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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44224 kníh v kategórii )

Pozrite si novinky v kategórii Knižky v cudzom jazyku. Objednaj si dnes, aby si mohol čítať čo najskôr!

  • Lucy Letherland Atlas of Adventures EN

    Set your spirit of adventure free with this lavishly illustrated trip around the world. Explore seven continent maps, packed with hundred of activities and challenges to inspire armchair travellers of any age. Whether you're visiting the penguins of Antarctica, joining the Carnival in Brazil or a canoe safari down the Zambezi River, this book brings together epic adventures from the remotest corners of the globe and…

  • Yu-Lin Lian, Chun-Yan Chen, Michael Hammes Atlas of Acupuncuture EN

    This acupuncture atlas not only provides beginners with an overview of the most important acupuncture points, but experienced practitioners can also learn about seldom used acupuncture points and also broaden their knowledge. Acupuncture in Latin means sticking with the needle. Each of the 409 important acupuncture points is presented with an anatomical graphic, an overview of the meridian and a photo showing the…

  • Joshua Foer Atlas Obscura Explorer's Journal

    Atlas Obscura, the 2016 bestseller, offered rabid travellers and dreamers a new travel bucket list of places off the beaten path. This new Atlas Obscura Explorer's Journal will help them keep track of where their wanderlust takes them, and all their adventures along the way. A lay-flat paperback with storage pocket, this journal features blank pages for travellers to write their itineraries and plans, key contacts,…

  • Joshua Foer Atlas Obscura

    Now the best gets better and the weirdest gets weirder with this completely revised and updated second edition that includes 120 new entries that offer readers even more of the most unusual, curious, bizarre, and mysterious places on earth...

  • Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras, Ella Morton Atlas Obscura EN

    It's time to get off the beaten path. Inspiring equal parts wonder and wanderlust, Atlas Obscura celebrates over 700 of the strangest and most curious places in the world. Talk about a bucket list: here are natural wonders the dazzling glowworm caves in New Zealand, or a baobob tree in South Africa that's so large it has a pub inside where 15 people can drink comfortably. Architectural marvels, including the M.C.…

  • Peter van der Krogt Atlas Maior of 1665 EN

    Najrozsiahlejší a najkvalitnejší atlas z obdobia baroka s názvom Atlas Maior Joana Blaeua vznikol v roku 1665 ako reakcia na iný dobový atlas vytvorený kartografom Johannesom Janssoniom, Blaeuovým rivalom. Pôvodné 11-zväzkové vydanie v latinčine obsahovalo 596 máp Európy, Afriky, Ázie, Ameriky a Antarktídy a predstavovalo najväčší a najkompletnejší atlas svojej doby a zároveň jednu z najvzácnejších kníh 17. storočia…

  • Joan Blaeu, Peter van der Krogt Atlas Maior of 1665 EN

    Superlatives tend to fail in face of Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Maior, one of the most extravagant feats in the history of mapmaking. The original Latin edition, completed in 1665, was the largest and most expensive book to be published during the 17th century. Its 594 maps across 11 volumes spanned Arctica, Asia, Europe, and America. Its scale and ambition occupies such an important place in Dutch history that it is…

  • Alastair Campbell Atlas Journal EN

    50 elegantly tinted maps, showing the whole world, are ready for your annotations, explorations or reminiscences: as they are printed on uncoated paper stock, you can write or draw over them as you desire, and this journal will rapidly become a truly personal atlas of your world and record of your travels. There are political and topographical maps of every territory, and the back of the book also contains a handy…

  • Atlas EN

    Carry the world in your pocket - now in its 6th edition. It might be small, but Atlas covers every region of the world, from the Atacama Desert to the Zagros Mountains. Now fully revised and updated, digital landscape modelling combined with important roads, railways, rivers and settlements give a complete global overview. Swot up for the pub quiz, with over 400 essential facts, figures and insights, from geography…

  • Geoffrey Ashe Atlantis EN

    With more than two million copies sold in more than a dozen languages, the Art & Imagination series provides illustrated introductions by distinguished writers and scholars to the worlds of mythology, symbols, and sacred traditions. This classic series has now been redesigned and reformatted for a new generation of readers, and it launches with the following four titles. The mythical lost island of Atlantis has…

  • David Gibbins Atlantis EN

    Archaeologist Jack Howard is a brave but cautious man. When he embarked on a new search for buried treasure in the Mediterranean, he knew it was a long shot. When he uncovered a golden disc that spoke of a lost civilization more advanced than any in the ancient world, he started to get excited. But when Jack Howard and his intrepid crew finally got close to uncovering the secrets the sea had held for thousands of…

  • Ally Condie Atlantia EN

    Set within a civilization that lives deep beneath the sea, twin sisters, Rio and Bay, are about to make the most important decision of their lives. Will they choose to stay Below, sacrificing their soul but living in happiness, or to go Above, keeping their soul but living in weakness and misery. No one could have predicted their choice.

  • Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, Jan de Hartog Atkins' Physical Chemistry

    Atkins' Physical Chemistry is widely acknowledged by both students and lecturers around the globe to be the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry. Now in its eleventh edition, the text has been enhanced with additional learning features and maths support, re-organised into discrete Topics, to make the text more flexible to teach from and more readable for students.

  • Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula Atkins' Physical Chemistry EN

    Atkins' Physical Chemistry epitomises the benchmark of achievement for a chemistry degree throughout the world. Its broad coverage, concise explanations, and robust mathematical support are clearly presented in an engaging style to furnish students with a solid foundation in the subject. In this ninth edition the authors continue to refine their presentation of physical chemistry. The coverage of introductory…

  • Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula Atkins' Physical Chemistry EN

    Atkins' Physical Chemistry is widely acknowledged by students and lecturers alike around the globe to be the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry. Now in its tenth edition, the text has been enhanced with additional learning features and maths support, and has been radically restructured into short focussed topics.The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make the tenth…

  • Gray Cook Athletic Body in Balance EN

    Great athletes make difficult moves look effortless with a combination of skill, strength, and balance. Traditional conditioning builds a fitness base, but modern sports training takes into account athletic movement patterns. Athletic Body in Balance is the first guide of its kind to show you how to train for smooth, fluid movement and prevent muscle imbalances, mobility restrictions, stability problems, and…

  • Joscelyn Godwin Athanasius Kircher's Theatre of the World EN

    Athanasius Kircher (1602-80) was acknowledged to be the most learned man of his age. By profession a Jesuit priest, he made himself an authority on every subject under (and above) the sun and published the results of his researches in over thirty lavishly illustrated volumes in Latin. His museum in Rome was famous and visited by everybody in the world of learning. Inevitably, his work has been superseded in most…

  • Atentát v Ambassadoru (Bobby)

    6. června 1968 byl v hotelu Ambassador zavražděn americký senátor Robert F. Kennedy. Událost, která změnila historii a životy mnoha lidí. 4. června 1968 Senátor Robert F. Kennedy přijíždí do hotelu Ambassador v Los Angeles přednést projev v rámci své kandidatury na prezidenta Spojených států. Ve všech lidech vzbuzuje naději, vzrušení a dojem, že jeho zvolení bude příčinou velkých změn. V následujících dvou dnech…

  • Herta Müller Atemschaukel DE

    Rumänien 1945: Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist zu Ende. Die deutsche Bevölkerung lebt in Angst. Es war 3 Uhr in der Nacht zum 15. Januar 1945, als die Patrouille mich holte. Die Kälte zog an, es waren -15º C. So beginnt ein junger Mann den Bericht über seine Deportation in ein Lager nach Russland. Anhand seines Lebens erzählt Herta Müller von dem Schicksal der deutschen Bevölkerung in Siebenbürgen. In Gesprächen mit dem…

  • Tim Winton Atem DE

    Sonne, Meer und Weite für einen Surfer ist das nicht genug. Er braucht die große, die immer größere Welle. Der Westaustralier Bruce Pike ist in seinem Leben viele Wellen geritten, er weiß um die Faszination und die Tücken dieses Sports. Dabei fing alles so harmlos an: Als Kind tauchte er mit seinem Freund Loonie um die Wette, es ging darum, so lange wie möglich den Atem anzuhalten. Bald entdeckten sie gemeinsam das…

  • Andrew Mango Atatürk EN

    Mango (who was born in Istanbul and has written extensively on modern Turkey) expertly traces Ataturk's rise to power after World War I, when this complex leader created the modern Turkish state and redefined the relationship between Europe and the Middle East. He shows Ataturk's influence on the role of Islam in the modern nation.

  • Andrew Mango Atatürk EN

    This biography of Atatürk aims to strip away the myth to show the complexities of the man beneath. Born plain Mustafa in Ottoman Salonica in 1881, he trained as an army officer but was virtually unknown until 1919, when he took the lead in thwarting the victorious Allies' plan to partition the Turkish core of the Ottoman Empire. He divided the Allies, defeated the last Sultan and secured the territory of the Turkish…
