Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44234 kníh v kategórii )
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Chris Powling, Violeta Dabija Na východ od slunce, na západ od měsíce / East of the Sun West of the Moon CZ
Užijte si čtení s vaším dítětem! V norském příběhu je hezký princ proměněn ve zvíře. Příběh ukazuje, jak láska překoná i ty největší svízele. Jako v každé správné pohádce i v naší vítězí dobro nad zlem. Napínavý příběh mohou číst děti samy, s rodiči anebo poslouchat ve formě mp3 namluvené rodilými herci, uložené na webu Albatros Media.
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Ella Noel Na křídlech anděla / Flying with my angel CZ
Hrdinka, zdravotní sestra, řeší vztah víry a lásky v podmínkách saudskoarabské nemocnice, kam odjíždí pracovat. Z větší části životopisný příběh, psaný ve dvou jazycích zároveň, češtině a angličtině, je výbornou pomůckou při výuce kteréhokoli z obou jazyků. Pro dobrou přehledenost jsou jazyky situovány na protilehlých stranách.
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Jack London Na konci duhy / At the Rainbow´s End CZ
Výbor tří méně známých povídek Jacka Londona z divoké přírody: Konec příběhu, Na konci duhy a Dům pro Mapuhiho. Zatímco děj prvních dvou příběhů pomyslně spojuje zamrzlý tok řeky Yukon, při jehož březích a v jehož ledových vodách se do lidského slovníku znovu vrací slova láska, život a smrt, Dům pro Mapuhiho zavede čtenáře mezi lovce perel z atolu Hikueru v okamžiku, kdy se k jeho břehům blíží hrozivý hurikán.…
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Vladimir Korkin Na jihozápadní frontě (v ruskom jazyku) RU
Mladý ukrajinec Alexander Milanyuk dobrovolně jde do 1. světové války. Bojuje na přední linii a ukazuje na rezervy 8. armády jihozápadní fronty. Během Brusilovově průlomu zažil nejhorší událost 1. světové války. Pak už jako podporučík se připojil k osvobozenecké armádě admirala Alexandra Vasiljeviče Kolčaka. Měl možnost si vyzkoušet mnoho dobrodružství v bojových situacích. Ale i uprostřed Uralských hor si pamatoval…
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Hermann Hesse Na ceste / Am weg
Ďalší titul z pera nositeľa Nobelovej ceny Hermanna Hesseho - poviedky v nemecko-slovenskom dvojjazyčnom prevedeni a s autorovými ilustráciami. Jeho najznámejšími literárnymi dielami sú Stepný vlk, Siddhártha a Hra so sklenenými perlami.
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Agatha Christie N or M? EN
Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.
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Myths, Legends, and Sacred Stories
From lightning-wielding Zeus, the supreme Greek god, to protective Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of love - heroes, gods, and monsters are brought to life in these retellings of myths from around the world. Myths, Legends, and Sacred ...
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Adrian Furnham Myths of Work
Buying a table tennis table will make your staff happier. Working eight hours a day, five days a week, will result in the most productivity. Paying higher salaries will always result in higher motivation...
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Neil Philip Myths in Minutes
The world's great fables, sagas and legends dramatically retold. Myths are the greatest stories ever told. Passed down over millennia, they are the templates for all our stories, with their eternal themes of creation and destruction, ...
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Philip Wilkinson Myths and Legends
Discover the world's greatest myths and legends - from Greek mythology to Norse mythology - in this comprehensive guide. What did Japanese mythology say about the beginning of the Universe? ...
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Stephen Fry Mythos
The Greek myths are amongst the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce and Walt Disney. They are embedded deeply in the traditions, tales and cultural DNA of the West. You'll fall in love with Zeus, marvel at the birth of Athena, wince at Cronus and Gaia's revenge on Ouranos, weep with King Midas and hunt with…
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Stephen Fry Mythos
One of the most imaginative minds alive retells the greatest stories in history - the Greek Myths...
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Peter Conrad Mythomania EN
Despite our culture’s proclaimed respect for scientific reason, we live in a society that is no less bedazzled-and bedevilled-by myth than those of our remote ancestors. Roland Barthes first examined the mythical resonances of consumer products in the 1950s. Far from being demystified, consumerism has since morphed into a universal religion, its compulsory ritual of shopping essential to our economic survival. Myth…
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Peter Conrad Mythomania EN
Despite a proclaimed respect for scientific reason, humans are still as intrigued by myth as their remote ancestors. Laptops and smartphones are sold under a logo that invokes the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden; skimpily clad classical nymphs cavort in TV reality shows; Narcissus makes a comeback whenever we snap a selfie. Mythical creatures such as handsome vampires abound in best-selling novels. Myth has…
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Edith Hamilton Mythology : Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
For decades readers have chosen this book above all others to discover the thrilling, enchanting and fascinating world of Western mythology. From Odysseus's adventure-filled journey to the Norse god Odin's effort to postpone the final day of doom...
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Stephen P. Kershaw, Victoria Topping (ilustrácie) Mythologica
An illustrated encyclopedia of Greek mythology like no other, Mythologica features startlingly beautiful and exquisitely otherworldly portraits of mythological characters in eye-popping colour from artist Victoria Topping and authoritative ...
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Robert Holdstock Mythago Wood EN
Deep within the wildwood lies a place of myth and mystery, from which few return, and none remain unchanged. Ryhope Wood may look like a three-mile-square fenced-in wood in rural Herefordshire on the outside, but inside, it is a primeval, intricate labyrinth of trees, impossibly huge, unforgettable... and stronger than time itself. Stephen Huxley has already lost his father to the mysteries of Ryhope Wood. On his…
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Robert Holdstock Mythago Wood EN
Deep within the wildwood lies a place of myth and mystery, from which few return, and of those few, none remain unchanged. Ryhope Wood may look like a three-mile-square fenced-in wood in rural Herefordshire on the outside, but inside, it is a primeval, intricate labyrinth of trees, impossibly huge, unforgettable ... and stronger than time itself. Stephen Huxley has already lost his father to the mysteries of Ryhope…
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Kinuko Y. Craft Myth and Magic EN
Immerse yourself in the enchanted fantasy world of Kinuko Y. Craft, celebrated contemporary illustrator, painter, and storyteller. Transcend time and space as you color to life these gorgeous illustrations of goddessess, angels, fairies, princesses, heroes, and mythological creatures. Craft's vast body of work includes award-winning illustrated books of classic fairy tales and cover art for fantasy novels.
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Dennis Lehane Mystic River EN
There are threads in our lives. You pull one, and everything else gets affected. When they were children, Sean Devine, Jimmy Marcus and Dave Boyle were friends. But then a strange car pulled up their street. One boy got in the car, two did not, and something terrible happened - something that ended their friendship and changed all three boys forever. Twenty-five years later, Sean Devine is a homicide detective.…
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Meir Kryger Mystery of Sleep
An authoritative and accessible guide to what happens when we shut our eyes at night. We spend a third of our lives in bed, but how much do we really understand about how sleep affects us? In the past forty years, scientists have discovered that...
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Umberto Eco Mysterious Flame Of Queen Loana EN
Yambo, a sixty-ish rare book dealer who lives in Milan has suffered a loss of memory; not the kind of memory neurologists call 'semantic' (Yambo remembers all about Julius Caesar and can recite every poem he has ever read), but rather his 'autobiographical' memory: he no longer knows his own name, doesn't recognize his wife or his daughters, doesn't remember anything about his parents or his childhood. His wife, who…
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Umberto Eco Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana EN
Yambo, a sixty-ish rare book dealer who lives in Milan has suffered a loss of memory; not the kind of memory neurologists call 'semantic' (Yambo remembers all about Julius Caesar and can recite every poem he has ever read), but rather his 'autobiographical' memory: he no longer knows his own name, doesn't recognize his wife or his daughters, doesn't remember anything about his parents or his childhood. His wife, who…