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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44223 kníh v kategórii )

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  • Klaus Beer Bewehren nach DIN EN 1992-1-1 (EC2) DE

    Der Leser erhält mit diesem Tabellenbuch einen schnellen und übersichtlichen Einblick in die Bewehrung von Stahlbetonbauteilen. Wie viele Rundstähle kommen in einen Balken? In welche Richtung wird eine Q-Matte verlegt? Der Autor erklärt mit anschaulichen Abbildungen, wie der Stahl im Beton verlegt und auch zeichnerisch dargestellt wird. Zahlreiche Tabellen und Beispiele ermöglichen ein schnelles Auffinden der…

  • Josef Ehmer Bevölkerungsgeschichte und Historische Demographie 1800-2010 DE

    This new edition of Josef Ehmer's much-praised textbook on historical demographics extends its perspectives to the new millennium, considering the most recent demographic developments. Ehmer reflects on the new paradigm of 'demographic change' and includes the results of the 2011 census. The latest research findings and an updated bibliography round out the new edition.

  • Voigt Vilmos Bevezetés a szemiotikába HU

    A szerző bevezeti az olvasót a fiatal tudományág, a pragmatika elméletébe, módszertanába, vitáiba, kérdésfelvetéseibe, egy nagy kutatási tradíciókkal rendelkező témát helyez új megvilágításba. Ez az alakzatok /metafora,túlzás,irónia stb./ használata, megértése. Ajánljuk felsőoktatási tankönyvnek, szakkönyvnek és ismeretterjesztésre is!

  • László Kálmán, Viktor Trón Bevezetés a nyelvtudományba HU

    A könyv kilenc fejezete áttekinti a nyelvtudomány minden fontosabb területét, ismerteti a legfőbb kérdéseket és számba veszi a legfontosabb eredményeket. Újszerű vonása, hogy kritikus szemmel közelít a tudományos problémákhoz, kevés tudományos nézetet fogad el egyedüli igazságként, ezért általában több felfogást is bemutat. Mindezt tömören, a lényeget a lehető legjobban kiemelve teszi.

  • Miklós Almási Bevezetés a 21. századba

    A 21. század mindent felborított, radikálisan új világot hozott, mindent lecserélt, ami a 20. században otthonos volt. Almási Miklós könyvélményein (művészet, zene, irodalom, építészet, filozófia, társadalomismeret, film)...

  • Kevin Crossley-Holland Between Worlds

    The definitive collection of British and Irish folktales from master storyteller and poet Kevin Crossley-Holland...

  • Stephen Rabley Between Two Worlds

    Original / British English. Joanna Jimbuku is a nurse in Australia. She works with a Flying Doctor. One day a baby is very ill. Joanna takes the baby to Sydney. It's her first visit to a big city, and she loves it...

  • Stephen Rabley Between Two Worlds

    Original / British English Joanna Jimbuku is a nurse in Australia. She works with a Flying Doctor. One day a baby is very ill. Joanna takes the baby to Sydney. It's her first visit to a big city, and she loves it...

  • A. K. Benedict, Ashling Lindsay (ilustrácie) Between Tick and Tock

    The second magical picture book from the author and illustrator of The Night Box. High above the bustle of the city, are eyes that watch, and hands that know, it's time to pause the clock . .. and for one tiny second between tick and tock, the city stops!

  • Barb Hendee Between their Worlds EN

    Wynn Hygeort is stunned when Magiere and Leesil, along with the elven wolf Chap, show up at the Guild of Sagecraft. But Wynn cannot leave with her friendsNshe still must access the texts within the Guild's archives. To complete her task, Wynn must remain.

  • Ta-Nehisi Coates Between the World and Me EN

    In a profound work that pivots from the biggest questions about American history and ideals to the most intimate concerns of a father for his son, Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a powerful new framework for understanding our nation’s history and current crisis. Americans have built an empire on the idea of “race,” a falsehood that damages us all but falls most heavily on the bodies of black women and men bodies exploited…

  • Colette Caddle Between the Sheets EN

    Dana De Lacey, bestselling romance novelist, has the world at her feet. The words on the page flow easily; an exciting new book deal beckons, and life at home in Dublin is good. But Dana's self-confidence and success depend on one person: her gorgeous husband, Gus. Without him, she has no fall-back. No children, no close family of her own to call upon. When Gus leaves her, she is devastated. The words fail to come.…

  • Jodi Picoult, Samantha Van Leer Between the Lines EN

    An enchanting YA novel from Number One bestselling author Jodi Picoult, co-written with her teenage daughter. Delilah knows it's weird, but she can't stop reading her favourite fairy tale. Other girls her age are dating and cheerleading. But then, other girls are popular. She loves the comfort of the happy ending, and knowing there will be no surprises. Until she gets the biggest surprise of all, when Prince Oliver…

  • Jodi Picoult, Samantha Van Leer Between the Lines EN

    From the Number One bestselling author Jodi Picoult comes an enchanting fairy tale, written with her teenage daughter. Delilah knows it's weird, but she can't stop reading her favourite fairy tale. Other girls her age are dating and cheerleading. But then, other girls are popular. She loves the comfort of the happy ending, and knowing there will be no surprises.Until she gets the biggest surprise of all, when Prince…

  • Aravind Adiga Between the Assassinations EN

    Nestling on India's southern coast lies the town of Kittur. Ranging through the city's streets and schoolyards, bedrooms and businesses, its inner workings and its outer limits, through the myriad and distinctive voices of its inhabitants, Aravind Adiga brings an entire world vividly and unforgettably to life.

  • Virginia Woolf Between the Acts

    It is June in 1939, and the inhabitants of a country house prepare for the annual village pageant that will be held in its grounds that day. It will tell the stories of English history, as it does every year. Yet the coming of war broods ...

  • Leif G.W. Persson Between Summer's Longing and Winter's End

    Stockholm. The dead of winter. A young American dies, falling from a tall building. It appears to be a casual, self-inflicted death. But when Superintendent Lars Martin Johansson begins to delve beneath the layers of corruption, incompetence and violence

  • Leif G. W. Persson Between Summer's Longing and Winter's End EN

    It begins with the apparent suicide of a young American student in Stockholm. What is at first an open and shut case of suicide quickly leads to a complex web of international espionage, treachery and ultimately the legendary murder of the Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme. Dogged by the incompetence of their colleagues and the murkiness of the political aspects of the case, a few good and honourable policemen must…

  • Cathy Kelly Between Sisters EN

    Meet the women of Delaney Square ... Cassie has spent her married life doing everything right - making sure her children have the perfect life, being a devoted wife and a dutiful daughter-in-law. Although it's left her so exhausted that 'wine o'clock' comes a little earlier each afternoon ... Her sister Coco runs a vintage dress shop and has shied away from commitment over the years. Coco believes men complicate…

  • Ruta Sepetys Between Shades of Gray EN

    Between Shades of Gray is a haunting and powerful Second World War novel by Ruta Sepetys That morning, my brother's life was worth a pocket watch ...One night fifteen-year-old Lina, her mother and young brother are hauled from their home by Soviet guards, thrown into cattle cars and sent away. They are being deported to Siberia. An unimaginable and harrowing journey has begun. Lina doesn't know if she'll ever see…

  • Martin Buber Between Man and Man EN

    Scholar, theologian and philosopher, Martin Buber is one of the twentieth century's most influential thinkers. He believed that the deepest reality of human life lies in the relationship between one being and another. Between Man and Man is the classic work where he puts this belief into practice, applying it to the concrete problems of contemporary society. Here he tackles subjects as varied as religious ethics,…

  • Paul R. Hinlicky Between Humanist Philosophy and Apocalyptic Theology EN

    Samuel Štefan Osuský was a leading intellectual in Slovak Lutheranism and a bishop in his church. In 1937 he delivered a prescient lecture to the assembled clergy, The Philosophy of Fascism, Bolshevism and Hitlerism, that clearly foretold the dark days ahead. As wartime bishop, he co-authored a Pastoral Letter on the Jewish Question, which publicly decried the deportation of Jews to Poland in 1942; in 1944 he was…
