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Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Začiatok neuveriteľných dobrodružstiev Dona Quijota de la Mancha - El comienzo de la increíble historia de Don Quijote de la Mancha
Publikácia je zjednodušeným prepracovaním prvých štyroch kapitol známeho románu Miguela de Cervantesa, ktoré rozprávajú o prvom dobrodružstve slávneho „rytiera smutnej postavy“ Dona Quijota de la Mancha. Text knihy je spracovaný pre študijné účely a určený stredne pokročilým študentom španielčiny, ktorí si chcú vyskúšať, ako sú schopní porozumieť cudzojazyčný literárny text. Môže byť užitočnou pomôckou pri…
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Posy Edwards Zac Efron: Me and You EN
ME AND YOU includes everything you need to know about the High School Musical star. Read about Zac's pets and hobbies or take the quiz and find out whether you could be Zac's perfect date. Compare lists of your favourite things with the most dreamy of dream boyfriends and enjoy the gorgeous photos on every page. Hey, you can even take the personality test and add your own photos in too! So, have yourself a Zac…
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Georges Simenon Zabiják Stan / Stan Le Tueur CZ
Dobrácký bručoun komisař Maigret, mohutný muž se svižnou myslí a břitkým úsudkem, řeší poslední případy před vytouženým odchodem do důchodu. Ještě v Paříži překvapivě odhalí vůdce bandy polských zabijáků a poslední den své služby pak málem sedne na lep falešné prostitutce. Jenže i když se pak chce poprvé v životě oddat odpočinku a nicnedělání na Azurovém pobřeží, zločin ho dostihne v luxusním hotelu; jindy se zase…
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Zabijáci z Westbricku
Být jen špatný v tomto městě nestačí.. Billy a Barbara jsou dva nevyléčitelní psychopaté, kteří se pustí na vražednou pouť . Temné město Westbrick ovládne strach. Ve stejné době dostává policejní nováček Mathew svůj první úkol, se kterým mu má pomáhat zkušeny veterán William. Jejich cesty se brzy zkříží s Billym a Barbarou. Při střetu je William brutálně zavražděn, a Mathew je mylně obviněn z jeho vraždy. Dokáže…
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Ewa Lipinska Z polskim na Ty PL
Celem podrecznika jest odswiezenie i/lub przekazanie niezbednej dla tego poziomu wiedzy jezykowej oraz rozwijanie sprawnosci jezykowych tak, by umozliwic uczacemu sie przejscie na poziom srednio zaawansowany. Jest to bardzo przydatna pomoc dla osob, ktore znaja polski z domu, a nigdy nie uczyly sie go na regularnych kursach. Podrecznik sklada sie z dwoch czesci - gramatycznej i leksykalno-sprawnosciowej. Pierwsza…
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Miroslav Fišmeister Z
Magická sbírka básní Miroslava Fišmeistera. Miroslav Fišmeister se narodil 23. 4. 1976 v Brně, žije tamtéž. Amatérský přírodovědec. Jeho prvotinu Ten stolek je nízký (Petrov 2005) vybavila kritika těmito slovy: „Magicky roztodivná poetika, nevídaný výrazový minimalismus, k prasknutí napínavé lyrické zkratky a hypersenzitivní smutek…“ Jeho nová sbírka Z ještě více rozvíjí básníkovy mimořádné kvality.
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Jérômine Savignon Yves Saint Laurent's Studio EN
The name of Yves Saint Laurent, one of the great fashion designers of the twentieth century, evokes the now-iconic looks he helped popularize as part of the modern woman's wardrobe: the Le Smoking tuxedo jacket, the pea coat, the Mondrian dress, the jumpsuit. But seven years after Saint Laurent's death, the man himself remains an enigma and a source of fascination (two Yves Saint Laurent biopics were released in…
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Yves Saint Laurent Catwalk
Founded by Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé in 1961, shortly after the young couturier left his post at the helm of Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent would soon become one of the most successful and influential haute couture houses in Paris...
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Patrick Mauries Yves Saint Laurent Accessories
An exclusive homage to – and retrospective of – the iconic fashion designer's couture accessories.One can never overstate the importance of accessories. They are what turns a dress into something else. I like dresses to be sober and accessories to be wild, Yves Saint Laurent, 1977. Yves Saint Laurent Accessories is the first book to date to shed light on the breathtaking accessories created by one of the most…
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Yuko Higuchis Cats and Other Creatures
Enter the surreal world of Yuko Higuchi, where dogs become astronauts and cats join the circus. This stunning collection of twenty-four artworks created by the cult Japanese illustrator is a must for lovers of all things fantastical and bizarre.
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Thomas Reilly Youth Soccer - From Science to Performance EN
As the adult game has increased in popularity, youth soccer has also seen significant expansion in recent years. The popularity of the youth game is set to continue. Young boy and girl players wish to emulate professional soccer stars and the professional game, often with long-term financial rewards in mind, is increasingly keen to develop young talent. Applied sports science is now a well-established feature of…
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Isaac Asimov Youth / Mládí EN
Isaac Asimov napsal přes 300 vědecko-populárních knih, získal řadu cen a vytvořil 3 zákony robotiky. Řada jeho děl se dočkala televizních či filmových adaptací – nedávno vznikl např. film Já, robot. Sci-fi povídka Youth (Mládí) poprvé vyšla v květnu 1952 v časopise Space Science Fiction a později byla otisknuta ve sbírce The Martian Way and Other Stories (Cesta Marťanů a jiné povídky). Je jednou z nemnoha povídek…
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John Maxwell Coetzee Youth
A student in 1950s South Africa has long been plotting an escape from his country. Studying mathematics, reading poetry, saving money, he tries to ensure that when he arrives in the real world, he will be prepared...
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Yousuf Karsh Yousuf Karsh EN
Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002) is one of the masters of 20th century photography. His body of work includes portraits of statesmen, artists, musicians, authors, scientists, and men and women of accomplishment. His extraordinary and unique portfolio presents the viewer with an intimate and compassionate view of humanity.
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Krist Pauwels Your Work and Your Life
Enrich your work and life via a three-step method for deepening personal consciousness, forming the basis for a more mature communal awareness. The stronger you are and the more opportunities you can make for yourself, the better you can connect with the world around you.
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Eloisa James Your Wicked Ways EN
Helen, the Countess Godwin, knows there is nothing more unbearably tedious than a virtuous woman. After all, she's been one for ten long years while her scoundrel of a husband lives with strumpets and causes scandal after scandal. So she decides it's time for a change: she styles her hair in the newest, most daring mode, puts on a shockingly transparent gown and goes to a ball like Cinderella, hoping to find a…
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Angel Adoree Your Vintage Tea Party Journal EN
Following the enormous success of The Vintage Tea Party Book, The Vintage Tea Party Year and The Vintage Sweets Book, Angel Adoree now invites you to put your own vintage quirk to the test. With a unique mixture of recipes, hairstyling tips, make-up methods and advice for collecting vintage china, you can now compile all the things you love about vintage in this beautiful keepsake.
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Raphaëlle Giordano Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One
At thirty-eight and a quarter years old, Camille has everything she needs to be happy, or so it seems: a good job, a loving husband, a wonderful son. Why then does she feel as if happiness has slipped through her fingers? ...
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Chris Kresser Your Personal Paleo Diet EN
The idea behind the Paleo, or 'caveman', diet is simple - eat the food we humans were genetically and biologically meant to eat, as our hunter-gatherer ancestors once did, and we can all experience near-effortless weight loss, increased vitality and greatly improved health. But does it really make sense to restrict yourself to the limited range of foods available to our ancestors? Although we share a lot in common…