort Food Cookbook EN

    The revolutionary cookbook that satisfies all your comfort food cravings - from the New York Times bestselling authors of Protein Power. When you think about carb-conscious diets, do you picture complicated meal plans and bland foods that leave you with cravings? Do the words comfort foods make you long for scrumptious delights like pancakes, pizza, chocolate chip cookies, or macaroni and cheese - foods you thought…

  • Jeffrey Gitomer The Little Red Book of Selling EN

    Until now, there has been no definitive little red book for the millions of sales-people across the globe. In the tradition of Harvey Penick's Little Red Book, New York Times bestseller and the best selling sports book of all time. The Little Red Book of Selling by sales master Jeffrey Gitomer fills that void with an edgy, practical, and fun resource that salespeople will love-and sales managers will buy by the case…

  • The little book of Pussy EN

    From the time The Big Penis Book was published, readers anticipated The Big Book of Pussy. Granted, perhaps not the same readers, but the seed had been planted and the calls and letters began flowing in. Once they had that long-awaited book, some found themselves overwhelmed by the variety and abundance, as well as the sheer size of the book. As one reviewer wrote, let’s give credit to Amazon for…the strength of its…

  • Akasha Moon The Little Book of Pocket Spells

    Conjuring up love, success, health and happiness, The Little Book of Pocket Spells has a spell for every occasion. It offers an array of practical tips for bringing those magic essentials into your life.With its sparkling spells and creative charms, this

  • Patrizia Collard The Little Book of Meditation

    Meditation is an easy way to bring more peace and tranquillity into your life. Packed with practical advice, useful meditations and affirming thoughts, this little book teaches you how to be happier, healthier and more relaxed ...

  • Dian Hanson The little book of Legs EN

    Many loved The Big Book of Legs but some found it just too darn big, weighing in at nearly seven pounds. True, it was packed with shapely legs spanning six decades, from the first shy emergence of the ankle in the 1910s, through the rolled stockings and rouged knees of the 1920s, to the Betty Grable ’40s, the stockinged and stilettoed ’50s, on into the sexually liberated ’60s and ’70s, but it could still put a dent…

  • The Little Book of Cleanfulness

    Find joy in cleaning your home (yes, really). Put away the bleach. Breathe.Open this little book. And find out why cleaning is the new Zen. April, a.k.a.The Secret Cleaner, offers simple, no-fuss ways to clean your space with minimal products, ...

  • The Little Book of Butts EN

    How can we pack so much big booty into such a tiny and inexpensive package? Sorry, but it’s a trade secret we can’t divulge, except to say that shoehorns and spandex were involved. The original Big Butt Book featured a great cross-section of delectable rears from the 1950s to the present day. Here, in the Little Book of Butts, since life is such an ironic deal, we decided to pare the original content down to just…

  • The Little Book of Big Penis EN

    Sirs begins the missive from our imaginary correspondent. It’s not that I don’t love your original Big Penis Book, but that, perhaps, I love it too much. I now become anxious leaving the house without it, and long business trips are simply torture. Couldn’t you make a smaller, less obtrusive edition, still packed with men whose generative members measure over 8 inches, that doesn’t form a suspiciously large bulge in…

  • The Little Book of Big Breasts EN

    Dear Sir/Madam begins the missive from an imaginary correspondent. I love big breasts as much as the next man, but here in Lilliput your Big Book of Breasts is just too ungainly for my tiny bookshelf, not to mention my Lilliputian hands. Couldn’t you make a petite edition that still features 150 or so magnificently endowed ladies from the golden age of natural curves for those like me, who live life small? And while…

  • Mark Anastasi The Laptop Millionaire EN

    Go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in 28 days and discover financial freedom online! Every day thousands of people are losing their jobs, their income, and their security — perhaps you are one of them. However, with the right strategies, you can easily achieve financial independence. The Laptop Millionaire provides easy to follow step-by-step strategies you can use to make real money online. Author Mark Anastasi…
