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Main Cities of Europe 2013
Offers a directory of more than 3,700 restaurants and hotels in major European cities along with town plans and practical tourist information...
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Main Cities of Europe EN
Objective recommendations to 1,330 hotels and 2,330 restaurants in 44 cities and 20 different European countries.
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Georges Simenon Maigret und der Weinhändler DE
Es gibt Nobelabsteigen, in denen Gäste, die auf ihren Ruf bedacht sind, auf unkonventionelle Weise für einige Stunden verwöhnt werden. Darunter auch der mächtige Besitzer einer Weinhandelskette. Was passt zu Wein? - Richtig, ein Weib wird dem groben, aber zutiefst unsicheren Chabut zum Verhängnis.
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Georges Simenon Maigret und der Treidler der Providence DE
Hartnäckig versucht Kommissar Maigret, sich mit einer fremden Welt vertraut zu machen: die Binnenkanäle mit ihren Schleppern und mit ihrem Geruch von Dieselöl. Ein Roman über Liebe, Verrat, innere Wut und die Vergangenheit, die uns immer einholt.
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Georges Simenon Maigret et les témoins récalcitrants FR
- Tu n'as pas oublié ton parapluie ? - Non. La porte allait se refermer et Maigret tournait déjà la tête vers l'escalier. - Tu ferais mieux de mettre ton écharpe. Sa femme courait la chercher, sans se douter que cette petite phrase-là allait le barbouiller un bon moment et lui inspirer des pensées mélancoliques. On n'était qu'en novembre - le 3 novembre - et il ne faisait pas particulièrement froid. Il tombait…
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Georges Simenon Maigret EN
A new translation of this gripping novel which sees the inspector brought out of his peaceful retirement, book nineteen in the new Penguin Maigret series. Maigret shrugged his shoulders, buried his hands in his pockets and went off without answering. He had just spent one of the most wretched days in his life. For hours, in his corner he had felt old and feeble, without idea or incentive. But now a tiny flame…
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Fusanosuke Inariya Maiden Rose II. EN
Klaus von Wolfstadt, from one of the nations of the 'Western Alliance', has left his duty as a soldier to his nation in order to be a knight to Taki Reizen, commander of the 15th division Maiden Rose, whose country has an alliance with 'Eurote', an enemy of the Western Alliance. The story follows their romance as it evolves from friendship, to love, and finally, to hatred.
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Stephanie Land Maid
As a struggling single mum, determined to keep a roof over her daughter's head, Stephanie Land worked for years as a maid, working long hours in order to provide for her small family. In Maid, she reveals the dark truth of what it takes to survive and...
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Alice Clayton Mai Tai'd Up
Walking out on his own wedding literally minutes before marrying high school sweetheart Miss California Amber St. Pedigreed, Lucas Campbell decides to move his entire life, including his veterinary practice, from San Diego to Monterrey. They reside in the same state, but the cities are worlds and lifestyles apart. When Lucas meets Chloe Patterson, a woman with the body of a supermodel, the mouth of a sailor, and…
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Harald Salfellner Mähren
Slunce je veliký básník a napsalo krásnou báseň zlatým perem na naši zem. Jiří Wolker.
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Mahátma Gándhí Mahatma Gandhi: Selected Political Writings
Based on the complete edition of his works, this new volume presents Gandhi's most important political writings arranged around the two central themes of his political teachings: satyagraha (the power of non-violence) and swaraj (freedom)...
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Isabel Sanchez Vegara, Albert Arrayas (ilustrácie) Mahatma Gandhi
From the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Mohandas Gandhi, the father of India. As a young teenager in India, Gandhi led a rebellious life and went against his parents' values...
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Péter Kende Magyarság, zsidóság, emberiség
Az Életműsorozat 4. kötetében, ahogy a könyv címe is sejteti, 3 nagy kérdéskört jár körül a szerző: magyarság, zsidóság, emberiség.
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Ferenc Kiefer Magyar nyelv HU
A kötet fő célja, hogy összefoglaló tanulmányokban mutassa be a magyar nyelvre vonatkozó kutatások mai állását. A harmincnégy fejezet szerzői nemcsak új eredményeket közölnek, hanem bemutatják azokat az elméleti-módszertani újításokat is, amelyek a magyar nyelvtudományban - a nemzetközi nyelvtudománnyal teljes összhangban - az utóbbi évtizedekben végbementek.